HEC Paris, S&O Climate and Earth Centre
The Climate & Earth Center at HEC Paris develops cutting-edge knowledge to transform business models and organizations around three core pillars THINK, TEACH, AN ACT. As one of Europe's leading business schools, it acknowledges its responsibility to educate current and future leaders in navigating the complexities of the sustainable business transformation. The Center co-hosts the Society for Ecoinnovation Studies.
ESCP Business School
ESCP Business School offers a Masters of Science degree in Sustainability Entrepreneurship and Innovation. ESCP faculty and research staff conduct state-of-the-art research in sustainable business models and sustainable innovation, with an active role and leadership of an international academic community working on sustainable business models (accessible via this link).
Rennes School of Business
Rennes School of Business offers a specialised MSc Program in Sustainable Management and Eco-Innovation (SMEI). The program was created in 2013 between Rennes School of Business and the School of Environmental Management and Engineering, Rennes (EME).
Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées
The research organizations of the Université de Toulouse are gathered in 6 research coordination hubs that are both thematic and trans-institutional; they will work in synergy with the Interdisciplinary Institutes acting at the crossroads of existing disciplinary clusters.
- Biology, Agronomy, Biotechnology, Health
- Sciences of matter
- Universe, Planets, Space, Environment
- Law, Political Science, Economics, Management
- Humanities, Social Sciences and Society
- Mathematics, Sciences and Technology of Information and Engineering
The university has published 5 documents in the area of eco-innovation.
Website: https://www.univ-toulouse.fr/
Universidade De Passo Fundo
The presence of UPF in the region has changed destinies and brought social, economic, scientific and cultural development to more than 100 cities in the state, reaching a population of about 830.000 people.
Currently, the university has over 19.000 students, offering 60 undergraduate courses, 53 specialization courses, 15 master and 7 doctorate programs and 9 post-doctoral program, distributed in 12 Academic Units.
To create and disseminate knowledge so as to enhance the improvement of life quality of the community as well as the education of competent citizens, with critical, ethical and humanist attitude, able to act in order to transform society.
Website: https://www.upf.br
Wroclaw University Of Science Technology
Wrocław University of Science and Technology, as the region's biggest technical tertiary institute, has been setting trends and directions of the development of research oriented towards the challenges of the contemporary science and economy. Its 16 faculties undertake scientific and research activities allowing the it to provide a business offering comprising over 400 specialised studies, technologies and expert evaluations across 26 fields of science.
Website: http://pwr.edu.pl/en/
University Of Southern Denmark
SDU works purposefully to create dialogue between the university's researchers and the surrounding society. The answers to societal challenges are often found in the interaction between highly specialized academic environments. When these environments collaborate, perspectives are expanded, and new insights emerge.
Website: https://www.sdu.dk/en
University Of Warmia Mazury
Research activities carried out at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn comprise: statutory activities of scientific bodies, including activities that enhance the development of young scientists and doctoral candidates, funded by the internal competitive procedure; basic research and other assignments funded by the National Science Centre; Strategic Research Agenda of scientific research and development activities, as well as other assignments funded by the National Centre for Research and Development; investments in the field of major research infrastructure and property development, utilized in scientific research or development activities; scientific international cooperation; projects co-financed from the Structural Funds of the European Union; science-promoting activities; programmes and assignments instituted by the Minister; projects commissioned by economic operators; grants to co-finance research projects.
Within the University, there are active research centres and clusters that carry out large-scale scientific projects. Currently at UWM there are seven research centres: Renewable Energy Research Centre (CBEO), Dairy Research and Development Centre, Eastern European Research Centre (CBEW), Social Research Centre, Natural and Traditional Food Research Centre, Nutri-Bio-Chemical Centre, Innovative Therapy and Diagnosis Centre], and seven clusters: Kętrzyn Renewable Energy Cluster, Baltic Eco-energy Cluster, Brewing Cluster, Dairy Cluster, Warmia and Mazury “Warmer Together” Cluster, the Vistula Renewable Energy Cluster, Mazurian Windows Cluster. Furthermore, the University of Warmia and Mazury is a member of the Consortium Centre for Advanced Technologies RIMAMI.
Website: http://www.uwm.edu.pl/en
University Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
UTeM experiences significant achievements in research activities as it endeavours to be one of the world's leading innovative and creative technical universities. The number of papers published in reputable journals has increased substantially. An upsurge in research funding and sizeable postgraduate population reflects a persistent growth of its research activities. UTeM has identified "Advanced Manufacturing Technology" as its niche area. The multidisciplinary nature of its thrust areas and research clusters draws the strengths of existing faculties within the University and enhances research and innovation activities.
UTeM supports strategic alliances between industries and researchers to expedite the research development and commercialization processes as well as provide a competitive advantage for each other. A lot of research information is disseminated to community and industry through seminars, conferences, exhibitions and competitions. Ownership of new findings has been protected through Intellectual Property Initiatives at the University. In sustaining the university research, innovation and commercialization activities, UTeM builds on individuals and group excellence, stimulates growth and innovative thinking, and creates greater wealth for individuals, businesses and community at large, in terms of one nation's economic and social benefits.
UTeM has established a central body, known as the Centre for Research and Innovation Management (CRIM) to effectively coordinate, assess and promote all research activities at the University. The Centre also seeks out commercial application for the products, technology and services the research produces.
Website: https://www.utem.edu.my/
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
VU Amsterdam seeks to find answers to scientific and societal questions. But we can’t do this in isolation; we must look beyond the boundaries of our scientific disciplines and seek collaboration with partners in society: government and the business sector. Our research is divided into four themes, which reflect just how in touch we are with current societal issues, the Amsterdam clusters, national top sectors and European grand challenges. Scientific quality, interdisciplinary research and societal relevance are the key terms in our research. VU Amsterdam invests in talent to stimulate top-class research. After all, the researchers define the quality of our research and education. The university cherishes its scientists and watches proudly as they raise the University’s reputation.
Most of our research, which has been bundled into four research themes, is carried out in interdisciplinary research institutes. Biomedical, biophysical, psychological and clinical neurology, for example, all work together in Amsterdam Neuroscience, while CLUE takes a completely new approach to the cultural, economic and scientific aspects of heritage. What’s more, the campus and close proximity of VU University Medical Center are an added benefit when it comes to an interdisciplinary approach.
Website: https://www.vu.nl/nl/index.aspx
University Of Pavia
They are understood as organisations of one or more research areas, homogeneous for purposes and method and related teachings, also related to multiple faculties or degree courses. Departments promote and coordinate research activities, organise or contribute to the organization of courses for phD, contribute to the educational activity. They are the bodies of every department: the director, the council, the junta. Departments can be divided into sections, to which groups of teachings are attached.
The European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers are a set of general principles and requirements which specify the roles, responsibilities and entitlements of researchers and of employers and/or funders, as well as the requirements that should be followed by employers and/or funders when appointing or recruiting researchers.
Website: http://wcm-3.unipv.it/
University Of Otago
Our research is relevant, innovative and connected. Relevant, because it addresses today’s concerns while looking ahead to tomorrow’s unimagined possibilities. Innovative, because it solves practical and theoretical problems in novel and creative ways. Connected, because it links our people and their knowledge to families and communities, to business and government, both here and globally.
Research Groups
-Centres of Research Excellence
-National Science Challenges
-Genomics Aotearoa
-University of Otago Research Centres
-University of Otago Research Themes
-Overarching Research Strengths
Website: https://www.otago.ac.nz/
University Of Milano Bicocca
The University of Milano-Bicocca is extremely active in the field of research, supporting projects in virtually all scientific and applied areas.
Research activities are split across 14 Departments and over 30 university and inter-university Research Centres, with nearly 900 teaching and research staff and around 1,500 young graduates in the process of training (PhD students, research fellows), in collaboration with leading national and international companies.
The university’s research activities fall into the following categories:
- Securing funding and overseeing research projects
- Management of intellectual property and technology transfer
The University of Milano-Bicocca operates across a vast range of research topics, partly thanks to its many facilities.
The University of Milano-Bicocca places scientific research at the centre of its activities.
The Research Area is organised in order to offer lecturers and researchers the necessary support to enable them to carry out their scientific activities.
The Area is split into three specific sectors which offer administrative, organisational, management legal assistance across the various phases of a research project. Its aim is to make use of and publicise research findings, support the sharing of scientific information and promote public engagement.
Website: https://en.unimib.it/
University Of Jyvaskyla
Our excellence in research rests on a strong ethical basis, extensive methodological expertise, the ability to utilise networks, and significant scientific and societal impact. We are among the global leading universities in the study of learning, wellbeing and basic natural phenomena. Find more information of our core fields, profile and emerging areas of research.
Strategic core fields of research at the JYU:
-Basic natural phenomena and mathematical thinking
-Information technology and the human in the knowledge society
-Language, culture and society
-Learning, teaching and interaction
-Physical activity, health and wellbeing
-Sustainable business and economics
Research Centres:
-Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare)
-The Finnish Centre of Excellence in Inverse Problems
-The Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies
Website: https://www.jyu.fi/en
University Of Granada
The University of Granada is committed to its future through the development of quality research. To insist on traditionally open lines of research, to strongly support those that, although less developed, may be of interest to a society instead and to build ties of union with the companies and institutions of our environment are the criteria that move the research activity. These ideas offer fruits that have allowed us to multiply the funds for research, and open up real prospects for the future that had never existed before.
The growth in scientific production keeps it among the first Spanish universities. The country's growing relationships with public and private companies, through research and service delivery contracts, are guarantees of the future.
The excellent infrastructure, facilities and equipment on our campuses allow our more than 3000 researchers to remain at the forefront of their respective fields. In addition, research at the UGR has a multidisciplinary nature. This is demonstrated by the fact that there are currently more than 1,400 active lines of research.
Research Centres:
-European Documentation Centre
-Center for Development Cooperation Initiatives
-Scientific Instrumentation Center
-Mind, Brain and Behavior Research Center
-Infor Technology Research Center. communications
-Center for Modern Languages
-Employment and Practice Promotion Centre
-Biomedical Research Center
-Mediterranean Centre
-Granada-Madoc University University Mixed Center
-Center for Contemporary Culture
-Scientific Documentation Center
-Technological Centre for The Research and Development of Functional Food (CIDAF)
Website: https://www.ugr.es/
University Of Exeter
As a Russell Group University our research makes a difference across the world. We believe in breaking down traditional barriers between academic disciplines so the bigger problems of the 21st Century can be considered from human as well as physical perspectives. We are constantly seeking new ways to engage with partners to build productive relationships that tackle some of the fundamental issues facing humankind. The University of Exeter's Environment and Sustainability Institute (ESI) is an interdisciplinary centre leading cutting-edge research into solutions to problems of environmental change. Based on the University's Penryn Campus, in Cornwall, our world class research and education is enhancing people's lives by improving their relationships with the environment.
In an era of unprecedented environmental and societal change, the ESI’s overarching aim is to provide insight and solutions to meet the challenges this creates in securing a sustainable future. This is being done by:
-Addressing challenges of environmental and social change over time and multiple spatial scales.
-Developing strategies for biological, technological, political and social innovations that promote responsible stewardship of terrestrial and marine systems.
-Recognising and building on the role of the environment in promoting human health, prosperity and well-being.
-Use our research to help build positive and productive futures for the economy, environment and education of Cornish communities.
-Whilst much of our research and impact is national or international, Cornwall is at the heart of our endeavours. All of our research is either specific to a challenge faced in Cornwall but that has global impact and consequences, or global research that has impacts on the communities and environment in Cornwall.
Website: /www.exeter.ac.uk
University Of Derby
We have entered a new and exciting era for research at the University of Derby. Research is a fundamental part of our identity as an academic institution and the work we do has a real impact.
Our exciting range of research projects has helped us in pursuit of our overall aim:
- To produce research that is high impact and high profile
- To produce research that influences more people, addresses more issues and brings more benefits
In the last decade, we have increased our annual research income by 172% and our latest Research Excellence Framework (REF) results were our best ever, with three-quarters of our output judged to be at least ‘internationally significant’.
Research Categories:
-Arts, culture and heritage
-Education and careers
-Society and policy
Website: https://www.derby.ac.uk/
University Of California System
As environmental, social and economic challenges in our state proliferate, they demand we address them head on. We do so using our best assets: the powerful intellect and heartfelt passion of the people who believe UC’s public mission is vital to the health of our state. They’re willing to fight for it, and so are we.
We focus our efforts where we think a systemwide perspective adds the most value: tracking and evaluating volumes of data on UC’s performance, and exploring every opportunity to capitalize on the power of our collective size to streamline, to work smarter — together.
In the current climate, it’s our responsibility to look hard at every aspect of the enterprise and ask bluntly: Can we do better? Be more effective, more sustainable? One thing is clear: We will need to change to meet the demands of the century ahead. And that change must be imagined, sketched, questioned and agreed to publicly and accountably. If the fundamental values of UC are to survive and thrive, we must embody them in how we plan our future.
University Of Bristol
Our researchers share ideas and expertise to tackle global challenges, help solve practical problems and mentor future generations. Collaboration. It’s what turns world-leading research into world-changing results. That’s why we’re working hand-in-hand with our partners in more than 40 countries around the globe: improving health, alleviating poverty, preparing for natural hazards, uncovering the impacts of wars and migration, driving technological innovation, and much, much more.
Research Areas:
-Arts and culture
-Business and economy
-Environmental change
-Global challenges
-Global health
-Politics and society
Specialist Research Institutes:
-Bristol BioDesign Institute
-Bristol Composites Institute (ACCIS)
-Bristol Heart Institute
-Migration Mobilities Bristol
-Bristol Population Health Science Institute
-Bristol Poverty Institute
-Bristol Quantum Information Institute
Website: https://www.bristol.ac.uk/
University Of Bacau
Scientific research is one of the basic components of the academic activity within “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău. By doing research in various domains and through the interdisciplinary topics which are approached, “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău reinforces its role as a regional university. In the county of Bacău, our University represents a hub of knowledge and openness towards the entire world. Thus, “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău maintains and permanently develops its communications with the economic environment. The members of the academic community are involved in some research topics which seek for solutions to important problems of the contemporary world, and the decision makers from the socio-economic environment are open to collaboration in the field of research and development with the laboratories and research centres from our university.
In accordance with the University mission, the institutional strategic plan aims two major directions:
-developing the scientific and technological research with a view to its integration at a national and international level;
-developing cooperation relations with the partners within and outside the country.
In order to accomplish such objectives, a series of measures have been adopted:
-efficiently and optimally exploiting the results of the scientific research;
-intensifying the actions for integrating the research within the national and European projects of scientific research;
-developing research centres and laboratories and integrating them in the national and international system;
-involving students in the scientific research activity;
-planning, evaluating and rewarding scientific research activities;
-developing internal collaboration with partners from the socio-economic and cultural environment;
-developing partnership collaborations with the partners abroad.
Website: https://www.ub.ro/en/
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
The University works to enhance all the research activities of its members, with a particular focus on strengthening research groups and the quality and magnitude of their scientific production. To achieve this, the University has a set of complex structures that work together and coordinated in this field, based on research groups as a basic unit. The URV's II Strategic Research and Innovation Plan is committed to quality, interdisciplinary research that reaches society, attracts talent and external funding, and is internationally recognized. The document, approved by the University Cloister on June 1, 2017, takes over from the 2001 Strategic Research Plan to adapt to the new reality. The new plan is structured in five axes around which objectives and actions are proposed.
Productive Sectors:
-Chemistry, energy and new materials
-Nutrition and Health
-Tourism, heritage and culture
-ICT and digital economy
Website: https://www.urv.cat/es/
Universidade Da Beira Interior
The ICI has the responsibility to promote the articulation between the education system and the research system, in a perspective of renewal of postgraduate education, to cooperate in the implementation of the strategic decisions of UBI in the field of research and development, and it is also its aim to enhance the possibility of international affirmation of UBI’s scientific research. In these areas, it is the ICI’s responsibility to promote the debate and critical reflection on the scientific activity and also to disseminate science held in the institution.
Office for Innovation and Development:
-GAPPI- Support Office for Projects and Promotion of Research
-GGPP-Office for Management of Programs and Projects
The Office for Innovation and Development exercises its responsibilities in supporting the administrative and financial management of the projects, in the technological development activities of UBI, in the knowledge transferring and its economical valorisation and, also, in the management and valorisation of intellectual property, boosting business relations and support for entrepreneurship, being thus responsible for:
-To identify, systematize and disseminate information relating to competitive funding opportunities, national and international, public or private, about management rules of applications, projects and activities;
-To disclose information relating to management rules of applications and co-financed projects;
-To ensure the administrative, economic and financial management of projects and activities of UBI, in the context of co-financing and self-financing programs, in which UBI is the promoter or partner entity;
-To support technically the elaboration of applications to I&D and institutional projects;
-To ensure the licensing of industrial property and promote the commercialization of the I&D results;
-To support the creation of innovative and technology-based companies;
-To promote the link of the University to the business area, as well as national and international networks for the promotion of technology transfer and entrepreneurship.
The Office for Innovation and Development is divided into two sectors:
-Projects Support, designated by GAPPI;
-Management of programs and projects.
Website: https://www.ubi.pt/
Technical University Of Berlin
Technische Universität Berlin is an active participant in Berlin, an international metropolis and outstanding center of science. Here, in the heart of the German capital, ideas for the future are being developed. The University places significant importance on developing science and technology for the benefit of society. To this end, the University conducts interconnected research at the highest international level into fundamental principles and their applications. Using its entire breadth of subjects, Technische Universität Berlin is establishing innovative fields and promotes inter-faculty research activities with external key players. Six characteristic key application areas form the framework of these activities along with the Clusters of Excellence approved by the federal and state governments in the Excellence Strategy.
Application areas
1. Digital Transformation
2. Energy Systems, Mobility, and Sustainable Resources
3. Human Health, Humanities, and Educational Science
4. Urban Systems and Environmental Systems
5. Photonics and Optical Systems
6. Materials, Design and Manufacturing
Website: https://www.tu-berlin.de/
Soon Chun Hyang University
The International Studies Program is an enjoyable and educational opportunity for students from around the world to study at Soonchunhyang University. There are approximately 50 courses conducted in English. Courses include Korean Studies, Asian culture classes, history, politics, economics, and Korean Language. These courses have been developed and refined thanks to our dedicated faculty.
Located in Asan, a city which is rich in culture and tradition, there are many opportunities outside of the classroom to explore the vast treasures that Korea has to offer. Cultural field trips, volunteer education programs, and global leadership programs are just some of the more exciting reasons why many students consider studying abroad at Soonchunhyang University a life changing experience.
Website: http://sgee.sch.ac.kr/
Queensland University Of Technology (QUT)
Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is a major Australian university with a truly global outlook. Home to nearly 50,000 students, we’re providing real-world infrastructure, learning and teaching, and graduate skills to the next generation of change-makers. We've invested in areas of research identified as priorities for the world, the nation and the state. In each of these areas we're continuing to build on the strength and experience of our experts.
Research Centres:
-Centre for Healthcare Transformation
-Centre for Biomedical Technologies
-Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child
-Centre for Agriculture and the Bioeconomy
-Centre for Data Science
-Centre for Future Enterprise
-Centre for Materials Science
-Centre for Robotics
-Digital Media Research Centre
Website: https://www.qut.edu.au/
Sapienza University Rome
-Research Support Activities
Sapienza University promotes scientific research and provides its researchers with services and assistance along the entire value chain of a project: from its conception to its market penetration.
In particular, university services include custom-tailored support for scouting funding opportunities, mapping internal skills, promoting access to competitive partnerships, disseminating research results and enhancing public and private awareness. Moreover, Sapienza promotes and fosters technology transfer, patenting and entrepreneurship in research.
The university is also proactively involved in evaluating research activities, supporting innovation and promoting university responsibility to generate local social and economic returns.
-Annual Report on Research Activities, Technological Transfer and Funding
The Annual Report on Research Activities, Technological Transfer and Funding obtained from public and private subjects, approved by university governance, describes the main results achieved by Sapienza University through its institutional activities (as per Bill N. 01/2009).
The Report illustrates results in terms of research, education, technological transfer and the ability to attract resources. The objective is to guarantee, through a transparent process, the communication of actions pursued based on funding and promote and share information.
Website: https://www.uniroma1.it/
Polytechnic University Of Turin
Politecnico di Torino is a “Research University” that is particularly focused on the balanced development of fundamental and applied research. The Departments coordinate research in four macro- areas: Industrial Engineering; Information Technologies; Management and Matemathics for Engineering; Civil and Environmental Engineering, Architecture and Industrial Design. The vocation of Politecnico for high quality research is expressed in the pursuing of three main strategic objectives:
- Promoting high quality research and the talent of researchers
The University is committed to improve the quality of scientific production and the participation in national and international research funding opportunities through strategic projects and initiatives. The focus of the University to ensure a positive and engaging environment for researchers from all over the world has been awarded by the European Commission with the logo "HR Excellence in Research". - Increasing the impact of research on society
The new frontiers of scientific and technological research and higher education require a deeper cooperation with the socio-economic system. This technological transfer leads to the achievement of knowledge sharing. - Strengthening an international scientific community
Politecnico di Torino has built an efficient and constructive dialogue with the international research community, it implements actions aimed at attracting academics and researchers from foreign institutions and promotes outgoing mobility, in the perspective of strengthening qualified relations with foreign universities and research centers.
Website: https://www.polito.it/
Polytechnique Montreal
The Training and Research Department ensures the positioning and influence of Polytechnique Montréal in terms of research and innovation through representation activities and strategic initiatives, makes the Polytechnique Montréal community aware of research issues, and oversees good governance of research activities and coordinate support and development operations.
Research Centres
Website: https://www.polymtl.ca/
Polytechnic University Of Catalonia
The UPC's research centres and laboratories generate knowledge and transfer their results to industry, facilitating innovation and raising competitiveness. The basic and applied research carried out at the UPC's departments, institutes, centres and laboratories marks the meeting point between scientific inquiry, innovation and technological development. These units work to promote a culture of research, innovation and entrepreneurship and establish knowledge networks with researchers and research groups around the world.
- Research centers:
The aim of the research groups is to organise research into teams and to transfer their results to society. Some are specific research centers (CER) whose main aim is to meet the demands of external public or private entities in specific research fields; others belong to the TECNIO network of support centers for technological innovation.
Website: https://www.upc.edu/
Politecnico Di Bari
The research activities, both basic and applied, are organized in the Departments and Research Centres of the University. Particular attention is devoted to basic research, which is essential not only for the evolution of scientific thought but also for the ability, over time, to affect deeply the reality. With the applied research devoted to the study of topics in greater operational value or more direct interest to organizations and businesses, instead pursues the objective of updating and give scientific content management activities of companies and institutions.
