Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP)
The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) is a market catalyst for clean energy in developing countries and emerging markets. In this role it acts as an investor, information provider and connector for up-scaling clean energy business models.[0]

The challenge
Climate change and rising energy costs are serious challenges world-wide. Consequently, integrating renewable energy plays a major role in finding holistic solutions. Since promoting sustainable practices requires a complex approach, NGOs can be key drivers for such a development providing consultancy for various stakeholders such as industry, policy makers and citizens. Accelerating the global market towards sustainable energy with a primary focus on emerging markets, but while still complying with sustainability criteria, is the aim of REEEP’s activities.[1] To tackle one of the most energy consuming sectors, construction, the “1 Billion m2” project was developed. This project aims to encourage sustainable construction, i.e. reversing the mainstream trend and making buildings net energy providers, instead of energy users.[2]
The network
The REEEP Partnership was established alongside the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg. Its secretariat is based in Austria. Currently REEEP comprises of 385 partner organisations including governments, private companies and international organisations. The partnership works with partners in both the public and private sectors to implement promising projects.[3] REEEP is a non-profit association with a network of Regional Secretariats world-wide.[4] It is governed by a Governing Board, a Programme Board and a Finance Committee.[5] The network provides a variety of data, tools and policy documents, supporting the dissemination of information.
The benefits
REEEP is providing support on a broad scale, acting as funding coordinator, information provider and connector for up-scaling clean energy business models.[6] The partnership represents a networking structure, participating in an interest group to promote sustainable energy issues. A wide range of project output documents are available on a toolkits website, ranging from policy papers to case studies.[7] REEEP has supported more than 180 clean energy projects in 58 countries – often as a risk-taking cornerstone investor - disbursing €18.6 million and leveraging an additional €36.3 million in co-funding.[8] Donors use REEEP services to get ensure their funding has an impact, while REEEP Partners and other strategic alliances, work on specific intervention projects and programmes.[9]
Further deployment
Recent development of REEEP shows implementation of the concept to full-scale, qualifying it for an estimated level 6 on the generic maturity scale GML.[10] REEEP seeks viable business models and other clean energy solutions that are ripe for up-scaling. Additionally, it focuses on sector-specific interventions which work towards finding cleaner energy solutions. Its mission is to accelerate the global market for sustainable energy with a primary focus on developing countries and emerging markets. REEEP has been supported primarily by governments, institutions such as the OFID[11], by contributions from the private sector as well as by generous donors. REEEP’s disseminating best practice examples and active facilitating shall help to minimise the carbon footprint while allowing for sustainable energy services on a socially balanced scale.
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