Data Protection

Your data will be handled with strict confidentiality following the provisions laid out in the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (

The information to be collected in this application form is necessary for submitting an application to become a member of the inno4sd network ( Filling in this form does not guarantee a formal acceptance of membership or partnership. Request for partnerships as donors/sponsors and strategic partners will receive additional information and a meeting request will be sent by an authorised representative of inno4sd.

Until the 31.01.2019 TNO acts as the data controller of all information collected by the inno4sd network; the TNO privacy statement ( explains how TNO uses and protects personal data and how you can exercise the rights you have under the GDPR.

Personal Profile

About the person filling in this form

Title / Salutation *

Indicate your preferred mode of contact by instant messaging and/or social media account (e.g. Skype, WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook) and kindly provide the required details (ID name, etc.)
inno4sd aims to keep a gender balance among its membership, specially among those in management level. This is an aspect of our code of ethics and a requirement of our initial sponsor, the H2020 programme of the European Commission.

Partnering with inno4sd

What kind of partnership would you be seeking to establish with inno4sd? *

At this point in time you may choose one option only. For a description of the benefits and obligations of each category please follow this link [Provide Link]. Until March 2019 there will be no membership fees for the categories networks, action, knowledge and individuals. However, this may change in the future, depending on the final decision made by our initial financer. More information is available upon request.

Motivation to join the network

Your contribution to innovation for sustainable development

Please describe the type of innovations your organization focuses on *

Broadly speaking inno4sd uses the term innovation as defined in the OECD Oslo manual version 2018 ( However, the fundamental difference in our understanding of innovation is its systemic nature, the public good of innovation and the value it generates, which for inno4sd is not restricted to economic value, but special attention is paid to environmental and social value. In the options below, we consider that all innovations can be technological and non-technological. You may select more than one option.

Please select which SDG (Sustainable Development Goal) is more relevant for your organisation *

You may select more than one option.

In which specific area of services would you like to collaborate with the inno4sd network and under which capacity? *

Sponsoring Joint organisation/development Leading a specific activity / developing a specific output Active participation and dissemination User of inno4sd services; no additional input Other
Symposium, events, workshops
Global database of experts (
Global maps and database of programmes, iniciatives, policies, etc (inno4sd maps)
Communities of practice
inno4sd library of green and social innovation
inno4sd academy
MOOC and webinars
Valorisation platform
Policy reviews
STI for SDG policy roadmaps
Manuals and guidelines
Monitoring/ STIR reviews

In which of the following flagship initiatives you would be interested more to collaborate with us and under which capacity? *

Sponsoring Joint organisation / development Leading a specific activity / developing a specific output Active participation and dissemination Beneficiary of initiatives with no additional input Other
Global initiative & declaration on learning and innovation for sustainability, climate action and circular economy
Knowledge repository innovation for SDGs
Global programme STI for SDG roadmaps and solutions-pilots
Inno4sd Academy - global mobility and training programme
Multi-stakeholder policy-science dialogues
Policy learning / experimentation / STIR reviews
Global platform for monitoring of green and social innovation for a transition to inclusive green economies
Systemic experimentation in cities – climate and SDGs
Global programme on policy learning about systemic innovation / transformations
Global network of cleantech testing, training and end of life centres

Please share with us a concrete idea for contribution or collaboration different to our flagship projects or services, or perhaps you have detected an area of opportunity where inno4sd or in collaboration with partners we can make a difference at the local, regional, national or international level?

Please briefly state your idea in no more than 500 words. Kindly be advised that by filling in this form inno4sd does NOT commit to any joint endeavor nor provides funding for such project or idea.

Information about your organisation

Some information details about your organisation.
As it appears in your legal form (e.g. registration at the chamber of commerce or statutes)
As it appears in your legal form (e.g. registration at the chamber of commerce or statutes)
In terms of number of employees or members, respectively
In terms of number of people covered by your services.
Please provide the address of your main location (headquarters or main office).

In which of the following flagship initiatives you would be interested more to collaborate with us and under which capacity? *

Street name, number, postcode, city, country, telephone number, email for general enquiries
Street name, number, postcode, city, country, telephone number, email for general enquiries

I hereby authorise inno4sd to use the following logo in the section 'membership' and in other official communication of the network once our membership is confirmed. *

Please add a high-res file. JPEG and PNG formats are preferred

Official Representative Information

Information required for donors/financers and strategic partners about the contact person in the organization authorised to subscribe formal partnerships

Title / Salutation *

inno4sd aims to keep a gender balance among its membership, specially among those in management level. This is an aspect of our code of ethics and a requirement of our initial sponsor, the H2020 programme of the European Commission.
For example details of their executive assistant, preferred salutation, timezone, prefer mode of contact, etc.