-Department of Electrical and Information Engineering (DEI)
-Department of Mechanics, Mathematics and Management (DMMM)
-Department of Civil, Environmental, Land, Building Engineering and Chemistry (DICATECh)
-Department of Physics "Michelangelo Merlin"
-Dipartment of Civil Engineering Sciences and Architecture (DICAR)
Website: http://www.poliba.it/
Nord University
Global challenges demand new insight, innovative solutions and local legitimacy. Nord University is a young university with strong regional ties and a global perspective.
- Research Areas:
Global challenges and local transformation: sustainable development in the North
Northern regions face new challenges in regards to shifts in international conflicts, political leadership, and climate. Security and climate transformation are central challenges to a establishing sustainable society in the future, and that is reflected in today’s policy making and research both nationally and internationally. Global change will require major transformation, requiring research on how society can counteract and/or adapt itself to these challenges. Through interdisciplinary social research, we will develop both analysis and concrete solutions that can contribute to security and sustainable development in the North.
Innovation for Sustainable Welfare
Strong welfare systems and relative social equality have been central to the Norwegian and Nordic social model. This so-called Nordic model is receiving increasing international attention because it has supported strong competitiveness and proved sustainable in the face of economic crises. At the same time, the welfare society faces considerable challenges. An aging population, high migration, and increasing isolation and exclusion among youth creates challenges which can, in the long term, threaten the welfare model. The research area for Innovation for Sustainable Welfare is a collaboration between several strong research communities at the faculty, and contributes to real innovation and concrete solutions that support the welfare society’s sustainability.
Website: https://www.nord.no/
Manchester Metropolitan University
Our high-quality research makes an impact on the world around us. Find out about the scale, depth and ambition of our work.
University Centres Of Research And Knowledge Exchange:
-Advanced Computational Science
-Advanced Materials And Surface Engineering
-Applied Social Sciences
-Business Transformations
-Creative Writing, English Literature And Linguistics
-Decent Work And Productivity
-Ecology And Environment
-Education And Social Research
-Future Economies
-Health, Psychology And Communities
-Manchester School Of Art
-Musculoskeletal Science And Sports Medicine
-Our Approach To Research
Website: https://www.mmu.ac.uk/
Marche Polytechnic University
The pages in this section describe the University research projects which are financed by national and regional authorities and by the European Commission. There are also pages on Ph.D research, the results of the 2001-2003 research assessment, as well as information on the research activities carried out by the University in collaboration with enterprises and the advantages for the companies involved in these projects.
The Industrial Liaison Office of the Università Politecnica delle Marche - Innovation and Technology Transfer Service - was established in May 2005 as part of actions aimed to strengthen the cooperation between research structures and territorial production system and improve the research programs of the University, with a high index of innovation through:
-improvement in quantity and quality of the technological offer;
-the strengthening of the services offered to researchers and companies;
-the development of greater collaboration between academia and enterprises, including through the identification of technology clusters;
-greater visibility and support to new ventures which take origin from the research of the University.
The Innovation and Technology Transfer Service provides information, advice and support in terms of patenting, marketing and sale of patent rights and licensing agreements, industrial.
It Applies a constant monitoring of patents and innovations made subject to patenting.
Website: https://www.univpm.it/
Kobe University
Kobe University, working in a spirit of integrity, freedom, and cooperation in keeping with its open and cosmopolitan culture and environs, aims to contribute to the global community through the creation of knowledge founded on universal values and the fostering of rich understanding and strong leadership skills.
Research Organizations:
-Organization of Advanced Science and Technology
-Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration
-Organization of Advanced Science and Integrated Research Center of Kobe University
-Interfaculty Initiative in the Social Sciences
-Food Resources Education and Research Center
-Information Science and Technology Center
-Center for Collaborative Research and Technology Development
-Center for Supports to Research and Education Activities (CSREA)
-Center for Environmental Management
-Education Center on Computational Science and Engineering
-Center for Mathematical and Data Sciences
-Engineering Biology Research Center
Website: https://www.kobe-u.ac.jp/
Indian Institute Of Technology Roorkee
The research that is associated with the Institute can be broadly classified into two categories:
- Departmental Research and Research at Academic Centers.
Every department has faculty and students involved extensively in research activities. Undergraduate education is greatly benefited by the environment of postgraduate programmes, while both the curricula derives strength in a research environment created by doctoral and postdoctoral programmes.
Not only the departments of the Institute, the various academic centers are also involved in research activities, in order to contribute and benefit from the advances in knowledge frontiers, which will help generate state-of-the-art technologies responding to the need of the country.
- Sponsored Research and Industrial Consultancy
Sponsored Research (SR) and Industrial Consultancy (IC) are two important modes through which the faculty supports the development of knowledge and technology. Indian Institute of Technology recognizes Sponsored Research (SR) and Industrial Consultancy (IC) as the essential attributes of teaching and research. A full-fledged office operating under Dean (SRIC) provides administrative and accounting support to the faculty undertaking sponsored research and consultancy work.
Website: https://www.iitr.ac.in/
Harbin Institute Of Technology
Harbin Institute of Technology have made a lot of achievements in academic in the past years. And we are taking more and more effort in improving our academic level and providing a better environment for research.
Research Disciplines:
-Materials Science and Engineering
-Civil Engineering and Architecture
-Environmental Science and Engineering
-Automation & Electrical and Electronic Engineering
-Computer Science and Technology
-High-End Equipment Manufacturing
-Aerospace Science and Engineering
-Big Data and Management Science
-Space Environment Simulation Research Infrastructure
Website: http://en.hit.edu.cn/
Harbin Engineering University
HEU has always attached great importance to the tradition of scientific research. The school is well-known not only for the first experimental submarine, the first hydrofoil craft, the first shipboard computer, the first swath bathymeter set and dozens of other major gap-filling scientific research breakthroughs, but also for being the best in the world with several achievements such as duplex submersible vehicles, hovercrafts and gradient velocimeters. The university maintains strong technical knowledge in the shipping, ocean and nuclear fields. Its underwater robots, shipping anti-rolling technology, integrated navigation, acoustic positioning and nuclear power simulation have occupied advanced domestic and international positions, leading HEU to become one of the main forces in the basic and applied research of China's ship science and technology.
Research Institutes and Centres:
-Underwater intelligent robot technology
-Underwater acoustic technology
-Multibody ship technology
-Nuclear safety and simulation technology
-Ultra-light materials and surface technology
-Marine science and technology
-Disaster warning and defense engineering
-Underwater operation technology and equipment
-Science and technology of optical fiber sensing
-Lab of naval architecture and ocean engineering
-Technology of marine power(nuclear science and technology)
-Ship inertial technology and its navigation equipment
-Ship control and traffic information engineering
-Marine control system (pattern recognition and intelligence system)
-Structure vibration and acoustic technologies
-Advanced manufacturing technology
-Navigational instrument
-Ship control engineering
Website: https://english.hrbeu.edu.cn/
Griffith University
Leading industry, protecting the environment, changing policy and practice. We showcase some of the Griffith University research projects with real and measureable impact that is making a better world. Our world-class researchers tackle local and global challenges, providing solutions that will help ensure a more robust, equitable and environmentally sustainable society to be enjoyed by future generations.
Griffith is one of Australia's leading comprehensive research universities with more than 20 research centres and institutes. Our world-class researchers utilise state-of-the-art facilities to develop new knowledge in a range of specialist areas that will lead to novel and exciting solutions to benefit of society, the environment, as well as governance and policy development.
-Centre for Clean Environment and Energy
-Centre for Governance and Public Policy
-Centre for Quantum Dynamics
-Centre for Work, Organisation and Well Being
-Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research
-Law Futures Centre
-Queensland Conservatorium Research Centre
-Queensland Micro- and Nanotechnology Centre
-Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution
-Griffith Centre for Design and Innovation Research
-Griffith Centre of Biomedical and Rehabilitation Engineering
Website: https://www.griffith.edu.au/
Fuzhou University
Fuzhou University, founded in 1958, is located in Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian Province. It is listed among the National Key Universities and Colleges of Project 211, which is jointly run by the Fujian Provincial Government and the Ministry of Education of China. Fuzhou University boasts of its diverse disciplines in sciences, engineering, economics, management, liberal arts, laws, arts and crafts, etc. Fuzhou University has a strong foundation of scientific research. Now, it has 1 national university science park, 11 science and technology innovation platforms at the national level, and 74 science and technology innovation platforms at the ministerial and provincial level, among which there are 1 national key laboratory, 2 national engineering (technology) research centers, 3 international science and technology cooperation bases at the national level, 5 national & local joint engineering research centers (engineering laboratories), 3 key laboratories of Ministry of Education, and 1 engineering research center of Ministry of Education.
Website: http://grs.fzu.edu.cn/
Eth Zurich
ETH Zurich supports your research with internal funding programmes and prizes, excellent infrastructure, as well as services relating to third-party funding, data management, publications, and scientific IT. Various services are tailored to specific career stages. ETH's departments as well as numerous cross-cutting initiatives such as Competence Centres and NCCRs are great places to build up your network at ETH. A normative framework is provided by research ethics, protecting human and animal subjects, and scientific integrity.
Exchange and collaboration are vital for new insights and creativity in research. This is why ETH Zurich hosts numerous interdisciplinary programmes and initiatives. For instance, ETH's Competence Centres are self-organised networks that are supported by the university's Executive Board.
The National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) and the Swiss Competence Centres for Energy Research (SCCER) are research programmes that run over several years and are funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation or Innosuisse, ETH Zurich, and partnering universities. Modern research often depends on technological infrastructure. ETH Zurich's technology platforms live up to the highest standards, boosting efficiency and interdisciplinary collaboration. The procurement of scientific devices is not only supported by the SNSF's R'Equip programme but also by ETH's own Scientific Equipment Program
Website: https://ethz.ch/de.html
The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (ICADE)
The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (ICADE) belongs to Comillas Pontifical University; a century-old academic institution run by the Society of Jesus, with long-established education and major international standing.
Comillas ICADE, one of Europe's leading institutions for professional business education, has a long academic tradition and is internationally renowned in the business world.
Groups of Investigation:
-Analysis of socioeconomic and business-related data (ADASYE)
-Behavioral Finance alternatives to traditional financial theory
-Consumers and their environment
-Business, economy and sustainability (E-SOST)
-Socioeconomic and technological challenges in 21st-century societies
Website: https://www.icade.comillas.edu/
Erasmus University Rotterdam
The quality of research at Erasmus University, named after Rotterdam-born humanist and theologian Erasmus, is reflected in its consistent top-100 position in most major universities rankings. On the lively, modern campus, students and scholars of more than 100 nationalities are constantly encouraged to develop their talents and meet their ambition. The academics, students and alumni of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) endeavour to solve global societal challenges, drawing inspiration from the thriving modern metropolis of Rotterdam. EUR’s strong orientation to ‘make it happen’ is evident in our people, educational programmes and research. EUR spearheads knowledge in the research areas of:
Website: https://www.eur.nl/
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
The Autonomous University of Madrid was the first Spanish University to create a Comprehensive Research Management Service. From the Research and Transfer Area the functions of information, dissemination, management, monitoring and justification of the different measures in the field of research are carried out. It acts as a nexus between the various funding agencies and researchers and the other applicants belonging to the university community. It is structured in three main sections:
Office of State Projects
European and International Projects Office
Economic Research Management
Website: http://www.uam.es/
Central South University Of Forestry Technology
The university has 7 State-managed degree programs (forestry and environmental science, forest engineering, wood science and engineering, art and design, gardening, travel management) and 9 provincial key disciplines (forestry, industrial design, wood science and engineering, garden, forestry industry, tourism management, agriculture, forestry economic management, biotechnology, art and design). There are 2 state-level elite courses (college English and wood science), 9 provincial elite courses (college English, wood science, engineering mechanics, remote sensing, general ecology, sports, environment and resources protection law, cultivation forest, material mechanics).
Website: https://english.csuft.edu.cn/
China Medical University (CMU)
China Medical University (CMU) was established as China Medical College on June 6, 1958 and transformed itself into China Medical University in 2003. It is the first academic institution in Taiwan where Chinese medicine and pharmacy programs are provided. The university has steadily grown to its present position as one of the foremost medical universities in Taiwan. The university has two major campuses, Taichung (including Wuquan and Ankang) and Beigang.
Our mission is to become a global leader in both western and Chinese medicine. In everything we do, we strive together to gain international recognition as a provider of medical services to our community, an educator of future health care professionals, and a contributor to the world’s knowledge in health sciences.
Website: https://english.cmu.edu.tw/
City University Of Hong Kong
The academic capacity and vitality of City University of Hong Kong flow from the core values of excellence, honesty, freedom of enquiry, accountability, civility and collegiality. These values, as defined in the following, also underpin the Strategic Plan. We identify solutions to critical global challenges by extending the frontiers of knowledge both within and beyond existing research paradigms.
Our highly qualified academics are drawn from all over the world, bringing a wealth of research and professional experience to our programmes. Our world-class labs and state-of-the-art teaching facilities, as well as our state key laboratories, a national engineering centre and a suite of institutional-level research centres, enable our researchers to maintain a positive trajectory. We also pioneer new forms of expression by bringing science and the arts together.
Website: https://www.cityu.edu.hk/
University Of Zagreb
The mission of the University is based on scientific and artistic research and aims at sustainable development, artistic creativity and professional work as well as organization and performance of university studies and, exceptionally, occupational studies.
As a central and leading institution, the University gives special regard to carrying out the programmes of strategic interest for the Republic of Croatia and for the development of regional and local communities. All university activities enhance the development of personality and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms.
The university has published 5 documents.
Website: http://www.unizg.hr/
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
WPI faculty members and students are engaged in advanced, interdisciplinary research across a broad range of fields. From cutting-edge work in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, to explorations of the technological and policy issues surrounding cybersecurity, to studies of issues as diverse as firefighter health and security and the fire safety challenges of green buildings, this fundamental and applied research is addressing vital societal problems and technological challenges and producing innovations and insights that are helping build a better world.
Innovative thinkers, makers, and problem solvers tend to flourish in an environment that supports and rewards rigorous, cross-disciplinary work at the cutting edge of discovery.
Building on the university’s current and historical strengths and seizing emerging opportunities in some of the most currently important multidisciplinary areas, WPI has developed five cross-cutting research areas as part of its new university-wide strategic plan.
Areas of Research:
Health & Biotechnology
Robotics & Internet of Things
Advanced Materials & Manufacturing
Cyber, Data & Security
Learning Sciences
The institute has published 5 documents.
Website: https://www.wpi.edu/
Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)
ZEW's applied research aims to study and help design well-performing markets and institutions in Europe. In particular, it seeks to understand how to create a market framework that will enable the sustainable and efficient development of European economies. ZEW also offers evidence-based policy advising. The size of ZEW and the broad spectrum of topics studied by our research units enable us to take on major commissioned projects in economic policy.
The Mannheim-based ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research is a leading German economic policy institute and a member of the Leibniz Association. The researchers at ZEW work in the field of applied empirical research.
ZEW conducts evidence-based economic policy research on a range of high-visibility topics, including the digital transformation, demographic change, European integration, and the energy transition. As an independent research institute that is home to a broad spectrum of expertise, ZEW advises key political decision-makers while actively contributing to important public debates.
The centre has published 5 documents.
Website: https://www.zew.de/
Hochschule Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Our university stands for applied research and development at the highest level. We set new standards for industry, offering our partners customised solutions for their often complex professional requirements. We support companies in the development and optimization of innovative ideas – through consultancy, scientific analysis and research in our state-of-the-art laboratories.
As a central contact point the Institute for Technology and Knowledge Transfer serves, co-ordinating multidisciplinary and cross-faculty research programmes.
Every semester professors and students take part in practice-based research and development projects with commercial partners. 90 percent of our bachelor and master theses are earned in companies. Practical orientation pays off: Our students are awarded many prizes for their work.
Website: https://www.hs-augsburg.de/en/
University Of Sevilla
The University of Seville harmonizes past, present and future: a past of more than five centuries of impetus to knowledge focused on innovation and the quality of teaching, research, knowledge transfer and culture, with a clear international vocation; a future committed and accountable to the social environment and sustainable development.
The University of Seville, has established itself as a large generalist university, with an important and extensive educational offer of quality in degree, postgraduate and double international degrees, with almost 500 very competitive research groups and as a leading institution in the field of technology transfer and its cultural offer.
The University of Seville is internationally recognized for its excellence in research. It enhances scientific research of very high quality in the different fields of knowledge through a network of national and international alliances, seeking the aggregation of capabilities as a strategic value in research. The US has designed a strong policy of driving research that is enabling significant capture of human talent and a large development of a network of infrastructures supporting research and technological development. All this is available to the scientific community, the business sector and society at large.
The US's Own Research and Transfer Plan lays the foundation for boosting research activity, improving its quality and optimizing the effect it has on society. To carry out this work, the university has a large number of facilities divided into departments, research centers and university institutes.
More than 550 research groups and nearly 4,500 researchers carry out their research work, representing more than 7,500 scientific publications a year. In addition, the University of Seville ranks second among Spanish universities in patent generation and is a leader in international patents.
The university has published 5 documents.
Website: https://www.us.es/
University Of Salerno
The University of Salerno considers the research carried out at the University to be one of its biggest assets. Results are published only after years of accurate research and carried out by its dedicated research staff. The University boasts a large database of all the research it has published and can be accessed easily by typing in either the author’s name, title of specific research or simply using a key word related to the research.
The university has published 5 documents.
Website: https://web.unisa.it/
University Of Quebec
The Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) is a French-language university. UQAM is a dynamic, open, creative university with an international outreach. It is recognized for the originality and quality of its programs, its cutting-edge research, solidly grounded in social concerns, and its innovation in the arts. UQAM is ranked 1st in Quebec and 6th in Canada in terms of research funding for comprehensive universities (Research Infosource, 2018). The University’s researchers, working in more than a hundred research and creative units, are awarded numerous prizes and distinctions each year.
Innovation has been central to the mission of UQAM, a pioneer in the development of many fields of study not traditionally found in an academic setting. It has unique areas of expertise that have contributed to its institutional identity, notably in public relations, actuarial science, sexology, social law, design and visual arts, feminist studies, and social economy, not to mention its advances in health and in Earth and atmospheric sciences.
The university has published 5 documents.
Website: https://uqam.ca/
University Of Primorska
The University of Primorska (UP), the third biggest public university in Slovenia, was established in 2003 as a centre of knowledge, implementing European educational strategies. The UP main objective is to carry out high quality study and research programmes which promote the area's natural and cultural heritage while integrating and developing these programmes with global educational, intellectual, and research opportunities. The University's mission for the research activity is to:
- creatively contribute to the development of a knowledge-based society by promoting enthusiasm for knowledge and research
- build relationships with other universities and research institutes in Slovenia and abroad
- transfer initiatives that are formed in contact areas between the Mediterranean and the Central European region into the international university area
- develop a relationship and close collaboration with industry
- contribute to sustainable social development in the local and wider regional environment
The university has published 5 documents.
Website: https://www.upr.si/
University Of Nottingham
The University of Nottingham was founded on the vision and philanthropic spirit of Jesse Boot who, in 1928, donated the land that is now University Park. The vision of a university devoted to discovery, enterprise and the advancement of the human condition, combined with his lifelong commitment to improving health and wellbeing, remains intrinsic to the culture of the University today and will continue to underpin our future purpose.
Our research is inspiring. It brings together talented, passionate and dedicated people as they strive to make discoveries that have a real impact on lives and societies across the world. Here at the University of Nottingham we have a long-standing reputation for transformative, world-class research. Our pioneering, multidisciplinary and collaborative approaches deliver sustainable solutions to global challenges.
At the heart of our vision for research are our people: academics and researchers, postgraduate students and support staff. By coming together, we can realise our collective potential to deliver bold, innovative and excellent research that makes an impact.
The university has published 5 documents.
Website: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/
University Of Montreal
The Université de Montréal contributes to societal wellness by placing itself at the forefront of knowledge in all fields. By fomenting innovation and diversity, our institution helps students surpass and transform themselves, as well as the world around them. It’s a noble ideal that I intend to serve and share with enthusiasm.
The Université de Montréal (including its affiliated schools) is the 3rd most active canadian university in terms of research and among the 100 largest public research universities in the world, with more than $500 million in research funding. Find out more about research at Université de Montréal.
The creation or modification of a profile (professor or research unit) is done through the Management Interface (in French only). The Management Interface makes it possible to enter or modify the data with forms, developed by the Center of Digital Expertise for Research (Centre d’expertise numérique pour la recherche). In summary, it allows the collection of relevant information concerning professors, lecturersor research officers, as well as those concerning research units and chairs.
The university has published 5 documents.
Website: https://www.umontreal.ca/
University Of Life Sciences In Lublin
The University comprises of six faculties which have the right to confer doctoral degree and award postdoctoral degree. The University employs approximately 1,700 people, including more than 800 academic teachers, of whom 30 percent are independent researchers.
Research, which is conducted, by scientific institutions at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin in the laboratories, clinics, experimental and private farms represents a valuable contribution to the development of agricultural and veterinary sciences. Numerous publications in reputable national and international scientific journals reflect the value of scientific achievements. Expanded cooperation with the business sector (manufacturing plants, meat processing plants, sugar refineries, breweries, etc.) results in a large number of reported and obtained patents, utility models and implementations.
The university has published 5 documents.
Website: https://www.up.lublin.pl/
Universiti Sains Malaysia
USM is a pioneering, transdisciplinary research intensive university that empowers future talents and enables the bottom billions to transform their socio-economic well-being.
USM offers courses ranging from Natural Sciences, Applied Sciences, Medical and Health Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences to Building Science and Technology, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education. These are available at undergraduate and postgraduate levels to approximately 30,000 students at its 17 Academic Schools on the main campus in the island of Penang; 6 Schools at the Engineering Campus in Nibong Tebal.
USM also has 17 dedicated research centres for a wide range of specialisations which include archaeology, medicine and dentistry, molecular medicine, science and technology, Islamic development and management studies, and policy research and international studies. It also provides consultancy, testing, and advisory services to the industry under the ambit of USAINS Holdings Sdn Bhd, the University’s commercial arm.
The university has published 5 documents.
Website: https://www.usm.my/
Universidade De Aveiro
The University of Aveiro is a public Foundation since 2009 under private law. I tis currently attended by approximately 17000 graduate and post-graduate students, 9% of which are international students. The academic community further comprises around 1400 teaching staff and researchers, and 630 technical, administrative and managerial staff. Most of the research units at UA are interdisciplinary, five of them with the status of Associated Laboratories. In the last evaluation process completed by the FCT (2017/18), seven research units were classified as Excellent and 12 as Very Good.
Research Units:
Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM)
- Atmospheric Processes and Modelling, Environment Processes and Pollutants, Functional Biodiversity, Ecotoxicology, Stress Biology, Adaptation Biology and Ecological Processes, Marine and Estuarine Ecology, Oceanography and Marine Geology, Coastal Zone Planning and Management.
