Category 18 April 2019

Scale of generic maturity levels

The Generic Maturity Level scale is a metric describing the maturity of a concept. This scale, developed by Innovationseeds, provides a maturity model parallel to the TRL and allowing to allocate a maturity level to the largest possible variety of mechanisms or instruments, including, but not limited to: business models, organisation changes, policy measures, social, civil, institutional or corporate good practices. These levels are detailed below.

GML 5 Concept is ready for full-scale
Results from the local experimentation of the concept are empirically validated and they open the way to a full-scale implementation of the concept.

 GML 6 Concept is implemented to full-scale  The concept implementation is enlarged to reach scale 1. Examples include enlargement to full geographical zone, to full scope/domain, or to whole organisation.  GML 7 - Concept is validated at full-scale 
The full scale implementation of the concept has been assessed and evaluated positive. Real cost/benefit analysis is performed   GML 8 - Concept deployment is experimented The concept is experimented in another area to assess its potential for deployment. Examples include experiments of transfer in other activity sectors or other geographical zones.