Category 30 October 2018

Symposia & network events

One of the core activities of the inno4sd network is the organisation of multi-stakeholder symposia and events.

Inno4sd has organised over 40 large science-policy dialogues (symposiums), seminars, workshops and capacity building events.Over 4800 people have participated in the different events organised by inno4sd in collaboration with partners.

The annual symposium of inno4sd is a multi-stakeholder  science-policy event. It aims is to contribute to the dissemination of Global and European knowledge around eco-innovation for green/circular economy and sustainable development.  Past editions organized in Mexico City (2019), Brussels (2015, 2018), Pretoria (2017), and Nicosia (2016).  The 2020 inno4sd event is scheduled to take place in New Zealand.

The inno4sd symposium features a high-level policy dialogue with parliamentarians, with past editions at the European Parliament (2018) and the Mexican Senate (2020).

An overview of our seminars, workshops, and other events is frequently updated at our EVENTS section

For more information about our annual symposium visit our dedicated website: inno4sd events