Center for Health technology and Services Research (CINTESIS)
- Clinical & Health Services Research, Ageing & Neurosciences Research, Diagnosis, Disease & Therapeutics Research and Data & Methods Research.
Centre for Mechanical Technology and Automation (TEMA)
- Advanced Mechanical Engineering and Fracture Mechanics, Applied Energy, Biomechanics, Nanoengineering, Transportation Technology and Simulation Software Research and Development.
GeoBioSciences, GeoTechnologies and GeoEngineering (GEOBIOTEC)
- Lithospheric Evolution, Complex Environmental Systems, Georessources, Geotechnics and Geomaterials.
The university has published 5 documents.
Website: https://www.ua.pt/
Universidade Do Porto
The organizational level of SIGARRA Information System ensures the publication of transversal informative content to the entire community of U.Porto, as well as access to resources and services that support the internal functioning (with restricted access) of the University.
The research, development and innovation (R&D+i) groups of the U.Porto are organised into sectoral centers of research which are mostly evaluated by international panels of independent experts in assessments carried out by thee FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology).
The research centers are found in the organic units of the U.Porto, and often in interface associations involving, besides the U.Porto, several public and private entities, which promote the link between the R&D+i activities of the U.Porto and the community. Some of the R&D+i centers of the U.Porto were integrated in Associated Laboratories - research units.
As a result of the growing level of academic qualifications and the considerable increase in funding for infrastructures, equipment and research grants from national and European programmes, research and development activities at the University of Porto have seen both a qualitative and quantitative surge. The research centres at the University of Porto have very different scales, objectives and organisational structures: from small units to sizeable centres, specialised or interdisciplinary, integrated into faculties or autonomous. Many of these centres are used as interfaces for institutions, bringing the University together, as a main partner, along with other organisations representing external interests (industries, government bodies, etc.).
Research Unit: Research and Development at the University of Porto (I&D@U.Porto)
The university has published 5 documents.
Website: https://sigarra.up.pt/
Universite De Lille
A dynamic institution connected with some of the world’s highest-ranking foreign universities, the University of Lille attracts many students. They benefit from excellent studying conditions on huge campuses. For many years now, the University of Lille has made international development central to its way of working, courses and research.
The University of Lille and research stakeholders in the region have pooled their large items of scientific equipment and infrastructure in order to make them more accessible to the academic and private sectors
16 platforms and infrastructures:
Proteomics, glycomics and metabolomics
Cellular imaging
Experimental models
Biology, biotechnology and agribusiness
Nuclear magnetic resonance applied to biology
Synthesis and advanced characterisation for chemistry and materials
Mechanical and civil engineering testing methods
Observation and experimentation in environmental sciences
Information and communication technologies
Lille supercomputing centre
Visual sciences and cultures
Data analysis in humanities and social sciences
Bibliometrics platform
The university has published 5 documents.
Website: https://www.univ-lille.fr/
Universiti Malaysia Pahang
Established as a technical university in 2002, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) offers a variety of engineering- and technology-based technical programmes, including high-level Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). Ranked as one of the best in Research and Innovation within the classifications of Malaysia Technical University Network (MTUN) and Non-Research University (Non RU), UMP is steadfastly committed to innovating and developing unique academic programmes through strategic international collaborations.
At UMP we always welcome collaboration with partners at global and local arena. Our collaborations diverse from science, technology, engineering and cross disciplinary between hard science and social science. These strategic collaboration enables industries and community for knowledge and skill exchange to improve their performance through elements of education, R&D and services. UMP is well equipped with state-of-the-art technology and laboratories as well as experts to provide services in various research fields. UMP also manages several research grants to inspires and increases research activities and capabilities.
The university has published 5 documents.
Website: http://www.ump.edu.my/
Universidad De Cantabria
The University of Cantabria (UC) is the only on-site public institution to offer official university study courses in the self-governed region of Cantabria. It is a young, dynamic public university, founded in 1972, whose main objective is to contribute to social progress via its commitment to teaching and scientific excellence. To achieve these goals, it aims at constant quality control of its work, which means that all its teaching, research and administrative activities continually undergo review and improvement processes. It is precisely this demanding nature that has led it to be considered as one of the ten best universities in the country for quality and scientific productivity.
The University of Cantabria is a public, young and modern institution, whose main objective is to contribute to social progress through its commitment to teaching and scientific excellence. For the consequence of its purposes, it seeks a constant improvement of the quality of its work, which results in the application of a process of review and improvement of all its teaching, research and administrative activity.
This constant requirement allows it to be considered as one of the top ten universities in the country for its quality and scientific productivity.
As a result of its scientific work, the University of Cantabria is at the top of the ranking in:
In R&D resource collection
In high-level scientific production
As a researcher
The university has published 5 documents.
Website: https://web.unican.es/
Universidad De Alcala
Today, the University of Alcalá is a medium-sized modern institution, and acknowledged as a model to be imitated in Europe and America. In addition to classical humanistic studies and the social sciences, the University of Alcalá has incorporated the most modern qualifications in all scientific fields, such as Health Sciences and the various engineering sciences spread across its campuses, which with the Science and Technology Park are a decisive factor in its international profile and a boost to business in our region.
Website: https://www.uah.es/
Universidad Politecnica De Madrid
In the UPM R&D&i Observatory you can find the information about Research Groups, and also everything related to R&D&i Reports, Centres and Institutes, etc. The UPM is a university highly involved in European projects, obtaining the Seal is a guarantee of quality in the contracting of any entity but in the case of UPM it becomes a vital issue to be able to continue to participate competitively in H2020 and Horizon Europe. Conducting research activities requires support in fundraising, management and justification. In this section of the UPM website you can find the necessary information to be able to manage the research carried out in our university. In this section of the website you can also find information about the Office of Technology Transfer that has as its fundamental mission to support in the processing, economic management and justification of all those agreements and contracts emanating from the teaching and research station belonging to the Centers and Departments of the UPM.
The university has published 5 documents.
Website: https://www.upm.es/
Universidad Nacional De Educacion A Distancia (UNED)
The National Distance Education University (UNED) has as its mission the public service of higher education through the modality of distance education.
Facts and data about UNED:
- At more than 205,000 students, UNED has the largest student population in Spain and is one of the largest universities in Europe.
- Since 1972, UNED has sought to translate into action the principle of equal opportunity in access to higher education through a methodology based on the principles of distance learning and focused on the needs of the student.
- UNED is the leader in the implementation of cutting edge technologies applied to learning, with the largest offer of virtual courses in Spain.
The University has been the generator of new knowledge and responsible for its transmission to societies, in short we could say that it has housed thinkers, scientists and free thinkers. But there is something else in relation to Research in the Modern University, we are entering the 21st century and the scenarios are becoming more ethereal and changing, research in universities can and should be the engine for the technological development of our societies, through Innovation. In this sense, as in others, UNED is committed to collaboration with other universities, research centres, companies, etc. The Science Campus and the Technology Park will be our great challenge in the coming years.
The university has published 5 documents.
Website: https://www.uned.es/
Scuola Superiore Sant Anna
The high level of research of the Sant'Anna School is recognized by the results of the Quality Assessment Research (VQR) for 2004-2010 conducted by the ANVUR. The international magazine "Times Higher Education" ranked the school among the best universities in the World University Rankings 2015-2016.
Scientific Research is one of the principal institutional tasks of the School, whose promotion of the activity involves providing the necessary technical and administrative support tools and starting up partnerships with Research Bodies and other Universities, both national and international, as well as applying internal policies of rewards for research excellence.
The Research is carried out in the Institutions that plan and manage the activities, promoting training-research relationships, interdisciplinarity and interaction with the cultural, social and economic world.
The School Institutes
- Biorobotics Institute
- Institute of Law, Politics and Development (Dirpolis)
- Institute of Economics
- Institute of Management
- Institute of Life Sciences
- Institute of Communication, Information and Perception Technologies (TeCIP)
The school has published 5 documents.
Website: https://santannapisa.it/it
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), as one of the higher education institutions which enjoy a long history and a world-renowned reputation in China, is a key university directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education (MOE) of the People's Republic of China and co-constructed by MOE and Shanghai Municipal Government. Through some 120 years' unremitting efforts, SJTU has become a comprehensive, research-oriented, and internationalized top university in China.
SJTU is constantly strengthening its independent scientific research innovation capability. Research fund has increased steadily, with the total funding from the National Natural Science Foundation ranking first in China, and major breakthroughs have been made in the construction of research bases and laboratories. Following winning 11 State Scientific and Technological Awards in 2010, in 2011 SJTU won 13 State Scientific and Technological Awards. The number of academic dissertations continues to be on the top in the country; quality of SCI Dissertations has greatly improved with the number of "Outstanding" dissertations ranking the 2nd in China.
The university has published 5 documents.
Website: http://en.sjtu.edu.cn/
Umea University
Read how our over 2,000 researchers work to help promote factfulness and contribute to scientific progress. Research at Umeå University spans the fields of humanities, medicine, natural sciences, social sciences and the science of education.
A wide range of research takes place at Umeå University within such areas as: humanities, medicine, natural sciences, technology, social sciences, and several interdisciplinary areas. You can find research projects by subject or use the search function to find more specific projects.
The university has published 5 documents.
Website: https://www.umu.se/en/
Norwegian University Life Sciences
NMBU's mission is to contribute to the well-being of the planet. Our interdisciplinary research and study programmes generate innovations in food, health, environmental protection, climate and sustainable use of natural resources. The environmental impacts of human activities have far reaching implications. To curb global warming, the conversion to low-carbon energy is crucial.A range of technologies exists for converting biomass into fuels, heat and power. To develop 2nd generation biofuels and energy competitive for commercial production, cross-sectional knowledge and efforts must be united. Bio4Fuels aims at increasing the efficiency and yields of key process steps within the different value chains adopting a multi-level approach across the boundaries of the value chains.
The university has published 5 documents.
Website: https://www.nmbu.no/
National Pingtung University Science and Technology
Ranked top in the nation, the campus has earned NPUST the reputation of “National Park University” and provides an excellent place for students to cultivate their skills and personal qualities while
strengthening their bodies and minds—it is also an ideal place for faculty members to carry out their research and educational activities
Website: https://en.npust.edu.tw/
Italian National Agency New Technical Energy Sustainable Economics Development
ENEA has highly qualified personnel, advanced laboratories, experimental facilities and excellent instruments for the realisation of projects, studies, tests, assessments, analyses and training services, with particular reference to product and process innovation and the valorisation of results to contribute to the development and competitiveness of the national economic system.
ENEA research activities are focused on the following sectors:
- ENERGY EFFICIENCY: Support to Public Administration, Information and Training; Advanced Technologies for Energy and Industry
- RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES: Concentrated Solar Thermal Energy; Photovoltaics; Biomass and Biofuels; Solar Thermal Energy at low and medium temperatures; Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Energy Storage Systems
- NUCLEAR ENERGY: Nuclear Fusion; Nuclear Fission
- CLIMATE AND THE ENVIRONMENT: Environmental Characterization, Prevention and Recovery; Environmental Technologies; Energy and Environmental Modeling; Marine environment and Sustainable Development; Antarctic Expeditions and Research in Polar Areas
- SAFETY AND HEALTH: Seismic Protection; Radiation Biology and Human Health; Radiation Protection; Metrology of Ionizing Radiation
- NEW TECHNOLOGIES: Materials Technologies; Radiation Applications; Sustainable Development and Innovation of the Agro-Industrial System; ICT
- ELECTRIC SYSTEM RESEARCH: Studies and research, under a Programme Agreement with the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, aimed at innovating the National Electric System to make it cheaper, safer and more environmentally-friendly.
The centre has published 5 documents.
Website: https://www.enea.it/
Indian Institute Of Technology
The minister-in-charge of technical education in the Union Government act as the chairman of the IIT Council body. The IIT Council body also comprises, three Members of Parliament, the Chairmen of all IITs, the Directors of all IITs, the Chairman of the University Grants Commission, the Director General of CSIR, the Chairman of IISc, the Director of IISc, the Joint Council Secretary of Ministry of Human Resource and Development, and three appointees each of the Union Government, AICTE (List of IIT Council Members).
IITs are engaged in providing meaningful education in engineering and science while conducting original research of the highest standard. They aim at leadership in technological innovations that result in all round industrial growth. They work tirelessly to provide state-of-the-art equipment to its faculty that, in turn, supports cutting-edge research in science and technology. Today, they are well recognized as centers of academic excellence.
The institute has published 5 documents.
Website: https://www.iitsystem.ac.in/
Hunan University Of Technology and Business
Located in the historically and culturally renowned city of Changsha, Hunan University of Technology and Business is a full-time provincial university with diverse discipline covering economics, management, law, liberal arts, natural science, engineering, and arts, among which economics and management are its two pillar disciplines. As one of the first-batch group to enroll students in the province, the university has been appraised by the Ministry of Education as "Excellence" in the undergraduate teaching quality evaluation, and construction unit for doctorate conferment.
Website: http://ev.hutb.edu.cn/
Grenoble Ecole Management
With nearly 100 permanent researchers, strong doctoral programs, a large number of European and national research grants, significant economic and institutional partnerships and a dynamic and cooperative research culture, we are proud to be among the key players in management research in Europe, both in terms of the quality of our work and its impact.
Our research aims to develop a high level of knowledge for all our stakeholders: universities, graduates, companies and partners, not to mention society. By relying on GEM's unique expertise at the interface between technology, innovation, society and organization, we seek to use our work in disciplines with strong societal challenges: health, energy, digitalization and urban transformations. Our research programs, co-built with our partners, aim to transform academic knowledge into usable knowledge, adapted to their challenges.
Research at GEM is carried out within eight teams: Alternative Forms of Markets and Organizations (AFMO), Organization, Work, Identity and Career (OWIC), Finance Innovation Governance (FIG), Consumer Behavior, Strategic Marketing and Innovation (MSI), Strategy, Collective Action and Technology (SCAT), Energy Management and Entrepreneurship. These teams offer stimulating research environments to our permanent, postdoctoral and doctoral researchers.
Within the research teams, we rely on four major collaborative thematic platforms to develop and coordinate research and dissemination activities, established in partnership with our external stakeholders, in order to address major societal issues related to areas of Health, Digital Transformation, Energy and Society, the Sharing Economy and urban transformation. Our innovative and collaborative structure, combined with the curiosity of our researchers and the concern for academic excellence, makes us a key player in management research in Europe.
The centre has published 5 documents.
Website: https://www.grenoble-em.com/
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University
The “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi holds scientific research in very high regard, with its 23 research/excellence centres, 8 research teams and accredited research laboratories.
The scientific research activity at TUIASIhas augmented and complemented the students’ education through bachelor, master, doctoral and post-doctoral study programs. TUIASI has 10 doctoral schools in 13 doctoral fields, with 493 tutored doctoral students and 175 doctoral tutors, approaching national and international priority research vectors. Three POSDRU projects (doctoral and post-doctoral grants) were developed in 2013 – projects gained as coordinator – as well as 1 POSDRU (post-doctoral grant) project as partner.
The scientific research, innovation and technological transfer activities in multi and trans-disciplinary fields were materialized by developing 441 research grants as coordinator awarded in national competitions, 197 grants as partner, 58 grants awarded in international competitions, 221 research contracts with private partners, as well as in publishing 2601 ISI papers and in registering with OSIM 35 invention patents.
The dissemination of research results and the enablement of information exchange with research groups from abroad is carried out by the ISI rated magazine – ”Environmental Engineering and Management Journal” – as well as by the “Iasi Polytechnic Institute Bulletin” – a magazine with 10 specialty section, out of which 6 are B+ rated.
The university has published 5 documents.
Website: https://www.tuiasi.ro/
Fondation I Site Ulne
The I-SITE ULNE Foundation was created in January 2018 to accompany the implementation of the “Université Lille Nord-Europe” project By bringing together higher education and research institutions, as well as a wealth of key players from the socio-economic world, the project has demonstrated the shared ambition of creating an internationally recognised university: the Université Lille Nord-Europe, with the potential to become one of the top European universities. The I-SITE ULNE finances 4.5 million euros for the deployment of large-scale projects called “research clusters”, designed to structure the hubs and aggregate a range of financing for tangible and rapid results.
The university has published 5 documents.
Website: http://www.isite-ulne.fr/
Chinese Academy Of Sciences
The Chinese Academy of Sciences is the linchpin of China's drive to explore and harness high technology and the natural sciences for the benefit of China and the world. Comprising a comprehensive research and development network, a merit-based academic society and a system of higher education, CAS brings together scientists and engineers from China and around the world to address both theoretical and applied problems using world-class scientific and management approaches.
Website: http://english.cas.cn/
Chalmers University Of Technology
Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world.
Chalmers University of Technology is a full-scale technological university with scientific depth and interdisciplinary breadth. Curiosity-driven fundamental research is just as natural to us as applied research to solve concrete societal challenges. Our 2,300 researchers, instructors and doctoral students conduct research into everything from the smallest building blocks of matter, to systems biology and food products, to climate issues, traffic safety and distant galaxies. They work closely with industry and the public sector in all research. Chalmers also has a strong international air created by exchanges and collaborations with leading universities worldwide.
At Chalmers University of Technology are a number of centres, national competence centres as well as other centres which cooperate across traditional departmental boundaries. All centres are listed in alphabetical order, in fields of research:
- Built environment
- Energy
- Graphene
- Information and communication technology
- Health engineering
- Materials science
- Nano science
- Production
- Transport
- Quantum Technology
Website: https://www.chalmers.se/
Cardiff University
From insights into distant galaxies to advances in medicine, from a major translation of The Mabinogion to amazing archaeological discoveries: welcome to our world-leading research community. The wide scope of our research means we are able to tackle a range of global challenges, from cancer to mental health and sustainability. We work with NASA to explore space, we followed the ripples of the big bang with Harvard and we are the only UK university seeking to define Englishness.
We're saving lives working on tsunami early warning systems and working out equations to reduce hospital queuing. Driven by curiosity, we apply our research in a way that makes a real difference. We are investing in multidisciplinary research institutes to pursue new scientific approaches to some of the world's most pressing concerns.
Our strong and broad disciplinary research base enables us to combine our expertise to help tackle the big issues of today and tomorrow.
- Arts, humanities and social sciences
Focusing on some of the longest-established fields of human academic endeavour.
- Biomedical and life sciences
From psychology to medicine, our impact continues to reach far beyond the world-class journals in which it is published.
- Physical sciences and engineering
Delivering profound new insights into the physical and engineering world and beyond.
The university has published 5 documents.
Website: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/
University Of Rome Tor Vergata
If you are looking into becoming a PhD doctor or a visiting professor here at Tor Vergata this is the right place to start. Also discover the universitys’ vast international network, the technology transfer office and the choice of libraries.
As it happens for all private and public subjects that aim for excellence in their field, one of the fundamental aspects of strategic planning is the definition of a Vision and Mission that communicate the direction of travel inside and outside and the style with which you intend to achieve the goal.
The University of Rome Tor Vergata has defined its Mission and Vision in favor of sustainable development to become, through continuous change, an academic excellence in the European context. Research, teaching, internationalization, technological, economic, organizational and social development are the key factors through which this challenge can be overcome.
The university has published 6 documents.
Website: https://web.uniroma2.it/
University Of Maribor
Research is the cornerstone of scientific and artistic excellence and high-quality teaching. In 2012, the University of Maribor adopted the Research and Development Strategy with the vision of becoming a research university recognized for its scientific and artistic achievements.
UM's mission in the field of research and development, innovation and art is to acquire, preserve and spread knowledge through the formation of interdisciplinary research teams able to produce outstanding scientific and artistic achievements, manage research and art projects, participate in international networks and centres of excellence, thus enabling the active participation of students in R&D and artistic endeavours, contributing to the development of society, addressing global challenges and encouraging economic development of the region and the wider environment.
The primary goal with regard to R&D, innovation and art is to foster a creative environment encouraging academic freedom in order to promote sustainable development and produce outstanding scientific achievements, thus ensuring greater visibility of UM both in Slovenia and abroad.
The University of Maribor is the first Slovene university to be awarded the "HR Excellence in Research" badge and is obliged to respect the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
The university has published 6 documents.
Website: https://www.um.si/
University Of Deusto
Research at Deusto has experienced significant growth over the past few decades, following a path to excellence through increased scientific production and participation in international projects and networks. The achievement of this vision is supported by a strong set of professionals and research staff with a firm track record and experience around 9 interdisciplinary areas and 24 research teams of excellence.
DEUSTO's interdisciplinary research areas are articulated around:
5 interdisciplinary platforms in the field of Social Justice and Inclusion, Aging and Welfare, Creative Industries and Cities (B creative), Gender, Participation Promotion, in addition to
4 priorities of the territory according to RIS3 strategy: Energy, Health, Territory and Industry 4.0 (Advanced Manufacturing).
The DEUSTO Strategic Plan recognizes that global challenges require global solutions. Research at DEUSTO:
• Combines scientific excellence and practical collaboration with other sectors, generating strong cross-sectoral synergies and involved a wide variety of socioeconomic agents. This provides our researchers with an ideal perspective from which to deal with societ society's problems from the base.
• Promotes the co-creation of solutions for real life challenges from research design to implementation, thus facilitating knowledge transfer, the use of results, and maximizing the social impact of our research.
For training research staff, DEUSTO provides a flexible research ecosystem that fosters international and cross-sectoral collaboration, and makes it easier for our researchers to exchange ideas and address local and global problems from an interdisciplinary perspective.
It is an environment that offers a wide range of research areas for our 7 doctoral programs, including an MSCA COFUND (DEusto International Research School – DIRS) grant, and a wide variety of postgraduate activities. It is research that improves the experience of researchers by maximizing capacity building and opportunities for collaboration that transcend the academic field.
The university has published 6 documents.
Website: www.deusto.es
University Of Bologna
The University of Bologna takes part into a number of international networks and associations and actively participates in several initiatives connected with Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, promoting scientific research in different fields.
The University of Bologna is a member of a series of international networking associations and participates in various initiatives related to the European Union Horizon 2020 funding framework program, with the aim of promoting research activities in various fields.
For Alma Mater, research is a fundamental competitive and employment lever and its centrality is demonstrated by the commitment made in initiatives and activities. In Europe, the University of Bologna stands out for its wealth of skills and for the systematic policy of services in support of researchers who have made it possible to achieve important goals. Some of the projects and initiatives in which the University of Bologna is involved are listed below.
- Skills on Horizon 2020 research topics
- Horizon 2020 projects (in English)
- INTERREG (in English)
- Life program (in English)
- POR FESR 2014/20 projects
- PON PNR 2015/20 projects
- Technopolis project
- AIRC funded projects
- Projects financed by Telethon
- CTN 2012 projects
- PRIMA - Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area
- MED EU - Matching Excellence Directly for EU
- Integrated Research Team (IRT)
- Bologna Smart City
- EURAXESS - Researchers in motion
- Spin off
- MIUR departments of excellence
The university has published 6 documents.
