Join the 5th inno4sd symposium in Mexico City - Nov 12-15, 2019
The Innovation for Sustainable Development Network will hold its fifth annual symposium in Mexico City (Campus Santa Fe, Universidad IberoAmericana), on November 12-15th, 2019.
The topic is 'Social innovation and Financing for the SDGs' - it will focus on the role of social and green innovation and impact financing for a circular economy and a transformation to healthy and sustainable agro-food systems.The inno4sd symposium 'Social Innovation and Financing for the Sustainable Development Goals' is a space for dialogue and knowledge transfer between all the ecosystem actors related with innovation and entrepreneurship for the SDGs. Its main result is to identify areas of opportunity where the scientific knowledge can be applied –immediate and efficiently- in the solution of the most important and urgent public policy challenges of the Americas regions, and for Mexico in particular. More information available at:
The Innovation for Sustainable Development Network (inno4sd) is a global initiative created in 2015 in Brussels with funding from de European Commission (Horizon 2020). Its mission is to bring together networks, entities and individuals with the aim of reducing knowledge fragmentation and supporting multiple agent’s collaboration in order to promote decision making based on (scientific) evidence, whilst engaging policy makers, research & development and businesses to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Previous editions of the inno4sd symposium were held in Brussels, (Belgium, 2015 and 2018), Nicosia (Cyprus, 2016) and Pretoria (South Africa, 2017). To date, over 4500 people have participated in the different events organised by inno4sd in collaboration with partners.
The 2019 Symposium has been designed with the following areas:
- A session with scholars, researchers and PhD students (Nov 12th);
- A High-level Policy Dialogue at the Mexican Chamber of Deputies (Nov 13th, morning);
- A session with entities of the ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship for the SDGs at National Monte de Piedad (Nov 13th, evening);
- A multi-actor dialogue, workshops and special sessions at Universidad Iberoamericana (Nov 14-15th).
The 2019 Symposium is organised by inno4sd in association with the School of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EDESI) from Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City
Co-organised with:
- Center for High Impact Social Innovation (CISAI) from ITESO
- GreenMomentum / Cleantech Challenge Mexico
- Mexican Network in International Cooperation and Development (REMECID)
With strategic international partners:
- Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
- Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
- Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP_
- Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN, hosted by McGill University -Desaultes School of Management)
- Montreal International
And national strategic partners:
- Mexican Congress -H- Cámara de Diputados -Foreign Affairs Commission
- Cirklo Mexico
- Futuro Circular
Sponsored by:
- National Monte de Piedad
With the support of:
- EU Delegation in Mexico
- Mexican Office of the Presidency / Agenda 2030 Mexico - Coordination Unit
- Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs (tbc)
- British Council (tbc)
- Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Mexico (tbc)
- The Fridha Company
- Causa Natura
- SDSN Mexico