Website: https://www.unibo.it/
Universiti Utara Malaysia
As part of our tradition, UUM is continuously working with all our partners and stakeholders to build a better future for our community.
Research and Innovation Management Centre (RIMC)
RIMC's vision is to drive the management discipline towards human development that ensures the sustainability of faith, nation and country through excellence in research and innovation.
- Coordinate and monitor university's research activities
- Conduct seminars / workshops / lectures on research related to the interests of the University.
- Spreading research opportunities.
- Managing the development of publications among academic staff.
- Carry out activities to raise awareness and culture of writing; and improve writing and publishing skills to academic staff.
The university has published 6 documents.
Website: http://www.uum.edu.my/
Universite De Toulouse
The University of Toulouse gathers many research and Higher Education Institutions throughout the Midi-Pyrenées region. Over 100.000 students are enrolled in its 23 higher education member institutions and 7 research organizations.
The 7,000 researchers and teacher-researchers, 5,000 administrative and technical staff and nearly 4,500 doctoral students make the Federal University of Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées one of the five main research centers in France.The scientific quality of the site, widely recognized, gives the collective of establishments of the Federal University of Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées an important influence and a strong attractiveness.
The collective development dynamic now involves a strategy of visibility and international attractiveness, of national recognition of the site as a "major research university", of dissemination of innovation to socio-economic players.
This shared strategy must be able to respond to the challenges of progress in research, by mobilizing European (Horizon 2020, Erasmus +, etc.), national (PIA in particular) and local (communities, companies, etc.) resources.
This scientific site strategy is based on six interdisciplinary axes which respond to major societal challenges:
- Global and dynamic changes in ecosystems
- Energy transition and new routes of matter
- Aeronautics, Space and new mobility
- Data science and digital society
- Regulations, heritage, cultures and societies
- Health, biology and well-being
The university has published 6 documents.
Website: https://www.univ-toulouse.fr/
Universidade Do Vale Do Rio Dos Sinos Unisinos
Unisinos labors to keep developing research, technology and innovation each year. The university's major strategic goal is the growth through academic excellence, deploying efforts for raising funds among partners to consolidate the research groups and to contribute to regional development. There are 25 graduate programs, 14 of them with Doctoral programs, about 100 research groups, and more than 300 ongoing research projects.
Some graduate programs of the university work with the technological park Tecnosinos, located at Unisinos campus in Sao Leopoldo. The tech park hosts about 75 technology-based companies with extensive liaison of the university's applied research. Tecnosinos was awarded the best tech park in Brazil in 2010. In addition, masters and Ph.D candidates can find at Unisinos an environment of opportunities which enables them to engage in activities and participate in national and international scientific events that are held by the university.
Strongly linked to research and structured with high technology equipment, Unisinos’ technological institutes (itts) act as partners of companies and organizations. They reinforce the strategic approach of the institution on technological support services to companies and organizations in order to foster research, development and innovation, besides forming highly technical specialized personnel.
Unisinos has the itt Fuse (Functional Safety and Tests Tecnhnological Institute), itt Performance (Performance and Civil Construction Technological Institute), itt Fossil (Micropaleontology Technological Institute), and itt Nutrifor (Foods for Health Technological Institute).
The university has published 6 documents.
Website: http://www.unisinos.br/
Universidade De Caxias Do Sul
Research is one of the main pillars sustaining the activities carried out at a University. From it arise new knowledge and ideas, which can be transformed into products, processes and technologies, cultural goods and innovative practices, and those, in their turn, will generate development and well-being for the society.
At the University of Caxias do Sul, research, innovation, and development are intrinsic to academic routine, underlying the structure of the institution's academic and extension programs.
In addition to the stricto sensu graduate programs, which account for the Master's and Doctorate programs, activities related to research are carried out in Nuclei of Research, and in Nuclei of Innovation and Development.
The university has published 6 documents.
Website: https://www.ucs.br/site
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Promotes research oriented to economic and social development, promoting and enhancing the research activity and the dissemination and transfer of knowledge and results to society. The promotion of R&D&I activities is carried out through collaboration with companies and institutions, and participation in national and international calls that allow our researchers to develop their lines of research contributing to the generation, expansion and dissemination of knowledge, and to the advancement of science and technology.
• Centre for Documentation and Studies of the European Union "Emile Nuel" of the King Juan Carlos University
• Center for The Study of Ibero-America at King Juan Carlos University
• Center for Economic Studies of Madrid (CEEM) of the King Juan Carlos University
• Center for Intelligent Information and Applications Technologies (CETINIA) of the King Juan Carlos University
• Center for Research and Training in Aerospace Sciences of King Juan Carlos University -- Centre for Research and Education in Aeroespace Sciences (CREAS)
• University Center for Tourism Studies of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (CETUR)
• Center for Sports Studies, King Juan Carlos University
• Data Research Center, Complex Networks & Cybersecurity Sciences, King Juan Carlos University
The university has published 6 documents.
Website: https://www.urjc.es/
Universidad De La Rioja
Currently, it maintains in force more than 800 agreements with companies and public institutions that allows almost all of its students to carry out professional internships related to degrees; and agreements with a hundred campuses around the world that facilitate the international stays of students of the University of La Rioja and give this a markedly cosmopolitan character.
Website: https://www.unirioja.es/
Polytechnic University Of Milan
Politecnico di Milano is committed to achieving excellence in research. The path towards excellence is developed along the following actions: support advanced and fundamental research activities; develop strategic partnerships with academia and industry around the world to make significant contributions to society; develop new interdisciplinary research lines to tackle societal challenges; embed scientific developments and research results into university education. The Departments of Politecnico di Milano are responsible for the implementation of the mission in their scientific domains. The university has published 6 documents.
In order to identify the competences inside the Departments, Politecnico di Milano uses the European Research Council (ERC)’s panels and their related keywords, that are worldwide recognized. The European Research Council supports frontier research, cross disciplinary proposals and pioneering ideas in new and emerging fields which introduce unconventional and innovative approaches. For the planning and operation of the evaluation of ERC grant proposals by panels, the following panel structure applies. There are 25 ERC panels to cover all fields of science, engineering and scholarship assigned to three research domains: Physical Sciences and Engineering (10 Panels, PE1–PE10), Life Sciences (9 Panels, LS1–LS9) and Social Sciences and Humanities (6 Panels, SH1–SH6). The panel names are accompanied by a list of ERC keywords indicating the fields of research covered by the respective ERC panels.
- Physical Sciences and Engineering
- Life Sciences
- Social Sciences and Humanities
Website: https://www.polimi.it/en/
Riga Technical University
Research at RTU is organized on six research platforms. The objective of research platforms is to ensure multi-faculty and interdisciplinary research in the areas of great significance for the national economy and society. Active and continuous analysis of market needs and commercial potential takes place within the research platforms. The university has published 6 documents.
- Energy and Environment
- Cities and Development
- Information and Communication
- Transport
- Materials, Processes, and Technologies
- Security and Defence
Website: https://www.rtu.lv/en
Seoul National University (SNU)
An autonomous, convergence education system with an aim of strengthening creativity and character Fosters practical and cooperative skills through the implementation of a convergence, “L-shaped” education system that lowers the barriers between different majors and invites in-depth interdisciplinary discussions. Enables students to explore various perspectives through student-directed education programs and interdisciplinary courses such as “Interdisciplinary Approaches.”
Building a future-oriented smart multi-campus:
A global R&D campus to lead the fourth industrial revolution and support innovative growth engines. Building an eco-friendly smart campus that responds to future changes in education environment and saves energy through ICT.
Establishing a system for university innovation:
Establishment of a University Innovation Center to systematically and comprehensively promote university innovation. The University Innovation Center will act as a think-tank that will pioneer the higher education of the future by sponsoring mid- to long-term research projects through extensive data analysis.
The university has published 6 documents.
Website: https://en.snu.ac.kr/
Universidad Carlos III De Madrid
We are providing you with a tool to explore the R+D+i structure across Carlos III University of Madrid, quickly locate experts in a scientific research field and facilitate access to their research outputs.
Our aim is to foster access to scientific and research information that will give quick, dynamic and up to date answer to these 2 questions:
- Who is researching a specific topic?
- What is an expert, group or particular department researching?
We hope that, as well as answering these questions, the UC3M Research Portal will facilitate contact among researchers and will initiate new ways of collaboration.
The research groups are fundamental research teams or units made up of professors and researchers who carry out research work in a coordinated and regular way on a specific number of common research lines, interests and related activities, and whose collaboration results in smoother processing and increased efficiency in work of a scientific, technical or artistic nature. At present in UC3M, there are 131 recognized Research Groups dependent on the 28 academic departments making up the University.
The university has published 6 documents.
Website: https://www.uc3m.es/
Northwestern Polytechnical University
Located in the historic city of Xi'an, cradle of Chinese civilization and terminus of the ancient Silk Road, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) is the only multidisciplinary and research-oriented in China that is simultaneously developing education and research programs in the fields of aeronautics, astronautics, and marine technology engineering. It is now affiliated to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC), NPU has always been one of the nation’s key universities.
The university has published 6 documents.
Website: https://en.nwpu.edu.cn/
Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPVJ)
The international is a priority in the strategy of development of the University of Picardie Jules Verne. Its presence on the international scene is manifested by the expansion of its network of partner universities, its participation in major exchange programmes and its accession to the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie and the Agency National Campus France.
UPJV's researchers are active in numerous research fields. These fields can be divided into three broad areas : Arts, humanities and scocial sciences, Natural sciences and mathematics, Life and health sciences.
Quick Facts
- 1278 teaching and research positions
- 31 successful laboratories, some of which are internationally renowned. 10 laboratories are based on partnerships with the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) or INSERM. (National Institute of Health and Medical Research).
- 56 million € annual research budget (wage share included)
- a portofolio of over 30 patents
Research axes
- Artistic practices, margins, exchange
- Knowledge, language, norms
- Conflicts, history, territories
- Public action and organisations
- Health, societies, ecosystems
- Health : biological, clinical, psychological and social dimensions
- Agro-resources
- Materials and energy storage
- Mathematics and ICT
Research environment
The university research activities are supported by a dedicated office : the Direction of Research, Technology Transfer and Innovation (Direction de la recherche, de la Valorisation et de l'Innovation - DRVI).
The DRVI provides assistance to researchers in securing funding and in knowledge and technology transfer activities. The DRVI acts also as an interface between the University and the public and private sectors to facilitate technology transfer and knowledge partnerships. DRVI personnel offer a variety of expertise to the academic community and outside partners :
- Negotiation of research contracts
- Creation of partnerships between research units and public or private interests who wish to benefit from Université de Picardie research expertise
- Management of intellectual property
- Promotion of UPJV's research expertise
The university has published 6 documents.
Website: https://www.u-picardie.fr/
Netherlands Organization Applied Science Research
TNO connects people and knowledge to create innovations that boost the competitive strength of industry and the well-being of society in a sustainable way. This is our mission and it is what drives us, the over 3,400 professionals at TNO, in our work every day. We work in collaboration with partners and focus on nine domains.
The centre has published 6 documents.
Website: https://www.tno.nl/nl/
National Taipei University
An institution steeped in history, National Taipei University began as Taiwan Provincial College of Public Administration in 1949 to educate and train the country’s business and legal elite. In 2000, National Taipei University was reorganized and restructured from the Law and Business College of National Chung-Hsin University. In 2010, the NTPU finally completed the entire relocation project, moving the six colleges from the downtown campus in the Taipei City, to the present San-Shia main campus in the New Taipei City. Over the past few decades, the NTPU has traditionally played a significant and pivotal role in educating and developing the mid- and high-level talents in the areas of law, business, public administration, as well as social sciences.
The Global Change and Sustainability Science Center (GCSSC) is a university-level interdisciplinary integration research center.It was established to conduct research on global climate change issues from the perspective of interdisciplinary sustainability science.There are five divisions in the GCSSC including Resource and Environmental Governance, Spatial Planning, Industrial Transformation, Urbanization, and Disaster Risk. In addition to conducting research projects, GCSSC also organizes international conferences and training workshop to promote international collaboration and scholar exchange with international institutes.
The university has published 6 documents.
Website: http://english.ntpu.edu.tw/
Montpellier Business School
Montpellier Business School provides training for all the talents who join it to help them become responsible actors in a changing world and make a difference. The students enrolled in initial and executive education, the partner businesses and all of the institutions related to Montpellier Business School benefit from the strong and wholehearted support provided by Montpellier Business School’s permanent and affiliated faculty members to achieve their objectives based on the respect of shared values such as innovation, openness and diversity, ethics and overall performance.
These faculty members also rely on all of the Montpellier Business School stakeholders to progress, identify relevant research issues, constantly confront the need to update their approaches, make their class teachings supported by research and set a strong link with practice.
Faculty members strongly contribute to this objective which consists on professional integration of apprentices and take into account the expectations expressed by public and private businesses and institutions in all of its teaching and knowledge production activities.
The university has published 6 documents.
Website: https://www.montpellier-bs.com/
IRTA‘s mission is to contribute to modernising, improving, boosting competitiveness, and fostering sustainable development in the sectors of agriculture, food, agroforestry, aquaculture, and fishing, as well as in all areas of activity directly or indirectly related to the supply of healthy, high-quality foodstuffs to end consumers, while also contributing to food safety and safe processing of foodstuffs and in general enhancing the health and well-being of the population.
These are the IRTA scientific programs that work in the care of the environment:
Marine and Continental Waters, Integral Management of Organic Waste, Sustainable Field Crops, Efficient Use of Water in Agriculture and Agro-food economy.
And these are the IRTA centers where we work specifically on sustainability projects:
IRTA Torre Marimon, IRTA Cabrils, IRTA Fruitcentre, IRTA Lleida Agronomists, Lleida Field Station, IRTA Sant Carles de la Ràpita and CREDA.
The institute has published 6 documents.
Website: http://www.irta.cat/
Instituto Universitario De Lisboa
One of the Iscte’s key strategic goals is to become a research university with an increasingly higher and internationalized scientific performance, aimed at the advancement of knowledge in its main areas – Management and Economics, Sociology and Public Policy, Social Sciences and Humanities, Information and Communication Technologies and Architecture - and its application to institutions, the economy and society.
Scientific research is a key component of Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon. One of Iscte’s main strategic goals is to become a research university with high-quality, internationalized scientific output, aimed at the advancement of knowledge in its main areas – Management, Economics, Sociology, Public Policy, Social Sciences, Humanities, Information and Communication Technologies and Architecture - and its application to institutions, the economy and society.
Iscte has a broad network of patnerships with leading universities and research centres, nationally and internationally, as well as with public, private and third-sector organizations.
Iscte has eight research units that develop high-quality research. These research units are regularly subjected to external international evaluation conducted by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), and most receive top ratings. The excellent work performed by the research units of Iscte is recognized by the Rectory each year in the granting of Scientific Awards that distinguish professors and researchers whose scientific work has been published in highly reputed international journals.
The university has published 6 documents.
Website: https://www.iscte-iul.pt/
Helmholtz Association
The Helmholtz Association contributes to unravelling complex systems which determine human life and environment. The Association develops answers to the decisive questions which move people today and in the future: a secure and reliable energy supply, sustainable use of resources, future mobility or the treatment of previously incurable diseases. But the work also addresses questions of a more fundamental nature, such as that of the origin of the universe.
The Helmholtz Association helps to decode the complex systems that determine people and the environment. It develops answers to crucial questions that move people today and in the future: in connection with energy supply, the sustainable use of resources, mobility or the therapy of previously incurable diseases. But fundamental questions, such as those about the origin of the universe, are also included.
The six research areas of the Helmholtz Association with the research programs contained therein are based on the big and pressing questions of society and develop sustainable solutions for tomorrow and the day after.
The association has published 6 documents.
Website: https://www.helmholtz.de/
Asia University
Asia University (AU) is a visionary, pioneering, and fast-growing school, and was founded with the goal of establishing a remarkable and comprehensive university with international competitiveness. Karl Jaspers, a German philosopher, believed that an ideal university must have three features- academic teaching, scientific research, and a creative cultural life, which exactly are what we have been pursuing for years since the establishment of the school.
To improve the quantity and quality of research outputs, Asia University has established various top-notch research centers that will lead the world by adopting emerging technology. Our research centers include the AI Research Center, the Center for Precision Medicine Research, the Intelligent Assistive Technology and Rehabilitation Innovation Center, the Institute of Innovation and Circular Economy, the Eye Center, the Big Data Research Center, the Research Center of Fintech and Blockchain Technology, the Food Safety and Inspection Center, the 3D Printing Medical Research Institute, the Center for Prevention and Treatment of Internet Addiction, and the Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms Research Center. Furthermore, in response to the age of AI and 5G, Asia University has established the first College of Artificial Intelligence in Taiwan to boost students’ future career prospect with AI knowledge and 5G literacy. Our AI experience room situated inside the Smart Library offers students a glance of smart medical service, smart home, self-driving car, unmanned factory, XArm etc.
The university has published 6 documents.
Website: https://www.asia.edu.tw/
Agh University Of Science Technology
The AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow is a modern state university which develops collaboration with colleges and universities in Poland, Europe, and all over the world. The university’s priority is the accomplishment of tasks and projects that are part of the knowledge triangle: education – scientific research – innovations. The AGH University of Science and Technology is a technical university where exact sciences are strongly represented, and where they constitute basis for the development of a wide spectrum of applied sciences at a gradually increasing role of social sciences and humanities. In line with global trends, we create new branches of study, but at the same time we keep the conventional ones, which are indispensable for a proper development of science, technology, and the economy of our country.
A wide scope of research conducted at the university is a result of the contemporary structure which has been shaped over the last 100 years; the development of the university units was connected with the dynamic development of the country’s economy. Invariably, AGH UST’s ambition has been getting ahead of the present time, a result of which are many innovative solutions in different areas. Research activity of the AGH University of Science and Technology comprises eight subject areas.
- Information Technologies
- New Materials and Technologies
- Environment and Climatic Changes
- Energy and its Resources
- Mining
- Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
- Exact and Natural Sciences
- Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities
The university has published 6 documents.
Website: https://www.agh.edu.pl/
Gabriele d'Annunzio University
The ‘Gabriele d’Annunzio’ University, established in 1965 as a ‘Libera Università’ (non state-owned university), became state-owned in 1982. Today, it has 13 Departments and 2 Schools. There are two university campuses: Chieti, registered office of the university with the offices of the Rector and General Directorate and Pescara.
The Ud'A comprises thirteen Departments, five of which are organised under the School of Medicine and Health Sciences and two under the School of Economics, Business, Legal and Sociological Sciences.
The university has published 6 documents.
Website: https://en.unich.it/
University Of Navarra
We generate partnerships and aggregations with the public and private sectors to identify those knowledge challenges that concern society at large and provide solutions to improve people's lives. The University of Navarra aspires to become an international reference Research University and to conduct interdisciplinary, international research with a high degree of social implication. The aim is for the improvement in research to have a positive effect on teaching quality.
Researchers and Centers:At the University of Navarra, research is characterized by the breadth of its spectrum. Much of the Sciences and Humanities are studied both in the university itself and in its associated centers. All this with the ultimate goal of serving society. In the words of the founder of the University of Navarra: "The University cannot live with its back to any uncertainty, to any concern, to any need of men".
The university has published 7 documents.
Website: https://www.unav.edu/
University Of Leeds
The University, established in 1904, is one of the largest higher education institutions in the UK. We are renowned globally for the quality of our teaching and research. The strength of our academic expertise combined with the breadth of disciplines we cover, provides a wealth of opportunities and has real impact on the world in cultural, economic and societal ways. The University strives to achieve academic excellence within an ethical framework informed by our values of integrity, equality and inclusion, community and professionalism.
Our community of researchers brings together excellence and innovation, pushing the frontiers of knowledge and discovery to shape a better future.This involves creating, nurturing and promoting an environment in which people work together across disciplines and with partners to solve complex problems. The result is truly transformational fundamental and challenge-led research that advances knowledge and creates solutions to local, national and global challenges.
The university has published 7 documents.
Website: https://www.leeds.ac.uk/
University Of Barcelona
The University of Barcelona (UB) is Spain’s leading research university, publishing more research than any other Spanish institution with the exception of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (Third European Report on Science and Technology Indicators).
The University of Barcelona is intensively active in research in every branch of knowledge: health sciences, experimental sciences, engineering, social sciences, arts and humanities The international impact of its scientific output and its commitment to innovation are part of the University of Barcelona’s DNA. The UB is membre of League of European Research Universities (LERU) and it has HRS4R accreditation of the European Commission, a quality seal that recognizes efforts to foster equal opportunities and the capacity to attract talent.
Our research activities are conducted in its sixteen faculties, in nearly three hundred research groups and seventeen institutes, four of which have been accredited as Maria de Maeztu Units of Excellence, awarded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation. Knowledge transfer is another fundamental focus of action, with first-rate infrastructures like the Science and Technology Centres, the Barcelona Science Park or the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation.
The university has published 7 documents.
Website: https://www.ub.edu/
Universite De Technologie De Compiegne
Technological, partnership, multidisciplinary, intercultural research and above all conducive to innovation! The UTC is pursuing technological research within its units that answers societal questions that the environment sends back to it in an increasingly pressing way. A closer search also for the real problems of the socio-economic world. UTC's research and innovation strategy reflects the collective added value and specific contributions of its laboratories, which embody its scientific heart.
Not only is there a mix of scientific specialties, but there are also combinations of sites which help new knowledge and viable practice to circulate and disseminate among the specialty areas, the university and Society, between labs and enterprise and also between public and private spheres.
UTC has close to 300 research 'actor-agents' and 280 PhD students. It aims at promoting research activities that are relevant in a given area but also 'open' at the interfaces between various areas (transportation and communication, biology, health-sector engineering, mechanical engineering, computer sciences and applications, and social sciences and humanities). The projects that arise through applications of this approach lie at the core of the university's public-private partnerships.
Eight research units form the core of UTC’s research potential. Inasmuch as they cannot be seen as independent research communities, they collectively represent technical-scientific skills as in various scientific research areas: basic, formal sciences (mathematics), experimental sciences (mechanical, biochemical, biological, computer sciences and applications … social sciences and societal issues (ICTs, economic, management, sociology and humanities).
The university has published 7 documents.
Website: https://www.utc.fr/
University of Malaga
The University Research Institutes constitute a basic organizational structure of the scientific research, development and technological innovation (R&D+i) activity of the Spanish public system, and especially of universities, based on the role granted to them by Organic Law 6/2001, of December 21, universities, as amended by Organic Law 4/2007, of April 12.
The University of Malaga (UMA), as part of its strategy of enhancing the research, development and technological innovation (R&D&I) activities that it wishes to promote, supports the creation of the different types of recognized Institutes (Own, Adscritos, Mixed and Interuniversity) and promotes the creation of a new modality, the Emerging Institutes. In this way, relying on the individual activity of its teachers and that of the research groups, we want to increase the quality, the number of actions in R&D&I, as well as the transfer of this activity from the research fabric to the productive fabric.
The university has published 7 documents.
Website: https://www.uma.es/
Polish Academy Of Sciences
The Polish Academy of Sciences, headquartered in Warsaw, is one of two Polish institutions having the nature of an academy of sciences. The Polish Academy of Sciences (Polish: Polska Akademia Nauk, abbreviated PAN) is a Polish state learned institution, headquartered in Warsaw, that was established in 1952 by the merger of earlier learned societies, including the Polish Academy of Learning (Polska Akademia Umiejętności, abbreviated PAU), with its seat in Kraków, and the Warsaw Society of Friends of Learning, which had been founded in the late 18th century. The Polish Academy of Sciences functions as a learned society acting through an elected corporation of leading scholars and research institutions. The Academy has also, operating through its committees, become a major scientific advisory body. Another aspect of the Academy is its coordination and overseeing of numerous (several dozens) of research institutes. PAN institutes employ over 2,000 people, and are funded by about a third of the Polish government's budget for science. In 1989, the Polish Academy of Learning, in Kraków, resumed its independent existence, separate from the Polish Academy of Sciences, in Warsaw.
Website: http://pan-pl.academia.edu/
National Technical University Of Athens
The National Technical University of Athens is structured according to the continental European system for training engineers, with an emphasis on solid background. The duration of courses leading, after the acquisition of 300 credit units to a Diploma, of Master’s level, is five years. The valuable work of NTUA and its international reputation are due to its well-organised educational andresearch system, the quality of its staff and students, and the adequacy of its technical infrastructure. NTUA graduates were pivotal to Greece’s pre-war development and to post-war reconstruction. The graduate engineers who staffed public and private technical services and companies were and remain by general consent, equal to their European counterparts. Many have been elected to distinguished teaching and research positions in well-known universities all over the world.
NTUA’s equal and interrelated priorities are education and scientific research. The research programmes that are undertaken at the Institution are subject to established academic standards and are funded by NTUA’s own resources, by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) and other public bodies, by the European Union or by private sector companies in Greece and other countries. In exchange for the services and facilities provided (which include premises, equipment and infrastructure), NTUA withholds approximately 15% of the research programmes budget and By decision of the Senate, these amounts, which are collected annually, are used to support education, research that is not funded by other resources as well as other activities. The latter include scholarships awarded to postgraduate students.
Research is conducted in 130 officially established laboratories under the supervision of the academic staff. The total number of postgraduate students is 4.950. Of these, 1.950 are enrolled in an Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies Programme (I.P.S.P.) that leads to an M.Eng. while 3.000 are Ph.D. students.
The university has published 7 documents.
Website: https://www.ntua.gr/en/
Lappeenranta University Of Technology
LUT research focuses on topical issues requiring action. We seek solutions to get climate change under control, to promote wind and solar power, for the recycling of nutrients and waste, for the continued access to clean water and energy, and for sustainable business activities.
Our strengths are an understanding of the system level of energy systems, the digital design and production of machinery and equipment, as well as demanding metal structures, especially in Arctic conditions. Green chemistry, separation technique, and scientific calculation are special strengths of ours.
We also produce new methods for refining data faster and with greater versatility. In an increasingly digital world, value-added is created through software which is capable of combining data and services in new ways that have not been seen before.
The university has published 7 documents.
Website: https://www.lut.fi/web/en/
Jiangsu University
JSU has been promoting high-level research. In the recent 5 years, the total scientific research fund amounts to 2.789 billion RMB, sponsored by governments and enterprises. Since 2016, JSU has succeeded in applying for 524 projects in total from the National Natural Science Foundation, ranking among the top 50 universities in Mainland China for six consecutive years.
Website: https://eng.ujs.edu.cn/
Institute For Engineering Systems Sciences Insis (CNRS)
The French National Centre for Scientific Research is among the world's leading research institutions. Its scientists explore the living world, matter, the Universe, and the functioning of human societies in order to meet the major challenges of today and tomorrow. Internationally recognised for the excellence of its scientific research, the CNRS is a reference in the world of research and development, as well as for the general public.
Within the CNRS Research Office (DGDS), the CNRS Institutes are the structures that implement the institution’s scientific policy, and oversee as well as coordinate the activities of laboratories.
The ten CNRS Institutes cover more or less extensive scientific fields, share projects, and promote cooperation between disciplines. They are directed by specialists in their domains who come from either the CNRS or the universities. The Institutes collaborate closely with functional departments on the following issues:
- international policy,
- site policy,
- technology transfer and innovation,
- scientific and technical information.
The centre has published 7 documents.
Website: http://www.cnrs.fr/
Universidade Estadual Paulista
The UNESP's Strategic Internationalization Plan proposes the implementation of an innovative policy for the organization of research and graduate studies at the institution. It was built, considering transversal axes of high scientific and social impact, guided by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), established by the United Nations in 2015 as part of the "Agenda 2030 on Challenges of the Millennium".
The SDGs will contribute to the internationalization of UNESP in two ways: the first is the full engagement of the University to the concerns that guide the global agenda, aligning it with the research and education currently developed in the central world-class partner universities.
The second positive aspect of the inclusion of the SDGs into the internationalization of UNESP is related to the reorganization of the university's current graduate programs, which will combine efforts and expertise with international partner institutions to share science and technology, generate knowledge and seek solutions to the leading global problems. This strategy is organized considering seven cross-cutting research themes, with different research lines, that reveal UNESP's scientific strengths, programs of excellence and areas of interest, as follows:
- Plural Societies
- Sustainable Development
- Bioeconomy
- Health and Wellness
- Materials and Technologies
- Biodiversity and Climate Change
- Basic Science of the Edge of Knowledge
The university has published 8 documents.
Website: https://www2.unesp.br/
University Of Padua
The University of Padua is one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious seats of learning; it is a multi-disciplinary university that aims to provide its students with both professional training and a solid cultural background. A qualification from the University of Padua is a symbol of having achieved an ambitious objective, one that is recognised and coveted by both students and employers alike.
Website: https://www.unipd.it/
University Of Naples Federico II
The Department of Earth Science, Environment and Resources promotes researches in the field of Geosciences. This deals with traditional disciplines such as the study of history and evolution of organisms and habitats, cartography and geophysics, as well as applied disciplines spanning from the evaluation of geological risks (seismic, volcanic, landsliding), soil defense, the study of minerals and rocks used in manifacturing industries, the study of groundwater and environmental contaminants, the search for oilfields and mining deposits. Applied and basic researches are both given full appreciation and equal dignity.
DiSTAR puts effort into the spread and application of scientific results as a support and integration for the socioeconomic development, and to land-use planning activities. An important goal for DiSTAR is supervising its own students' careers to offer them the best working opportunities. On a similar vein, DiSTAR works to prepare PhD students meant to lead on future of geoscience research.
The university has published 8 documents.
Website: http://www.unina.it/
Lund University
Lund is the most popular study location in Sweden. The University offers one of the broadest ranges of programmes and courses in Scandinavia, based on cross-disciplinary and cutting-edge research. The University has a distinct international profile, with partner universities in 70 countries.
Lund University has an annual turnover of SEK 8.8 billion, of which close to 60% goes to research. Our research is characterised by both breadth and strength.
We provide education and research within the following areas:
- Economics and management
- Engineering and technology
- Humanities
- Theology
- Law
- Fine arts, music and theatre
- Medicine
- Science
- Social sciences
Over recent years, Lund University has achieved major success in obtaining large research grants. Annually, over SEK 5 billion goes to research across nine faculties. Lund University has also distinguished itself in the allocations of Linnaeus environments and the Swedish Government’s investment in strategic research areas. These successes are largely a result of the interdisciplinary research carried out and the diversity that our full-scale university has to offer.
Lund University strategic research áreas:
- Linnaeus environments
- Examples of strong research environments*
- Ageing and supportive environments
- Biodiversity and ecosystem services
- Cancer research
- Climate modelling
- Diabetes research
- Epidemiology
- E-science
- Humanities Lab
- Information technology and mobile communications
- The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics
- Laser physics and spectroscopy
- The Middle East in a Contemporary World
- Nanotechnology
- Neuroscience
- Stem cell therapy
- Sustainability science
- Sustainable production
The university has published 8 documents.
Website: http://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/
Maastricht University
Maastricht University (UM) is the most international university in the Netherlands and, with 18,000 students and 4,400 employees, is still growing. The university stands out for its innovative education model, international character and multidisciplinary approach to research and education. Thanks to its high-quality research and study programmes as well as a strong focus on social engagement, UM has quickly built up a solid reputation. Today it is considered one of the best young universities in the world.
UM multidisciplinary collaborations contribute to solving major societal issues within our primary research themes. We develop new methods to make plastics from organic materials, but we also conduct research into migration, and look into methods to get more people interested taking the necessary financial preparations for their retirement. Whenever possible, UM research is translated into economic, financial, or social value. UM participates in centres of excellence, both technological and social, to allow scientific discoveries to be swiftly converted into practical applications. What is more, research is integrated into education at every level. Our educational method, Problem-Based Learning, lays the groundwork for students to embrace research and the scientific method from the very first day of their studies.
The university has published 8 documents.
Website: https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/
Linkoping University
In close collaboration with the business world and society, Linköping University (LiU) conducts world-leading, boundary-crossing research in fields including materials science, IT and hearing. In the same spirit, the university offers many innovative educational programmes, many of them with a clear vocational focus, leading to qualification as, for example, doctors, teachers, economists and engineers.
What makes Linköping University special is the lack of boundaries between different subjects and faculties, which has resulted in world-leading research environments and companies. In addition to scientific matters we address issues where the results can benefit all of society.
The university has published 8 documents.
Website: https://liu.se/en
Romanian Academy Of Sciences
During the longest part of its activity, the Academy achieved the goals set by its founders, and succeeded in being the main forum of reflection and intellectual creation, both literary and artistic, of the Romanian people. The kings of the country were the honorary presidents and protectors of the Academy; its acting and associate members were the most representative personalities in sciences, arts, and letters in Romania; its honorary members were important figures of national and international repute, tied through research, contribution and affection to the realities of Romania. Its prestige and tireless work in the service of sciences and of the nation had earned it the authority to proclaim "immortals."
Website: https://acad.ro/
Imperial College London
Imperial College London is the only UK university to focus entirely on science, engineering, medicine and business. Our international reputation for excellence in teaching and research sees us consistently rated in the top 10 universities worldwide.
Imperial College London is committed to undertaking research of the highest international quality within an intellectually challenging and inspiring environment, to extending the frontiers of research within and beyond existing research disciplines, and to bringing together research expertise within and beyond the College to address the science challenges of today and the future. The College's achievements in research are underpinned by the quality and expertise of the individuals within it, and these pages define the standards of research governance and integrity essential to the College's reputation and success.
The College has adopted the Council for Science and technology's Universal Ethical Code for Scientists and upholds its three principles, which are:
- Rigour, Honesty and Integrity
- Respect for Life, the Law and the Public Good
- Responsible Communications: Listening and Informing
The university has published 8 documents.
Website: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/
INRAE is France's new National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, created on January 1, 2020, It was formed by the merger of INRA, the National Institute for Agricultural Research, and IRSTEA, the National Research Institute of Science and Technology for the Environment and Agriculture.
Our research subjects and practices directly tackle issues of concern for society, and our research results help inform the solutions we must adopt. In all our work, we rely on the guidance provided by our ethics committee and our code of conduct. For certain research topics, INRAE has used this guidance to formally describe its institutional principles, positions, strategies, or opinions.
The institute has published 8 documents.
Website: https://www.inrae.fr/
The CentraleSupélec Research Centre will take its place at the heart of investigation, exploration and knowledge creation for the world’s most demanding societal and technological challenges. Our work encompasses the whole of the engineering and systems sciences; with multidisciplinary projects established in close partnership within our academic and business network, and in close and consistent dialogue with the wider economic sector.
Our continued focus will be developing innovative responses with an international scope within the 7 core areas on our agenda:
- 17 laboratories
- Mathematical Federation
- Laboratory with EDF
Our dynamic and international research teams cover eight scientific domains, covering the considerable breadth of the engineering and system sciences:
- Materials Science
- Mechanical Engineering, Energy and Combustion
- Applied Physics
- Applied Mathematics
- Computer Science
- Industrial Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Signal, Control and Telecoms
In focusing on these societal challenges of the future, the CentraleSupélec Research Centre remains close to both its academic and industrial partners.
The centre has published 8 documents.
Website: https://www.centralesupelec.fr/
Collegio Carlo Alberto
The main areas of research focus are economics, law, political science and sociology, with most research projects spanning these areas in an interdisciplinary way. Moreover, about 60% of the Collegio’s scientific production is explicitly meant to contribute to the policy debate, in Italy and in broader arenas.
Although at the Collegio the scientific research follows the typical "bottom up" approach followed by most research institutions, it is possible to identify some broad lines of research that involve different groups of researchers. They share some common features: work at the research frontier, particular attention to policy issues, publication in the main scientific journals, participation in competitive projects, creation of links and collaborations with researchers from the University of Turin and other institutions (located in Italy or abroad).
Different analyses carried out at the Collegio are evaluation studies based on solid scientific methodologies.
The most important population dynamics, including aging and transformation within the family, are the subject of studies conducted in the research area dealing with family and demographic dynamics. Particularly developed is the analysis of the effects of family context and pre-school inputs on behaviors, cognitive outcomes and the health of children and adults. Several researchers deal with studies on migration dynamics and immigration and integration policies. The main themes concern the economic and social impact of immigration on hosting and sending countries; the implications of different migration policies; policy processes.
The college has published 8 documents.
Website: https://www.carloalberto.org/
Central South University
Based on its over one hundred years of experience in operation as an education institution, CSU actively responds to the reform of China's higher education, advocates “Learning by Doing and Learning for Using” and pursues “Virtue, Truth, Perfection, Inclusiveness”. Sticking to its own operation characteristics and orienting at major demands of the country, CSU has made great progress in its overall strength through teamwork, innovation and commitment to excellence.
CSU now has 18 national innovative platforms, involving 3 key national laboratories, 4 national engineering research centers, 2 national engineering and techniques research centers, 1 national engineering laboratory, 1 national clinical medical research center, and 2 centers for collaborative innovation for 2011 project.
Among the first batch of 14 collaborative innovation centers designated by the 2011 Program, the Collaborative Innovation Center of Nonferrous Metal Advanced Structure Materials and Manufacturing leaded by our university and the Collaborative Innovation Center of Rail Transport whose establishments we have actively involved in have been successfully included.
The university has published 8 documents.
Website: http://en.csu.edu.cn/
Catholic University Of The Sacred Heart
We are known for our well-structured and multidisciplinary educational programme based on intensive study methods, a strong link with the world of work and the professions, along with our international accessibility. Thanks to scientific research, together with our publications and our respected reputation, we are accredited amongst the most prestigious European and global universities.
Alongside teaching, research is one of the cornerstones on which Università Cattolica is built. The university is among those institutions of higher education in Italy with the highest independent investments in research and in some areas is among the top 25% nationally for excellence in scientific output.
A commitment to a close relationship between research and teaching — part of the DNA of the best universities — involves the whole sphere of education and training, at the same time opening towards the world of work. Università Cattolica maintains this link so that the research undertaken at the university can contribute significantly to passing on to new generations a body of knowledge based on scientific rigour in numerous diverse fields of study.
The university has published 8 documents.
Website: https://www.ucsc.it/
APESA Software, S.C. 100% Mexican company with more than 25 years, dedicated to the consulting and development and implementation of It Solutions for the management and operation of transactions in the Financial Markets, which allow intermediaries to focus their efforts on business consolidation and ensure their profitability. Because the management of financial operations is becoming more complex and because we understand the value of opportunity in decision-making, based on the talent, ingenuity and commitment of our people, we create solutions that simply and effectively cover the functional and technological needs of our clients, aligned with the best practices of the market and current regulations.
The company has published 8 documents.
Website: https://apesa.mx/
Wageningen University Research
That is the mission of Wageningen University & Research. Over 6,500 employees and 12,000 students from more than hundred countries work everywhere around the world in the domain of healthy food and living environment for governments and the business community-at-large.
The strength of Wageningen University & Research lies in its ability to join the forces of specialised research institutes and the university. It also lies in the combined efforts of the various fields of natural and social sciences. This union of expertise leads to scientific breakthroughs that can quickly be put into practice and be incorporated into education. This is the Wageningen Approach.
The scientific quality of Wageningen University & Research is affirmed by the prominent position we occupy in international rankings and citation indexes.
Website: https://www.wur.nl/
Wuhan University Of Technology
WUT owns 34 innovative research centers with international leading level including two State Key Laboratories, one State Engineering Laboratory, one National Engineering Research Center and ministerial or provincial level laboratories in the areas of new materials and building materials, transportation and logistics, mechatronics and automobile, information technology, new energy, resources and environmental technology as well as Public Safety and Emergency Management. Meanwhile, the University has established about 230 Joint Research Centers with local governments and enterprises. From 2010, WUT has obtained 14 National Science and Technology Awards, ranking in the forefront of Chinese higher education institutions.
The university has published 9 documents.
Website: http://english.whut.edu.cn/
Aalborg University
All degree programmes and research activities at Aalborg University are problem and project-based and have an interdisciplinary focus. Through strong interplay between staff and students and intense collaboration with public and private sectors, we offer degree programmes with a real-world approach and provide world-class research. This results in new insights, new solutions to societal challenges and knowledge that changes the world.
AAU is internationally acclaimed for its excellent problem and solution oriented research, which is creating outstanding results.
Our research is holistic; it is conducted in collaboration with business and organisational partners in our local communities, and new insights and positions of strength are reached through the goal-oriented development of our research potentials.
The university has published 8 documents.
Website: https://www.en.aau.dk/
Universidade Nova De Lisboa
Research at NOVA has been growing and developing, both at quantitative and qualitative levels. NOVA University Lisbon hosts 40 Research and Development Units (R&D), 24 of which are research partnerships between NOVA and other national institutions. Since the launch of the European Research Council (ERC) Grants programme in 2009, NOVA’s researchers have been awarded a total of 19 grants, placing NOVA as one of the top national institutions.
The improved performance of NOVA in terms of research can be seen in the international rankings’ scores and positioning. The good results achieved in then main rankings of Universities with less than 50 years, have granted NOVA the inclusion in YERUN (Young European Research Universities Network). The goal of YERUN is to have young research universities to cooperate towards increasing the influence of the youngest universities on research policies promoted by the European Union.
The Strategic Research Council (Conselho Estratégico de Investigação – CEI) is an advisory body to the Rector and aims to promote research in interdisciplinary areas and provide ideal conditions for collaborative research and enhance impact, aligned with both the European Agenda for Knowledge and Innovation and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
CEI is chaired by the Vice-Rector for Research, and includes representatives from all Academic Units of NOVA, recognized for their competence in the scientific and technological research area.
The university has published 9 documents.
Website: https://www.unl.pt/
University Of Sussex
The Sussex Sustainability Research Programme: "Science for the SDGs”
The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide both an extraordinary chance and extraordinary challenge to society. If these goals are met, the payoff is likely to be a higher level of well-being throughout the world and a more sustainable planet. Achieving the SDGs would be equivalent to fulfilling some of the fondest dreams of humanity – ending hunger, providing education for all, attaining a high level of environmental quality. Among other things, these goals will profoundly influence decisions about where and how public and private institutions invest their resources.
But achieving the SDGs will require resources from all parts of the globe – financial, political and scientific. Science and research have an important part to play by providing stakeholders and policymakers with the evaluations, strategies, and general know-how to make the SDGs happen.
With this in mind, the vision of the Sussex Sustainability Research Programme (SSRP) is to be a key global centre for delivering “Science for the SDGs”. We aspire to be one of the lead organizations in the world providing international, national, and local stakeholders with integrated research results (encompassing natural science, social science, and the humanities). Our research in particular focuses on possible trade-offs among SDGs, and solutions that avoid these trade-offs, enabling many SDGs to be accomplished at the same time. The SSRP builds on two threads of excellence at the University of Sussex and Institute of Development Studies: a long, distinguished record in sustainability science and worldwide leadership in development studies (globally ranked #1).
The university has published 9 documents.
Website: https://www.sussex.ac.uk/
University Of Turin
The research output of the University of Turin is managed, displayed and made searchable through the IRIS-AperTO application.
IRIS-AperTO is the Open Access Archive that collects and gives access to bibliographic information and, in accordance with the copyright policies of publishers, to the full texts of scientific products.
The University of Turin adopted in 2013 the "University Regulations on open access", based on the principle that results of publicly funded research must be available to all.
Since May 2015, IRIS-AperTO is run by an IRIS (Institutional Information System for Research) module, the integrated research management system provided by CINECA.
The university has published 9 documents.
Website: https://en.unito.it/
Roma Tre University
A dynamic, modern and international university that has immediately characterised as the vital lever of the capital‘s urban development, within which it is now deeply rooted, contributing in changing the city’s identity with a persevering process of restructuring and re-using abandoned industrial buildings, converting them into factories of knowledge and research. Roma Tre University is organised in twelve departments which promote and organise scientific research activities, teaching and training activities, as well as optional external activities.
Research centres have been founded to manage and carry out long-term scientific projects of particular relevance, to manage laboratories or scientific equipment linked to more than one department. They can be interdepartmental or consortia with departments of other universities or other public or private institutions. The Research Agency was established in April 2018 with the aim of pursuing those objectives. The Agency consists of two offices: National Research Office and the Link identifier European and International Research Office.
The Research Agency ensures an integrated and efficient advisory system, management and professional support, for the Departments and academic community, necessary for the administration, improvement and enhancement of the research activities through promotional activities, counselling, editing management and support, project dealing and management, both planning and implementation stage, in the reporting and internal audit of financed contracts, as well as information activities and updating regarding new opportunities and funding models in European and international fields.
The university has published 9 documents.
Website: https://www.uniroma3.it/
Universidade De Lisboa
The decision taken by the two academic communities, in a framework of great participation and involvement of the governing bodies of the University and Schools, aims to build a research university committed to teaching, innovation and technology transfer, focused on people, which values knowledge, merit and participation, involved with Portuguese society and the Lisbon region , with a European dimension and open to the world.
According to specialized differentiation criteria, the Interdisciplinary Thematic Networks aim to mobilize ULisboa professors and researchers in specific areas of knowledge to increase the University’s participation in international networks. Interdisciplinary Thematic Networks initiatives contribute to a better positioning of ULisboa for the smart specialization strategies (RIS3) within the Portugal 2020 framework and for Horizon 2020 societal challenges. Other initiatives include the development of strategic partnerships with organisations and institutions from the public, social and private sectors and the timely creation of Business Advisory Boards within the scope of each Thematic Interdisciplinary Network.
Universidade de Lisboa is committed to expand its internationalisation-related efforts into the Research, Development and Innovation domain, namely in the areas of redeAGRO, redeSAÚDE, redeMOV and redeMAR networks.
The Interdisciplinary Thematic Networks do not replace ULisboa Schools or Research Units, which are of permanent and strategic nature, but rather assume a unifying role between their activities, however distinct from other transversal projects such as ULisboa multidisciplinary Colleges.
The university has published 9 documents.
Website: https://www.ulisboa.pt/
Universidade De Sao Paulo
USP, as the major institution of higher learning and research in Brazil, is responsible for educating a large part of Brazilian Masters and Ph.D’s. On our site, you can find information about our structure, ways of entrance and services offered to the foreign community. Since its foundation in 1934, USP has played a fundamental role in advancing research in the country, whether in the scientific, technological or social field, thanks to the work done by its students, employees and teachers. Currently, USP is responsible for more than 20% of all scientific production in Brazil.
The university has published 9 documents.
Website: https://www5.usp.br/
Leiden University
Our research covers a very broad terrain and has a strong disciplinary basis across a wide range of scientific disciplines and fields.
Starting out from this basis, our researchers conduct both disciplinary and interdisciplinary research. They maintain close links with society and draw inspiration from scientific and societal questions of the future, which they translate into fundamental research questions.
The Dutch government’s National Research Agenda is clearly reflected in the themes of our scientific research in Leiden and The Hague. And our research is also increasingly guided by the United Nations’ agenda, expressed in the Sustainable Development Goals. This is especially evident in The Hague, which is the world’s third UN host city, after New York and Geneva.
- Institutes
All research at Leiden University is organised into institutes. To do justice to the wide spectrum of research (and consequently teaching) that comes from these, you will find descriptions of all the Leiden institutes on these pages.
Some institutes correspond with a particular discipline: philosophy, physics, political science or linguistics. Others cannot be reduced to a single field, but instead encompass several disciplines within a particular thematic strand. For instance, the Leiden Institute of Area Studies, the Africa Studies Centre, the Institute of Security Studies and Global Affairs or University College the Hague, which focuses on global challenges. And the Faculty of Medicine is almost a university in itself.
But even those institutes that do focus on a single discipline are considerably wider in range than they may seem at a first glance. Anyone tempted to think that the Institute for History only studies Dutch history will, on closer inspection, see the in-depth research into globalisation and global change, and important processes such as migration, colonialism, urbanisation and identity formation.
Or Leiden Institute of Chemistry, for example, where half of the researchers focus on gaining a better molecular understanding of the biological processes that lead to diseases such as hereditary conditions and neurogenerative diseases, while the other half develop new materials and processes that are required for the transition from fossil fuels to sustainable alternatives.
These texts give an idea of the depth of the research. For an idea of the breadth of the research and how Leiden researchers work together on interdisciplinary challenges, please see the research dossiers.
The university has published 9 documents.
Website: https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/
Fraunhofer Gesellscchaft
The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is making 1.9 billion euros available to universities within the scope of the excellence initiative. In addition to the “Future concepts for the promotion of top-class research at universities” – elite universities – clusters of excellence and postgraduate schools will also be sponsored. Fraunhofer Institutes contribute to the success of their partner universities.
The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is the leading organization for applied research in Europe. Its research activities are conducted by 74 institutes and research institutions at locations throughout Germany. International collaboration with outstanding research partners and companies from around the world brings Fraunhofer into direct contact with the key regions that drive scientific progress and economic development.
The ministry has published 9 documents.
Website: https://www.fraunhofer.de/
Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos IPP (CSIC)
The Institute of Policy and Public Property is one of the institutes of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) in the area of social sciences. It is located in Madrid.
Research in the IPP focuses on the comparative analysis of public goods and their nature, the design and implementation of public policies and the interaction of both, in order to contribute to the advancement in knowledge of the relationship between society, markets and the State.
The research projects of the IPP are financed from national and international calls, in a notable way from the national R&D&I programme of the Government of Spain, the Framework programme of the European Union, as well as contracts and agreements with public and private entities.
Permanent researchers at the IPP, as well as postdoctoral researchers, PhD students and research technicians, aim to generate knowledge that is valued by the international scientific community but is equally relevant to other social actors such as companies, associations, governments and other public or private institutions.
The IPP integrates six research groups:
- Environmental Economics;
- Rural Geography;
- Citizens, Institutions and Politics;
- Social Policy and Welfare State; V) SPRI–Research and Innovation Systems and Policies; and
- Scientology.
The institute has published 9 documents.
Website: http://ipp.csic.es/
Cambridge University
In Cambridge, we are committed to achieving excellence in research and scholarship, and to ensuring that our research contributes to the well-being of society. We seek to provide a creative and supportive environment in which ideas are generated and can flourish. The excellence and diversity of our research across the Schools of Arts & Humanities, Humanities & Social Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Technology, Physical Sciences and Biological Sciences, and our role as one of the founder members of the Cambridge Network, means that in addition to our achievements in fundamental research, we are also well-positioned to make significant contributions to the global innovation agenda and, by conveying the implications of our research, to contribute to the formulation of policy.
In addition to the activities ongoing within the six Schools, we have identified a number of Strategic Research Initiatives & Networks and Interdisciplinary Research Centres which build on the existing research base in Cambridge to tackle challenges that can only be addressed by multi-disciplinary teams of researchers. Our aim is to provide academic leadership in these areas and to develop strategic partnerships around the world to advance research, and the impact of that research, in these fields.
The university has published 10 documents.
Website: https://www.cam.ac.uk/
University College London
Bucks New University is a new breed of university, focusing on degrees that are professional and practical, as well as academic. Young in outlook, but well established in the fields we specialise in, we offer high quality, professionally-driven university courses, in everything from nursing, health and social care, to cyber fraud detection, textiles and aviation.
Bucks New University aspires to be a leading UK University in applied, practice based and translational research and related advanced scholarship in our fields of professional, creative and translational practice.
Details of current and recent research projects can be found in this section for:
- Art and Design
- Nursing, Health and Wellbeing
- Education
- Environment
- Social Policy and Social Work
- Psychology
- Sport
The university has published 11 documents.
Website: https://bucks.ac.uk/
Autonomous University of Barcelona
We are a leading university providing quality teaching in a wide variety of courses that meet the needs of society and are adapted to the new models of the Europe of Knowledge. Our courses provide students with outstanding practical experience, helping them to be better prepared as they enter the professional world. UAB is internationally renowned for its quality and innovation in research.
RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation)
Responsible Research and Innovation is an approach to governing research and innovation (R&I) at the European level. RRI is reflected in many policy strategies and programming documents, such as the Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) program.
Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is an approach which implies that all societal actors (researchers, innovators, industry, policymakers, non-governmental organisations, civil society organisations, citizens, etc.) work together during the whole research and innovation (R&I) process in order to better align both the process and its outcomes with the values, needs and expectations of society.
RRI encompasses six fields relating to R&I:
- Ethics
- Gender equality
- Governance
- Open access
- Public engagement
- Science education
The university has published 9 documents.
Website: https://www.uab.cat/
Universite De Bordeaux
The University of Bordeaux is ranked among the top French universities for the quality of its education and research. A multidisciplinary, research-focused, international institution, it leads an ambitious development program with its partners to further promote Bordeaux as a “Campus of Excellence”.
The Department of Environmental Sciences brings together the research units of the Bordeaux site whose work aims to respond to the major environmental, scientific and societal challenges of tomorrow. Research covers a broad spectrum in environmental sciences and is carried out at several scales of integration of living organisms, from the genome to the ecosystem, including plant, animal and microbial organisms, at different spatial and temporal scales (from the paleoenvironment to the current or even future environment), and also at the level of interactions between agrosystems, hydrosystems, ecosystems, geosystems and socio-systems.
The university has published 11 documents.
Website: https://www.u-bordeaux.fr/
University of London
The Sustainability team here at the University of London work to bring staff and students across the University and federation together to tackle issues surrounding climate change and the environment.
The University manages a wide range of services, including student accommodation, Senate House Library and Student Central. It is of great importance to us that we continue to improve the environmental performance of our estate and operations while increasing positive action toward a sustainable future among our staff, students and visitors.
Our sustainability commitments
- Zero Carbon
- Toggle panel
- Biodiversity
- Toggle panel
- Reduce the Juice
- Toggle panel
- Staff Champions
- Toggle panel
- Food
- Toggle panel
- Travel
- Toggle panel
- Waste
- Toggle panel
- Procurement and Supply Chain
The university has published 12 documents.
Website: https://london.ac.uk/
Utrecht University
Welcome to Tio University of Applied Sciences. Choosing a bachelor programme is an important choice. I hope this website will help you find out which programme is right for you. To me, the great thing about Tio is that it ticks all the right boxes: enthusiastic lecturers, small classes, room to excel, excellent facilities and plenty of personal attention – and all that in a wonderful atmosphere.
Website: https://www.tio.nl/
Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul
One of the biggest distinctions of the highly qualified training of human resources at UFRGS is the emphasis on research, and the knowledge derived from it. The communication between state of the art knowledge and research activities gives undergraduate and graduate classes the opportunity to consciously educate a citizen of its social, environmental and ethical responsibility. Such characteristics accredit students from UFRGS to change the world around them and establish an increasingly better and equitable society focused on collective well being.
Being ahead of its time is one of the responsibilities of a well recognized university, such as UFRGS. In order to meet this need, the institution must provide incentives for creativity, the structure of scientific discipline, and additionally, must encourage an open and flexible mind in order to understand the evolution of knowledge and its impact on life. These are the prerogatives that maintain the development of research at UFRGS.
UFRGS has more than 700 registered groups working with basic or applied research from many different fields. In total, approximately 14 thousand people are involved in scientific and technologic research activities, including undergraduate and graduate students, laboratory technicians, professors and visitors.
Technological development and innovation are very important aspects in the construction of knowledge. With that in mind, the research development at UFRGS is oriented to translating this knowledge into application. It is mainly through this research and application that the University has long maintained an important interaction with society. This continues to broaden with the activities of the UFRGS Scientific and Technological Park.
The university has published 12 documents.
Website: http://www.ufrgs.br/
Denmark Technical University (DTU)
DTU is a vibrant elite technical university, recognized for its high level of international research and its sought-after graduates. Through collaboration, our staff and students reach out to the world and work across disciplines to create value, welfare, and growth by developing technologies that work in a globalized world, transcending social and cultural differences. At DTU, we believe in technology as a means for necessary change, and we see the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals as a platform for the University’s activities.
Great ideas change the world, and we are driven by the desire to develop sustainable technologies that create jobs and new opportunities. At DTU, researchers and students collaborate with industry and government to create innovative solutions at the intersections of engineering and creativity, theory and practice, and university and society.
- Innovation for the benefit of society
DTU has one of the most well-developed ecosystems for innovation and entrepreneurship among technical universities in Europe. This ecosystems helps bringing new ideas and inventions from the classrooms and research laboratories at DTU into the real world, where they can create new jobs and help solve tasks and challenges in society.
Innovation at DTU comprises four pillars, each with its own specific focus:
Student innovation: A large part of the new start-ups are created by students. But student innovation at DTU is much more than start-ups: Through projects, events, internships, and student jobs, students gain experience and contacts within the business community, which ensures that students develop the necessary competences and that, in turn, companies benefit from innovative inputs from the students.
Business collaboration: DTU is the business community’s university and thus takes part in a wide range of collaborations with companies regarding strategic research collaborations, continuing education, student projects, conferences, etc. The interaction between the University and the business community ensures that theory is put into practice and that research is based on real-world issues.
Start-ups: The growth of start-ups at DTU shows that both students and employees increasingly manage to translate ideas into solutions that benefit society. This growth is supported by DTU’s establishment of prototype workshops, scientific advice, funding opportunities, and research environments—together providing a unique environment centred on entrepreneurship.
Commercialization: Research at DTU often leads to inventions considered to have commercial value. In this context, DTU enters into sales, license and option agreements with established companies and start-ups that can develop products based on technology from DTU. Intellectual property rights (IPR) are a central part of the University’s business and underlines the relevance of the research community.
The university has published 12 documents.
Website: https://www.dtu.dk/english
Dalian University of Technology
DUT has 3 national key laboratories (Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Fine Chemical Engineering, Industrial Equipment Structural Analysis), 2 national engineering research centers (Shipbuilding, National-local Joint E-government Simulation), 1 national engineering laboratory (Industrial Equipment for Energy Saving and Control Technology), 1 national university science park (DUT National University Science Park), 1 national technology transfer center (DUT National Technology Transfer Center), 1 national technology center (DUT National Strength and Vibration Testing Center), 4 key laboratories of the Ministry of Education (Precision and Special Machining, Industrial Ecology and Environmental Engineering, Ocean Energy Utilization and Saving, Ion and Electron Beams), 16 provincial key laboratories, 4 engineering research centers of the Ministry of Education, 14 engineering (technology) research centers (engineering laboratory) of Liaoning Province, 2 public platforms of technological innovation, 6 technological innovation bases, 2 transformation bases of scientific achievements, 4 university disciplinary innovation bases, 4 national innovation research groups, 9 innovation teams of the Ministry of Education. Since 2001, the university has won a total of 33 national awards for scientific and technological achievements, 307 ministerial and provincial awards for scientific and technological achievements. Since 2012, DUT has been awarded 2 outstanding Chinese patents as the first owner’s affiliation
The university has published 12 documents.
Website: https://en.dlut.edu.cn/
National Cheng Kung University
RSH provides an important institution to connect technology transfer business incubation, intellectual property, industry cooperation, and innovation entrepreneurship in the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) since 1996. A well-known about RSH is a science and technology center for understanding researches, services and business demands. RHS includes specialized research centers, detailed diagnosis for enterprise, information competence and task analysis.
- The National Cheng Kung University integrates the Environmental Research Center, the Resource Recycling and Management Research Center, the Environmental Resources Research Management Center and the Water Quality Research Center to meet the issues of environmental protection and sustainable use of resources, and establish a cross-disciplinary sustainable environmental science and technology research center in 2013. Established the Sustainable Environmental Laboratory (hereinafter referred to as "Permanent"). With the vision of “zero environmental disasters and zero waste of resources”, we will provide comprehensive and comprehensive services through the integration of environmental science, engineering technology and social sciences, and promote the development of circular economy system and become a major international environmental research center.
- The Research Center for Energy Technology and Strategy (RCETS) was established by the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), with the goal of organizing the university's researchers and resources in energy related fields. RCETS has created thirty-two research groups that focus on a wide variety of energy technology, including most importantly solar cells, energy strategies, bio energy, wind power, LED lighting, carbon capture and storage, and hydrogen systems. These groups represent eight colleges and thirty departments at NCKU, along with thirty off-campus research institutes and companies. Approximately 200 NCKU professors and researchers are involved. Since 2011, RCETS has become one of the four most prominent research centers at NCKU.
The university has published 13 documents.
Website: https://web.ncku.edu.tw/
The JRC in Ispra
The Joint Research Centre in Ispra is the third biggest European Commission site after Brussels and Luxembourg.
Established in 1960 as a nuclear research site, today it is considered as one of Europe's leading research campuses with many laboratories and unique research infrastructures.
The staff of the Ispra site work on:
Non-nuclear research:
- Sustainable Resources and Transport
- Space
- Security
- Migration
- Health and Consumer Protection
- Energy Efficiency and Climate Change
- Growth & Innovation
Nuclear research:
- Nuclear safeguards
- Non-proliferation and Nuclear security
Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche (CNR)
In the CNR's research world, the main resource is the available knowledge which means people, with their skills, commitment and ideas. This capital comprises more than 8.000 employees, of whom more than half are researchers and technologists. Some 4.000 young researchers are engaged in postgraduate studies and research training at CNR within the organization’s top-priority areas of interest. A significant contribution also comes from research associates: researchers, from Universities or private firms, who take part in CNR’s research activities.
Curiosity, intuition, passion, creativity, tenaciousness: these are just some of the aspects that describe those fellows who have decided to rely on development and knowledge, making science their job.
Thanks to its network spread all over the Italian country and to the great variety of research topics, the Cnr plays a key role facing the challenges that are at the hearth of the international agenda of the research: healthcare, demographic changes and wellness, food safety and sustainable agriculture, energy and environmental protection, accessibility of resources, intelligent transport. This section offers a showcase of their work.
The council has published 13 documents.
Website: https://www.cnr.it/
Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
ZSTU now is a provincial university focusing on engineering, with distinct characteristics and advantages as well as the coordinated development of the various disciplines of sciences, engineering, arts, economics, management, law, fine art, education, etc. ZSTU consists of 18 affiliated schools or colleges (teaching and research departments) and 1 independent college, with a population of over 29200 full-time on-campus students, and among whom 4460 are graduate students.
Website: http://english.zstu.edu.cn/
University of Manchester
The University of Manchester’s research has real-world impact beyond academia. We are at the forefront of the search for solutions to some of the world’s most pressing problems, seeking to be a global force for positive change. The University of Manchester’s research beacons are examples of pioneering discoveries, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships that are tackling some of the biggest questions facing the planet.
Reasearch beacons:
- Advanced materials
- Cancer
- Energy
- Global inequalities
- Industrial biotechnology
Global challenges, Manchester solutions: At the University of Manchester we conduct a wide range of high-quality research that is rivalled by few other universities, as demonstrated by our submission to the Research Excellence Framework 2014. Much of this research combines expertise from across disciplines, making the most of the opportunities that our size and breadth of expertise affords.
These areas of investigation feature a unique concentration of high-quality research activity. They allow us to bring the best minds together to find new ways forward.
Crucially for a university that places social responsibility at the core of everything we do, our research beacons demonstrate our commitment to making a difference, enabling us to improve the lives of people around the world through our research.
The university has published 15 documents.
European Commission Joint Research Centre
The EU's overall political goals are developed collectively by its institutions. Find out how the EU's strategy is developed and translated into policies and initiatives by the European Commission. The university has published 15 documents.
Research areas in which the European Commission works.
- Agriculture, forestry and rural areas
- Bioeconomy
- Energy
- Environment
- Frontier research
- Health
- Industry
- Information and communication technologies
- Oceans and seas
- Science with and for society
- Security
- Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs)
- Social sciences and humanities
- Space
- Synergies with structural funds
- Transport
Website: https://ec.europa.eu/
Bocconi University
Bocconi is a research university of international standing in business, economics, and law. Its research projects are funded by national and supranational institutions. By virtue of being a major node in the European and global network of business and economics universities, Bocconi exchanges faculty and cooperates on large projects with like-minded European and American universities and business schools. Bocconi has close relations with major corporations and international agencies, as well as their managers and officials, and constantly interacts with the business and economic environment to assess new issues, implement new techniques, and start new research endeavors.
Permanent Research Centers
- ASK: Centre for Research on Management and Economics of Arts and Culture Institutions (Study centre on the economics and management of the arts and culture)
- BAFFI CAREFIN: Centre for Applied Research on International Markets, Banking, Finance and Regulation
- BIDSA: Bocconi Institute for Data Science and Analytics
- CERGAS: Centre for Research on Health and Social Care Management, (Institutional stuctures; management of public and private companies providing healthcare and social services)
- DONDENA: Carlo F. Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics and Public Policy (Interdisciplinary research on social cohesion, demography, life course dynamics and public policy)
- GREEN: (the Center brings together and expands the activities of CERTet and IEFE) Centre for Geography, Resources, Environment, Energy and Networks
- ICRIOS: The Invernizzi Center for Research on Innovation, Organization, Strategy and Entrepreneurship
- IGIER: Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research,part of the Institute of Economics, it operates jointly with two international bodies, the US-based NBER, National Bureau of Economic Research, and the UK-based CEPR, Centre for Economic Policy Research (Economics and economic policy).
The university has published 15 documents.
Website: https://www.unibocconi.eu/
Universite Paris-Saclay
Université Paris-Saclay offers a complete and varied range of Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate degrees, whose quality is recognised internationally thanks to the reputation of its research and the commitment of its teaching staff. Its constituent faculties and component institutions further expand this offer with cutting-edge thematic training in science and engineering, life sciences and health, social sciences and humanities.
- Laboratory in Innovation, Technologies, Economy and Management
LITEM is a multidisciplinary research centre, rooted in management sciences and economics. Its aim is to understand the transformations and demands of a complex and uncertain world, and to support economic actors and stakeholders. LITEM's research areas include Innovation Management, Information System Transformation, Digital Marketing, Finance, and Responsible Management and Organizational Ethics.
- RITM (Network, Innovation, Territories, Globalization) is a research laboratory in economics and management at the University of Paris Sud (EA 7360). It was born in 2014 from the merger of ADIS and PESOR and located at the Jean-Monnet Faculty. Research at RITM revolves around two axes. The first axis favors the study of the relationships between networks and innovation, while the second axis focuses on the relationships between territories and globalization. The laboratory is a member of the "Research in International Economics and Finance" network, relies on chairs (energy, intangible), and participates in European contracts. It develops various ANR projects and is a partner of the LISIS labex.
The university has published 16 documents.
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
The Division of Research and Innovation Management provides the logistics support and specialized consultancy required by the University's staff and the experts they cooperate with for various research activities. The Bucharest University of Economic Studies publishes 20 scientific journals that enjoy national and/or international recognition. The ANELiS project offers staff and students access to a wide selection of online scientific journals.
The University aims to maintain excellence in research by undertaking scientific research projects and topics in co-operation with other national and international education and research institutions, as well as within research networks and consortia.
To perform scientific research activities, the University's research teams have benefitted from the cooperation of leading international figures in their respective fields. The University has concluded research agreements with various partners from Romania and abroad, including bilateral agreements.
The research activity conducted in the Bucharest University of Economic Studies is coordinated by the Division of Research and Innovation Management, as well as by the management structures of the research centers established within the University:
- The ECO-INFOSOC Centre for Research in Modelling and Informatization of Social and Economic Processes
- The National Excellence Centre for Comparative Management Studies
- The Center for Research in Economic Analyses and Policies
- The Centre for Accounting and Management Information Systems
- The PM FORUM Research Center in Project Management and Technological Innovation
- The Center for Research in Regional Analyses and Policies
- The CEFIMO Center for Research in Financial and Monetary Issues
- The TEODORA CRISTEA Center for Research in Literature and Applied Linguistics
- The Center for Research in International Business and Economics
- The Center for Research in Business Management through Projects
- The CEMARK Center for Fundamental and Applied Research in Marketing
- The Center for Surveys and Polls
- The Research Center for Business Administration
- The Center for Research in Administration and Public Services
- The PROMAR Center for Research in Macroeconomic and Regional Forecasting
- The International Centre for Public Management
- The Centre for Research in Intellectual Capital and Entrepreneurship
- The CACTUS Centre for Research in Tourism and Services
- The Scientific Research Center of the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences
- The Center for Advanced Research in Finance and Banking
- The Centre for Advanced Research in Fundamental and Applied Mathematics
- The Centre for Research in Operations Management
- The Advanced Research Centre for Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Cybernetic Modelling - CIBEREC
The university has published 16 documents.
University of Ss. Cyril Methodius in Trnava
The University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius is a modern education institution that forms the student´s self - confidence, creative and independent thought and national consciousness. The university offers enough space for the development of knowledge base through studying, research and other creative work in the sphere of philosophy, arts and media, as well as in natural sciences, biotechnology, informatics, chemistry, but in the sphere of psychology, pedagogy, history, ethnology, political science and Slovak language, Russian language, English language, German language too.
Of the University is a self-governing academic body overseeing research and other creative activities performed by the University as a public higher education institution. The Scientific Board (SB) is chaired by the rector and he appoints remaining members who are subject to approval by the Academic Senate.
The members of the Scientific Board are experts from the areas in which the university conducts educational, research and artistic activities. At least one quarter and at most one third of RB members are non-university members.
The university has published 19 documents.
Website: https://www.ucm.sk/en/
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Research at the CSIC is structured in three major areas, Society, Life and Matter, covering most of human knowledge and in which the activity of more than 1,500 research groups in its 120 centres is framed. The CSIC is a State Agency with the consideration of a Public Research Agency (IPO) of the General Administration of the State with unique legal personality that develops its function through a multiplicity of organizational structures lacking its own legal personality. The research institutes in which the scientific and technical research activity of the CSIC is generally carried out for their importance and number. Each institute is thematically integrated into one of the 3 Global Areas of the CSIC.
- Its research activity is carried out with full scientific autonomy and is organized administratively through departments that integrate the thematically related research groups. Its management activity is carried out under decentralization and responsibility.
- For its internal functioning they are equipped with management bodies (Management, Vice-Direction/En, Board), Management (Management) and advice (Scientific Cloister).
Currently the CSIC has 120 research institutes distributed throughout the national territory, with the exception of the Spanish School of History and Archaeology of Rome (Italy), of which 69 are own and 51 mixed ownership shared with other institutions.
As research support units, there are service delivery centres to provide technical and administrative support to two or more institutes. Currently it's 8.
The university has published 18 documents.
Website: https://www.csic.es/
Delft University of Technology
Top education and research are at the heart of the oldest and largest technical university in the Netherlands. Our 8 faculties offer 16 bachelor's and more than 30 master's programmes. Our more than 25,000 students and 6,000 employees share a fascination for science, design and technology. Our common mission: impact for a better society.
The almost 40 technological and scientific disciplines together with their many specialisms are accommodated within TU Delft's eight faculties. TU Delft's many different disciplines are a key factor in the success of its multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary thematic cooperation. The university has faculties:
- Architecture and the Built Environment:
Innovations in the Management of the Built Environment (IMBE) aims to stimulate and evaluate innovation in the management of the built environment through evidence-based decision making on the part of clients, developers, investors, architects, engineers, consultants, policy makers, product developers, contractors and users involved in the initiation, design, construction and the development or redevelopment of the built environment. - Civil Engineering and Geosciences:
Health, energy, globalization and infrastructures & mobility are among the most important themes in today's society. For this reason, TU Delft has established Delft Research based Initiatives (DRIs) in these four areas. A DRI aims to make an important scientific contribution to solving issues facing society that relate to these four themes, working from a thematic, multidisciplinary cooperation. The DRIs engage with government and business, identify important opportunities and actively spotlight innovative science.
- Technology, Policy and Management:
The Faculty is comprised of three closely collaborating departments, each with a different perspective on addressing these complex societal challenges: systems, governance and values. The smart combination of these three perspectives is at the core of Comprehensive Engineering, and is the main thrust of the Faculty.
The main application domains of the Faculty, in which the majority of its research projects can be clustered, are: energy, climate, mobility, ICT, water, and cyber.
The university has published 19 documents.
Website: https://www.tudelft.nl/en/
Eco-Innovation Observatory
The Eco-Innovation Observatory (EIO) aims to provide a much-needed integrated information source on eco-innovation for companies and innovation service providers, as well as providing a solid decision-making basis for policy development.
The Eco-Innovation Observatory is a 3-year initiative financed by the
European Commission's Directorate-General for the Environment from the
Competitiveness and Innovation framework Programme (CIP). The
Observatory is developing an integrated information source and a series
of analyses on eco-innovation trends and markets, targeting business,
innovation service providers, policy makers as well as researchers and
analysts. The EIO directly informs two major EU initiatives: the
Environmental Technologies Action Plan (ETAP) and Europe INNOVA. It is managed by Technopolis Group.
ASEM SMEs Eco-Innovation Center (ASEIC)
The ASEM SMEs Eco-Innovation Center (ASEIC) was established in 2011 to promote cooperation of green growth in Europe and Asia, with a particular emphasis on enhancing eco-innovation of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in both regions. Agreeing on the importance of SMEs as main engines of innovation and growth, Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) member countries joined together to establish ASEIC as an international platform for spreading eco-innovation principles and practices among SMEs and assisting them in harnessing the new business opportunities that arise out of such principles and practices.
Website: http://aseic.org/
North American EcoInnovation Network
The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) created the North American EcoInnovation Network to cultivate youth and community leadership in innovation and entrepreneurship for environmental protection and sustainable development in North America. The network will facilitate the creation of innovation centers in North America with a focus on sustainable growth, and connect them to share resources, expertise, and opportunities. Through this network, innovation centers within academic institutions in Canada, Mexico, and the United States share or secure the capacities to empower youth and communities with tools and resources to innovate and succeed in entrepreneurship for sustainable development.
Until mid-2020 a total of 9 institutions are part of the network: Simon Fraser University (Make Change Studio), District3 - Concordia University, Université Laval, The University of Waterloo Economic Development Program, Tom Love Innovation Hub - University of Oklahoma, The Ronnie K. Irani Center for the Creation of Economic Wealth (I-CCEW) - University of Oklahoma, Neeuko, Universidad del Sagrado Corazon, Faculty of Social Responsibility - Anáhuac University, and Coordination of Sustainability Management - Autonomous University of Querétaro.
Website: http://ecoinnovationnetwork.org/
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana
The Xochimilco Unit of Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana offers the pioneer programme on economics, management and policies of innovation (MEGI). Since its inception in the year 1992, eco-innovation has been a research topic for both faculty and post-graduate students; about 15 research thesis have been published analysing different aspects of management and policies of environmental innovation in firms and organisations.
Website: https://economiaeinnovacionuamx.org/
UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources
University College London's Institute for Sustainable Resources (UCL ISR) is a world-leading centre of research and teaching excellence and has received a series of awards, grants and accolades to confirm this.
The UCL ISR mission is to generate knowledge to promote the globally sustainable use of natural resources. The research theme Green Economy, Eco-Innovation, Resource Policies and Indicators is a strategic area and platform focusing on decoupling analyses based on a
number of indicators (MFA, LCA, footprints, etc.) and will compute a
full ‘sustainability gap’ (SGAP) indicator for the UK and other EU
countries. Over time ISR seeks to develop a new perspective on the
economics and policies of resources and materials, with resources being
appropriately valued and accounted for, more equally shared, and
maintaining their value for longer, as will be required for the
attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals. Facilitators: Paul Ekins, Raimund Bleischwitz
Specifically, the area of Innovation Analysis focuses on comparative eco-innovation research, spanning the levels of technologies,
industries, countries, the EU, and international approaches. It conducts
rigorous data analysis, innovation systems analysis, impact assessments,
scoreboards, network analysis, and are involved in participatory approaches. Its methodological advancements address new ways of evidence-oriented analysis, expert involvement, and learning tools. One
of the aims is to contribute to the development of a global resource dashboard and a sustainability rating agency for countries, key
industries and relevant consumption areas.
Facilitator: Will McDowall
UCL ISR also established the Sustainable Use of Resources and the Environment Doctoral Training Programme to train the next generation of leaders in sustainable resource management.
UCL ISR students work with researchers from across UCL in a multi-disciplinary training environment and offer two MScs:
Global Centre for Ecoinnovation
Established in 2012 as a multi-partner Centre led by Lancaster University, the Centre for Global Eco-Innovation is a centre which supports the development of new products and services with environmental benefits. The centre delivers business-led research, through enabling enterprises to access the expertise resources and global contacts of Lancaster University and its national and international partners.
The Centre is solution-focused rather than technology-driven. It offers multidisciplinary solutions based upon the understanding and collaboration between universities, their researchers, and the business community.
The Centre manages the following eco-innovation projects:
- Low Carbon Lancashire Innovation Hub (LoCaL-i)
- Eco-Innovation Cheshire & Warrington
- Eco-Innovation Cumbria
- Low Carbon Eco-Innovatory – Liverpool City Region
It is also working in partnership with Recirculate (Africa).
All projects are part funded by European Regional Development Funds (ERDF).
Website: http://www.globalecoinnovation.org/
Silesian University of Technology
Research at Silesian University of Technology is financed from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, national and international grants under research programs. SUT is one of the most effective universities in terms of acquiring funding from international sources, as well as industry.
Key personnel of SUT includes experienced and qualified researchers, early stage research staff, promising and eager for knowledge, as well as specialists in administration, responsible for the coordination and management of the project.
Silesia University of Technology through The IT Center aims: exploitation and development of environmental information resources.
- 15 faculties, including 1 collage and 1 research institute
- 3 Science and Education Centres
- 1750 academic teachers, 164 full professors
- 584 PhD students
- 5000 publication per year
- 20 international doctoral programs
- 4,7M euro overall funding received under 7th Framework Program
The university has published 22 documents.
Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
The UPV Innovation website offers all the resources for the knowledge transfer of the Universitat Politècnica de València and its contribution to the innovation processes of companies and other types of entities. It also includes the services of the UPV’s Transfer of Research Results Office (OTRI) and of its “Polytechnic City of Innovation” Scientific Park to manage intellectual and industrial property rights and connect companies with the UPV.
Likewise, you may find useful information for those students who would like to get involved in innovation and entrepreneurship processes, gain access to the labour market or approach the UPV’s research activity. The UPV currently has over 3,000 researchers who are essentially part of 45 Institutes and Research Centres.
The university has published 22 documents.
Website: http://www.upv.es/
SEEDS and CERCIS, University of Ferrara
Scientific research is one of the essential functions of the University of Ferrara (UNIFE) as well as the basis of teaching itself. It is the engine of critical knowledge, creativity, innovation, competitiveness, and quality of education. UNIFE hosts two leading centres for the study of eco-innovation and circular economy.
Sustainability Environmental Economics and Dynamic Studies SEEDS is an interuniversity research centre. It develops research and higher education projects in the fields of ecological and environmental economics, with a special focus on the role of policy and eco-innovation. Its main fields of action are environmental policy, economics of innovation, energy economics and policy, economic evaluation by stated preference techniques, waste management and policy, climate change and development.
The CEntre for Research on Circular economy, Innovation and SMEs (CERCIS) is part of the Department of Economics and Management at University of Ferrara and, in particular, of the departmental development program funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) on a competitive basis for the period 2018–2022. CERCIS activities are focused on investigating firm eco-innovative behaviors to combine competitiveness with sustainability and to face the challenges set by the European Union Action Plan for the Circular Economy in 2015.
UNIFE offers three unique and world-class and original programmes training researchers and future professionals in areas related to the green economy, innovation for sustainable development and wellbeing. See: https://www.inno4sd.net/inno4s...
The university has published 21 documents.
Website: www.sustainability-seeds.org/
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
The National Centre for Scientific Research is one of the largest research institutions in the world. To meet the great challenges present and to come, its scientists explore the living, matter, the Universe and the functioning of human societies. Internationally recognized for the excellence of its scientific work, the CNRS is a reference in the world of research and development as well as for the general public.
Within the CNRS Research Office (DGDS), the CNRS Institutes are the structures that implement the institution’s scientific policy, and oversee as well as coordinate the activities of laboratories.
Institute of Ecology and Environment (INEE)
The INEE’s mission is to develop and coordinate research in the fields of ecology and the environment, including biodiversity and human-environment interactions.
Research areas
Impact of global change
Chemical ecology and environmental chemistry
INEE website
The ten CNRS Institutes cover more or less extensive scientific fields, share projects, and promote cooperation between disciplines. They are directed by specialists in their domains who come from either the CNRS or the universities. The Institutes collaborate closely with functional departments on the following issues:
international policy,
site policy,
technology transfer and innovation,
scientific and technical information.
The university has published 23 documents.
Website: http://www.cnrs.fr/
Universidad de Zaragoza
The University of Zaragoza advocates the Knowledge Society taking on a directorial and anticipatory role and offers, to society in general and to companies and institutions in particular, the development and application of the most advanced ideas or techniques in scientific, technological and humanistic matters. The University of Zaragoza, through the Research Institute in Environmental Sciences of the University of Zaragoza (IUCA) has been trained from the priority vocation of the University of Zaragoza for the generation of scientific knowledge that supports sustainable development and seeks a better conservation of the environment.
IUCA has a strong multidisciplinary personality organized into research groups with an important critical mass of quality researchers and recognized prestige at national and international level. The groups coordinate in five strategic areas that allow to provoke important synergies in the development of multidisciplinary activities.
It has two lines of research, one in Science and Chemical Technology, which specializes in water and waste treatment and management in the water quality category. The second line of research in the Territory, Geography and Climate group is rural and regional analysis techniques: sustainable development strategies and another in Climate Change.
The university has published 24 documents.
Website: http://www.unizar.es/en
Universidad de Castilla La Mancha
The University of Castilla-La Mancha is a modern and competitive institution, with about 30,000 students, 2,270 professors and researchers and 1,059 management and services professionals. We are passionate about discovering what's behind the obvious, deepening science, stirring up culture, and sharing it with you.
The research is a nuclear activity of the University of Castilla-La Mancha. This is recognized by the statutes of its academic institution in its first articles, which recognize as basic purposes "the creation, development and criticism of science, technique and culture through study and research".
The University of Castilla-La Mancha deploys its extensive research activity with the work of its 283 groups and its 37 centers and institutes of Research and Development, a work that has been recognized with the incorporation of this university in the main rankings of the world, such as the Times Higher Education (THE) ranking, which highlights the impact of its research, or the Sanghái ranking.
The university has published 29 documents.
Website: https://www.uclm.es/
Innovation consultancy firm in business transformation and social impact. Cirklo comprised of an experienced team that is committed to making a change in the world.
Together we create projects, services and platforms that drive positive changes in our environment. We believe in collaboration, commitment, laughter and good conversations.
Website: https://cirklo.mx/en/home
Escuela de Emprendimiento Social e Innovacion (EDESI)
The School of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EDESI) is an initiative of the Universidad Iberoamericana to offer the community a humanistic alternative in the professional training of directors and business administrators in issues of management, governance, strategy, marketing, finance, innovation and operations.
EDESI's objective is to train leaders and agents of change, with the knowledge and skills necessary to create, consolidate or run a business or company successfully and innovatively, with social and environmental awareness, in such a way that they responsibly impact society which they serve.
Strategic axes:
- Offering high quality, innovative, practical and international academic programs
- Produce relevant research for organizations of all kinds and social reach
- Offer advice, consulting and support to companies on issues related to organization, profitability, efficiency and processes
- Provide meeting spaces for the achievement of productive and profitable businesses with a focus on social justice and the common good
Website: https://edesi.ibero.mx/
Centro de Innovacion Social de Alto Impacto de Jalisco
CISAI is a High Impact Social Innovation Center that identifies, articulates and integrates the needs and capacities of civil society, private initiative, academia and government, contributing to the development of social innovation initiatives. It is part of Universidad ITESO and hosted in colloration with the Government of Jalisco and the Mexican Council of Science and Technology.
The center promotes a sustainable change in the structures and behaviors of the people, institutions and underlying organizations that are part of the problem, through a systemic thinking, impact evaluation and fundraising methodology that helps us obtain effective results and sustainable to the social, economic and environmental challenges of our current society.
Website: https://cisai.iteso.mx/
Festival Internacional de Innovación Social
fiiS is a movement of people and organizations that we dream and work every day for a world of love, peace and joy. Through radical collaboration, we seek to generate a personal and collective transformation in people towards a society based on respect and understanding.
From our passion and Latin American strength, fiiS strives to connect the mind and spirit of millions of people who are generating changes in society creatively, always thinking about the common good.
We don't have time to do things in a traditional way, poverty, health, inclusion, education, social integration, animal welfare and so many other issues that matter to us, they can't keep waiting.
Website: https://fiis.org/
Impact HUB
We are one of the world’s largest networks focused on building entrepreneurial communities for impact at scale — home to the innovators, the dreamers and the entrepreneurs who are creating tangible solutions to the world’s most pressing issues.
Website: https://impacthub.net/
Gerencia de la Innovación Social
It is very gratifying for us to present our Institutional Development Project, an initiative that allows us to idealize the future and offer a clear navigation guide to consolidate ourselves as one of the best universities in Colombia. This guide represents the summary of the mission, the four core values and the six institutional objectives, fundamental to the achievement of the vision by 2022.
Experiencias en Innovación Social Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)
ECLAC's mission in the area of social development is to promote the integral development of Latin America and the Caribbean, with a focus on rights and equality. To this end, countries are provided with diagnostics and analysis of the social situation in thematic areas and specific population groups; the social policies implemented by the governments of the region for the overcoming of poverty, greater and universal social protection and the achievement of equality are analysed; and successful experiences are studied and disseminated to contribute to decision-making processes. This mission crystallizes in advising governments on the design of social programmes and policies, and in strengthening the institutional capacities of countries.
Website: https://www.cepal.org/es/areas-de-trabajo/desarrollo-social
Club de la Innovación Abierta
We want to connect the innovation needs of our partner companies with the local and international ecosystem, acting as a neutral articulator in the development of projects that add value to the business, enhancing learning and collaboration.
Website: https://clubdeinnovacion.com/
Le Réseau Québécois en Innovation Sociale
Social innovations are more than innovative projects. The RQIS community of interest has developed two diagrams to illustrate the process of social innovation based on the analysis of eight social innovations selected in various sectors of activity and throughout Quebec. Although these patterns do not restrict social innovations to a single path, they allow us to better understand the different phases of the process and the different activities that drive them.
Website: http://www.rqis.org/
Innobasque, Agencia Vasca de la Innovación
Innobasque was established as a private non-profit and public utility association, and today brings together nearly 1,000 social organizations forming a public-private partnership.
We work to:
To promote new innovation initiatives, in collaboration with our partner entities and with all the agents of the Basque Innovation System.
Improve the design and implementation of new innovation policies.
Without innovation there is no progress, and without progress there is no future. That's why, Innobasque it's a commitment of all. It is a joint effort to position the Basque Country as a leading region of innovation in Europe.
Website: https://www.innobasque.eus/
Social Lab
We investigate and see problems that affect a community, a region or the world, and then, with the help of organizations, turn them into Challenges; calling on the thousands of creative minds, with diverse talents and knowledge, who are part of our global platform for open innovation, to propose ideas that could end or mitigate the effects of this problem, and also have the potential to become companies, which in turn generate new opportunities, both for the world and for the same organizations that support them.
Website: https://www.socialab.com/
Fundación Cibervoluntarios
We are a Spanish NGO of international scope, created in 2001 by social entrepreneurs in orer to promote the use and knowledge of technogoly as a means to bridge social gaps, generate social innovation and citizen empowerment, favour their rights and enhance their opportunities. Our work is based on collaboration. We currently have a network of 1,500 cybervolunteers and more than 500 organisations with which we collaborate directly and regularly. With our activities we reach about 30,00 people annually.
Website: https://www.cibervoluntarios.org/
The Innovation Lab BID
We work to improve the quality of life in Latin America and the Caribbean. We help improve health, education and infrastructure through financial and technical support to countries working to reduce poverty and inequality. Our goal is to achieve development in a sustainable and climate-friendly manner. With a history dating back to 1959, today we are the main source of financing for the development of Latin America and the Caribbean. We offer loans, donations and technical assistance; and we do extensive research. We remain committed to achieving measurable results and the highest standards of integrity, transparency and accountability.
Website: https://www.iadb.org/es
Citilab is a citizen laboratory for social and digital innovation, in Cornellà de Llobregat, Barcelona. Explore and disseminate the digital impact on creative thinking, design and innovation that emerge from digital culture. Citilab is a mixture of a training centre, a research centre and an incubator of business and social initiatives.
Since this initiative was born, in 1997, and subsequently opened its headquarters on 23 November 2007, CITILAB has promoted its activity as a digital centre of citizen innovation for the dissemination and promotion of the knowledge society. His basic working methods are the Living Labs: Design thinking, computational thinking and user-centered co-creation. In Citilab, the Internet is considered a way to innovate more collaboratively and integrative with the citizen in the center of the process.
Website: https://www.citilab.eu/
Social Innovation Park
Social Innovation Park Ltd (SIP) is a home-grown, impartial, not for profit organization founded in 2006 to Educate, Empower and Enhance social entrepreneurs and innovators from the Private, Public, and People (3‘P’) sectors. SIP’s vision is to build a more inclusive, sustainable and mindful world, through high-impact, sustainable and cross- sector solutions to social needs. SIP won the meritorious Most Prestigious Brand Award (Singapore) in 2009, making us the youngest ever organization to receive such an award.
Website: http://www.socialinnovationpark.org/
The New Zealand Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Centre (SIERC)
The New Zealand Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Centre (SIERC), established August 2010, is dedicated to providing a hub for interdisciplinary, academic research in social innovation and entrepreneurship. The purpose of the Centre is to conduct, support and disseminate research that contributes to advancing social innovation and entrepreneurship in New Zealand and internationally. It encompasses research that fits within a scholarly and flexible interpretation of social innovation and entrepreneurship.
Website: http://sierc.massey.ac.nz/
UBC Sauder
SEI is Northeastern University’s hub for social entrepreneurship, housed in the D’Amore-McKim School of Business. Rooted in the study of sustainable, enterprise-based solutions to global poverty, SEI aims to educate social business leaders through coursework, cooperative education, international field studies, on-campus student organizations, and service-learning programs. Students have the opportunity to pursue a Social Entrepreneurship Track within the Innovation & Entrepreneurship concentration (business majors), or an interdisciplinary minor (all majors).
Website: https://www.sauder.ubc.ca/
UBC Sauder
SEI is Northeastern University’s hub for social entrepreneurship, housed in the D’Amore-McKim School of Business. Rooted in the study of sustainable, enterprise-based solutions to global poverty, SEI aims to educate social business leaders through coursework, cooperative education, international field studies, on-campus student organizations, and service-learning programs. Students have the opportunity to pursue a Social Entrepreneurship Track within the Innovation & Entrepreneurship concentration (business majors), or an interdisciplinary minor (all majors).
Website: https://www.sauder.ubc.ca/
Parque Científico de Innovación Social
The PCIS is a WIPOMINUTO headquarters focused on promoting knowledge-based Social Innovation, articulating researchers and communities through a service offering and facilitating the configuration of projects in which the contributions that government, companies, higher education institutions, cooperators, the minute of God entities and communities can make and interact, interact , always under the condition of social appropriation of knowledge.
For PCIS, a Social Innovation is a new solution to a community problem or need. This new solution can be a product, a service, a practice, or a management model that:
It is more efficient than the existing solution in that community.
It is generated in a participatory way between the community and researchers, or is brought from other places and appropriate by the community.
It is sustainable, it can be scalable and bring about permanent changes in society.
Website: http://www.uniminuto.edu/web/pcis
Social Innovation and Investment Programme (New York University)
As the world’s population continues to grow, so does the need for finding innovative entrepreneurial and financial solutions to address our most pressing social challenges. NYU Wagner’s Social Innovation & Investment Initiative provides the tools, research, training, and thought leadership to address these issues across the public, nonprofit, and private sectors.
The Social Innovation & Investment Initiative serves as the central hub and incubator in the field of social finance, bringing together policymakers, philanthropists, finance professionals, nonprofits, and foundations to collaboratively strengthen the growing field. The Initiative is working on:
- Designing social financial instruments and structures to achieve social impact, identify catalytic financing and risk mitigating structures, and innovate financing models;
- Research, development, and training of new models of financial collaboration across sectors;
- Monitoring and evaluating financial and social returns generated by social enterprises to improve existing financial instruments and broaden opportunities for private sector financing of government initiatives;
- Documenting best practices and developing case studies in venture philanthropy, impact investing, social impact bonds, and social enterprise financing; and
- Developing policies and convening partners across sectors to exchange ideas, information, and practices necessary to develop successes and learn from failures.
The Tamer Center for Social Enterprise - Columbia University
Columbia Business School has long been committed to advancing the practice and understanding of social enterprise having trained leaders with a commitment to solving social and environmental issues for over three decades. By supporting new ideas from faculty and industry leaders, as well as the curricular and extracurricular opportunities of students, the Business School educates leaders to use business knowledge, entrepreneurial skills, and management tools to address social and environmental challenges.
In 2015, The Tamer Center for Social Enterprise was established by a generous gift from Sandra and Tony Tamer, which expanded the existing Social Enterprise Program at Columbia Business School. The new funding allowed for the launch of the Tamer Fund for Social Ventures, expansion of the existing Loan Assistance program, extension of the Social Enterprise Summer Fellowship Program to Columbia students beyond the Business School, funding for social ventures at the Columbia Startup Lab and further development of the advisory network for Columbia’s social entrepreneurs.
Schulich's Sustainable Enterprise Academy (York University)
Schulich has achieved its status as Canada’s preeminent business school by being ahead of the curve, anticipating new and developing trends in business. Here are some of the key milestones celebrating Schulich’s transformational role as thought leader, breaking new ground in management education globally.
Website: https://schulich.yorku.ca/
Social Enterprise Institute (Northeastern University)
SEI is Northeastern University’s hub for social entrepreneurship, housed in the D’Amore-McKim School of Business. Rooted in the study of sustainable, enterprise-based solutions to global poverty, SEI aims to educate social business leaders through coursework, cooperative education, international field studies, on-campus student organizations, and service-learning programs. Students have the opportunity to pursue a Social Entrepreneurship Track within the Innovation & Entrepreneurship concentration (business majors), or an interdisciplinary minor (all majors). Many of our programs are donor-funded – please click here for more information.
Website: https://www.northeastern.edu/sei/
Social Enterprise Initiative (Harvard University)
The HBS Social Enterprise Initiative applies innovative business practices and managerial disciplines to drive sustained, high-impact social change. It's grounded in the mission of Harvard Business School and aims to educate, inspire, and support leaders across all sectors to tackle society’s toughest challenges and make a difference in the world.
The Social Enterprise Initiative engages with the nonprofit, for-profit, and public sectors to generate and share resources, tools, and knowledge.
Courses that focus on social enterprise are embedded into the MBA curriculum and Executive Education program offerings. Beyond the classroom, HBS offers career development programs designed to support students and alumni who are engaged professionally in the social sector.
Website: https://www.hbs.edu/socialenterprise/Pages/default.aspx
Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship (Oxford University)
The Skoll Centre at Oxford University is a leading academic entity with a mission to accelerate the impact of entrepreneurial activity that aims to transform unjust or unsatisfactory systems and practices.
The Centre does this by:
- Cultivating talent and emerging leadership: we offer world-class graduate education that provides students with the vision and skills to bring together market-based approaches and social innovation
- Supporting actionable insight through research: we generate research that contributes to the theory of social entrepreneurship and its practical applications to address critical global challenges whilst developing and supporting a network of academics and practitioners to disseminate this knowledge globally
- Catalysing deep exchanges with a global community of innovators: we connect social entrepreneurs with thought leaders and key players in business, government, and philanthropy to enhance social impact.
Website: https://skoll.org/organization/skoll-centre-for-social-entrepreneurship/
Program on Social Enterprise (Yale University)
Under the leadership of faculty director Robert Jensen, professor of economics, and executive director Tony Sheldon, the Program on Social Enterprise (PSE) supports scholars, students, alumni, and practitioners interested in exploring the ways in which business skills and market disciplines can be harnessed to most effectively and efficiently achieve social objectives. PSE facilitates work on nonprofit and public sector social entrepreneurship as well as initiatives in private sector social enterprise.
Our activities span courses, research, conferences, and publications. In addition to these formal activities, the PSE also serves as a focal point for social enterprise-related activities at SOM, facilitating, advising, and drawing connections among students, faculty, the Yale community, and the broader network in the US and internationally of interested practitioners and institutions.
Website: https://som.yale.edu/faculty-research-centers/centers-initiatives/program-on-social-enterprise
NUS Center for Social Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy (National University of Singapore)
Founded in 2011, we are a research centre focused on rigorous and multi-disciplinary research on Asian social entrepreneurship and philanthropy, to build capacity in the social sector. Together with our stakeholders, partners and friends, we hope to influence thinking and inspire social innovation that enables a more vibrant, inclusive and equitable future for all.
Website: https://bschool.nus.edu.sg/acsep/
Nonprofit Center (La Salle University)
The Nonprofit Center at La Salle University is in the business of nonprofits. Our name is our mission; it's what we do. With nearly 40 years of experience at the forefront of helping organizations in the Greater Philadelphia region and beyond to strengthen themselves, their boards and their staffs, we recognize that all nonprofits must be able to implement and maintain strong and ethical business practices in order to thrive in today's competitive and complex world. We work in partnership with:
- Nonprofit Executive Directors, Staff and Volunteers
- Nonprofit Boards of Directors
- Businesses that Value CSR and the Role Nonprofits Play in our Community
Our diverse, integrated services in nonprofit education, consulting and leadership development, are rooted in best practices and immersed in the unique nonprofit culture.
RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service (University of Texas, Austin)
Our research addresses pressing issues in philanthropy, nonprofit management, social entrepreneurship, and global civil society. We train students through our university-wide graduate program in nonprofit studies and we engage the world of practice through executive education programs tailored to the needs of seasoned professionals in the field. As you explore the RGK Center, you will see that our collective work, ranging from our graduate courses offerings to our international exchange programs to our new books and publications, is all focused on helping the nonprofit leaders of today and tomorrow make informed and innovative contributions to the public good.
Website: https://rgkcenter.org/
Midwest Center for Nonprofit Leadership (University of Missouri, Kansas City)
The Midwest Center for Nonprofit Leadership at the University of Missouri-Kansas City is dedicated to enhancing performance and effectiveness in the nonprofit community through education, research and service.
Website: https://bloch.umkc.edu/mcnl/
Mandel Leadership Foundation Center for Social Entrepreneurship (Ben-Gurion University)
Dedicated to strengthening Israel through the advancement of the third sector, the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Institute for Social Leadership is a unique environment where students and faculty acquire management knowledge and broaden their research in the area of social responsibility. The Institute includes the Mandel Social Leadership MBA Program, a unique program that combines core courses in business administration with social leadership studies, and conducts executive education programs for seasoned professionals who have many years of managerial experience in the nonprofit world. It also houses the Israeli Center for Third Sector Research, which conducts research, engages in policy analysis, and serves as a resource on Israel’s third sector.
Lewis Institute for Social Entrepreneurship (Babson College)
The Lewis Institute provides experiences and resources for the Babson community to activate people to become changemakers.
We help our stakeholders understand who they need to be, and what they need to do, to make their desired change in the world.
Our promise is to inspire action around creating social innovation, which we define simply as any activity that advances one or more of the UN Global Goals—the biggest challenges of our time.
Website: https://www.babson.edu/academics/centers-and-institutes/the-lewis-institute/#
Johnson Center for Philanthropy (Grand Valley State University)
Through professional development services, courses and trainings, philanthropic tools, and more, we support:
- Effective Philanthropy: Helping donors and foundations adopt best practices in their careers and organizations
- Strong Nonprofits: Helping nonprofit organizations strengthen their teams, tools, and thinking for better impact
- Informed Community Change: Guiding nonprofits, foundations, institutions, and neighborhood groups in using data to do good
We have also been proud to spearhead many first-of-their-kind leadership roles and publications that benefit the field of philanthropy. These include the Frey Chair for Family Philanthropy and the W.K. Kellogg Community Philanthropy Chair, both of which support original research in the field, such as the NextGen report on new donors. Additionally, the Johnson Center’s quarterly publication, The Foundation Review, is the first peer-reviewed journal of philanthropy.
Website: https://johnsoncenter.org/
Helene and Grant Wilson Center for Social Entrepreneurship (Pace University)
The Helene & Grant Wilson Center for Social Entrepreneurship was created in 2005 to serve the nonprofit and social enterprise community and Pace University. Devoted to honing the risk-taking spirit and managerial skills of nonprofit organizations and social ventures, the center was launched with a pledge from Helene and Grant Wilson, Boston-area entrepreneurs and philanthropists whose philanthropic endeavors convinced them that entrepreneurial management can help social ventures increase their impact.
Website: https://www.pace.edu/wilson-center
Fowler Center for Sustainable Value (Case Western Reserve University)
The Fowler Center’s primary focus is on for-profit organizations that use their core activities to create value for society and the environment in ways that create even more value for their customers and shareholders; its primary vehicle for effecting change is Positive Organizational Science and Appreciative Inquiry. We are drawing on expertise and tools such as design, sustainable value, Appreciative Inquiry, and systems thinking to build and maintain prosperity and flourishing.
The Fowler Center works selectively with nonprofits, cities, and regions where doing so advances flourishing. It does not place emphasis on adjacent domains such as business ethics, governance, green business or social responsibility when it is part of a loss-making venture, or charity and philanthropy. A tight strategic focus ensures the development of distinctive capabilities and a recognizable brand for a relatively small Center in a mid-sized Management School with an influence bigger than its size.
Hoffman Centre for Business and Society (INSEAD)
As one of the world's leading and largest graduate business schools, INSEAD offers participants a truly global educational experience. With locations in Europe (France), Asia (Singapore), the Middle East (Abu Dhabi) and North America (San Francisco) and alliances with top institutions, INSEAD's business education and research spans the globe. Our 165 renowned faculty members from 41 countries inspire more than 1,300 students in our degree and PhD programmes. In addition, more than 11,000 executives participate in INSEAD's executive education programmes each year.
Website: https://www.insead.edu/centres/the-hoffmann-global-institute-for-business-and-society
David O'Brien Center for Social Enterprise (Concordia University)
We're a next-generation university, one that reimagines the future of higher education on a continual basis. Located in the vibrant and multicultural city of Montreal, Concordia is among the most innovative universities in its approach to experiential learning, research and online education.
Website: https://concordia.academia.edu/Departments/David_O_Brien_Centre_for_Sustainable_Enterprise
Center for Sustainable Enterprise (University of Noth Carolina/Chapel Hill)
The Center assembles and shares thought leadership in research, education and best practice. Our goal is to empower business leaders in their quest for shareholder value while exercising environmental stewardship and promoting economic development and growth. CSE integrates sustainability into the MBA, undergraduate and executive MBA programs, preparing students and executives to be managers and business leaders whose knowledge of sustainability concepts and strategies gives them a competitive advantage. The MBA Sustainable Enterprise Enrichment Concentration is composed of 15 electives that apply across functional areas and industries.
Website: https://cse.unc.edu/
Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship - Duke University
The Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship (CASE) is an award-winning research and education center based at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. CASE’s mission is to prepare leaders and organizations with the business skills needed to achieve lasting social change.
Since 2002, CASE has been a leader in the field of social entrepreneurship, serving as a hub for research, teaching and practitioner engagement. We have educated thousands of MBA students and worked with thousands of organizations, funders, government agencies and researchers to help define, connect theory and practice and propel the idea of social entrepreneurship into the robust field it is today.
Website: https://centers.fuqua.duke.edu/case/
Center for Social Innovation (Adelphi University)
Our University transforms the lives of all students by creating a distinctive environment of intellectual rigor, research, creativity and deep community engagement across four core areas of focus: arts and humanities, STEM and social sciences, the professions, and health and wellness.
Website: https://provost.adelphi.edu/
Center for Social Entrepreneurship and Social-Learning (Belmont University)
The Entrepreneurship undergraduate program has five main objectives that serve as the heart of its program and that are taught to all entrepreneurship students, no matter what track they are taking for their entrepreneurial education.
- Ethics and values- In addition to exploring issues of business ethics that relate to small business and entrepreneurship, students will examine their own personal values and aspirations to help guide their entrepreneurial careers.
- Knowing the numbers- Entrepreneurs must be intimately familiar with the financial health of their businesses, particularly in regard to cash flow and other limited resource management and forecasting.
- Business Model- Students will be expected to develop a full understanding of how to create and utilize a business model and transform it into a fundable business plan.
- Opportunity scanning and recognition- Students must understand how to identify and evaluate potential opportunities in the marketplace.
- Managing growth in entrepreneurial companies- Students will learn the unique set of skills necessary to guide a company through its most perilous time period: rapid growth.
Website: http://www.belmont.edu/business/centers/entrepreneurship/index.html
Center for Social Value Creation (University of Maryland-College Park)
Business has long been a driver of social value. Whether developing and disseminating new advances in healthcare, keeping homes warm and food cool, or providing technology to connect people on opposite sides of the globe, business has done a lot of good. We think it has the potential to do even more.
The Center for Social Value Creation (CSVC) embodies a passionate mission: educate, engage and empower Smith students to create a better world through business. We imagine a future where companies, communities, society and the natural world collectively thrive. Social value creation is about using the tools of business to help us get there. Through courses, programs, and industry collaborations we prepare students to be business leaders able to advance advance economic, social and environmental prosperity. Our work is rooted in five Principles for Better Business.
Website: https://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/centers-excellence/social-value-creation
Impact Africa
We have established strong partnerships throughout the city of Johannesburg. It is our heart to work together with the government and community leaders to maximize our impact.
Website: https://www.impactafricasummit.net/
Center for Social Entrepreneurship (Miami University of Ohio)
Miami University's Center for Social Entrepreneurship creates hands-on, experiential learning opportunities for undergraduates and strives to give students the tools they need to leave their mark on the world. The Center defines social entrepreneurship as "innovative solutions to persistent social problems - particularly to those that are marginalized or poor - that create social value through sustainable, systemic change." These social problems include a wide range of sectors - financial, educational, environmental, governmental, nutritional, and many others. The Center challenges students to think about these issues, both in the U.S. and around the world, and provides them with the tools to address them in a meaningful way.
Website: https://miamioh.edu/fsb/academics/entrepreneurship/focus-areas/social-entrepreneurship/index.html
Center for Nonprofit Management (Northwestern University)
The Kellogg School Center for Nonprofit Management educates and inspires nonprofit leaders, empowering them to maximize organizational outcomes and drive social impact. Designed specifically for nonprofit executives and board members, our university-based non-degree programs provide rigorous and relevant tools and strategies for transformative leadership.
Our programs focus on developing the capacity of senior leaders of nonprofit organizations, regardless of size or mission. Whether you’re facing fundraising obstacles, interested in broadening your impact, or in improving your team’s leadership skills, you’ll find a program to support your individual and organizational growth.
Website: https://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/executive-education/individual-programs/nonprofit-programs.aspx
Arab World Social Innovation Forum
Since its formalization and professionalization approximately three decades ago, social entrepreneurship has gained immense momentum and created a robust international ecosystem with diverse leaders, organizations, and models of social change.
However, the growing voices in the field can also drown out the conversations that are necessary to achieve the next great era of social change, which will require dismantling the pervasive innovation divide between the Global North and Global South and re-framing the way that we raise, empower, and acknowledge women changemakers in all corners of the globe.
Website: http://awsif.org/
Hitachi Social Innovation Forum
Our second Social Innovation Forum held in Italy, a key country in Hitachi’s global capability network, was an opportunity for over 500 technology and social infrastructure leaders from across Europe to share ideas about how best to apply the latest and emerging digital solutions to solve society’s challenges.
Website: https://www.hitachi.eu/en/events/hitachi-social-innovation-forum-2019-europe
Foro de Innovacion Social
The International Forum for Social Innovation has been consolidated as a benchmark event on social innovation and entrepreneurship social in Spain. Young People and the Creactive Network have developed three editions (2013, 2015 and 2017) in the city of Valencia (Spain). Three events that have generated learning spaces, exchange of experiences and networking between social enterprises, political parties, public administration, social entities and the academic sector. Over 900 people attended this biannual call for social innovation in the three previous editions. At the IV International Forum on Social Innovation, we will once again create a unique space. This year will focus on how social innovation can be constructive in one of the major challenges of the century XXI: the migrations of people. Attendees will be protagonists of a creative and dynamic constructive process, developed through innovative methodologies.
European Social Innovation Competition (EUSIC)
The European Social Innovation Competition (EUSIC) is a challenge prize run by the European Commission across all EU countries and Horizon 2020 associated countries. Organised in memory of Diogo Vasconcelos, the competition calls all Europeans to come up with solutions to the problems affecting our society.
Website: https://ec.europa.eu/growth/industry/policy/innovation/social/competition_en
Social Innovation Forum
The Social Innovation Forum (SIF) plays a critical role in the social impact community by educating, engaging, and connecting resource providers (funders, investors, and volunteers) and on-the-ground leaders of nonprofit organizations and social impact businesses. Our programs and services provide a unique combination of capacity building and network building as we actively connect supporters and practitioners to build productive relationships focused on growing social impact.
Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurship, as an organizational expression of social innovation, is the demonstration of alternative working models as we face the current challenges to our planet, our societies, and our economies. By having a mission to engage all stakeholders in the creation of social and economic value, social entrepreneurs have proven how all stakeholders – employees, customers, suppliers, local communities and the environment – can benefit. It is a clear demonstration that stakeholder capitalism can indeed work and that systems can change.
Hivos seeks new and creative solutions to persistent global problems; solutions created by people taking their lives into their own hands. We offer a positive counterbalancing force against discrimination, inequality, abuse of power and the unsustainable use of our planet’s resources. Our mission is to innovate for social change. With smart projects in the right places, we work towards more open and green societies.
Website: https://www.hivos.org/
BoP Innovation Center
From startups to multinationals, we help organisations to design and deliver socially and commercially viable business models.
Website: http://www.bopinc.org/
Stellenbosch University
There exist a wide range of types of innovation platforms, these may include living labs, business incubators, open innovation platforms, rapid prototyping platforms, agricultural or health innovation platforms and university-driven research or innovation platforms. Through this programme we explore the functioning and setup of such infrastructures and how these contribute to how innovation and technology can be developed to improve the delivery and access to goods and services across the sub-Saharan African continent.
Website: https://ie.sun.ac.za/research/innovation-inclusive-development-i4id/
Since 1999, KL has specialised in researching and designing social progress. We deploy various instruments, methodologies and change strategies to appeal more effectively to the collective intelligence of society. We continuously develop these on the basis of new insights. Each problem is different, and so our approach is too.
Website: https://www.kl.nl/en/
Institute for Technology & Innovation Management Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
Innovations are, by now, widely recognized as a key source of economic growth and as a useful instrument to face the competition brought about by the forces of globalization. Not surprisingly, innovations have acquired a crucial role in the growth and competition strategies of many firms, as indeed of many countries and economic regions.
Website: http://www.global-innovation.net/
We encourage the consolidation of new initiatives through training and accompaniment, especially in people with limited economic resources.
We carry out laboratories that provide resources and discover methodologies to apply creative solutions to social problems.
We organize spaces of collective inspiration such as the International Forum of Social Innovation to share the latest trends and facilitate networking.
Website: https://jovesolides.org/proyectos-emprendedores/innovacion-social
Sinnergiak Social Innovation
Sinnergiak's activity aims to promote the development of skills in people and innovation capabilities in organizations and communities, basic conditions for obtaining results with a socially visible and useful impact.
Our work is part of internal specialization for the generation of knowledge, the management of a set of social techniques and access to a diversity of projects through cooperation systems and networks.
Website: https://sinnergiak.org/
Social Innovation Lab
Social innovation has improved the quality of citizens’ daily life in the Western Balkans. Inclusive and innovative society that uses far-reaching and realistic policy alternatives and practical solutions for solving local and regional socio-economic challenges in the Western Balkans.
Website: https://socinnovationlab.eu/
Now a more diversified organisation, AEIDL’s activities and expertise cover the environment and sustainable development, territorial development (rural, urban, regional and local), employment and social affairs, and citizenship. This includes vocational training and professional integration, support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the information society. Coming from many different countries, the members of the General Assembly, the Board and the staff of AEIDL are all active in one or more of these fields.
As the scope of its activities has expanded, the nature of the services provided by AEIDL has also expanded. Initially focused on the coordination of European networks - communication, publishing, event management, web design – it is now also engaged in consultancy, studies and evaluations, and training.
Website: https://www.aeidl.eu/en/#&panel1-1
Social Innovation Observatory of Florianópolis
We are researchers working together with actors of the social innovation ecosystem of Florianópolis to strengthen experiences that promote democracy and sustainability.
These efforts led to the creation of the Social Innovation Observatory of Florianópolis, in Santa Catarina, Brazil (Observatório de Inovação Social de Florianópolis – OBISF). The observatory’s goal is to map the network that forms the Social Innovation Ecosystem (SIE) of Florianópolis, including support organizations/initiatives and social innovation initiatives, in order to understand their operation, interactions and effects in dealing with the city’s problems.
Facultad de Estudios Empresariales (Universidad Mondragon)
Its main activities are training and research, development and innovation.
In relation to the organization of the Faculty, it has the following governing bodies:
- General Assembly of partners, in which third worker partners, students and companies are represented.
- Governing Council, with the same representation of the General Assembly.
- Coordination Council, a management body led by the Director-General and responsible for implementing the strategies approved by the Governing Council.
Website: https://www.mondragon.edu/es/facultad-empresariales
Universidad Mondragón México
The Universidad Mondragón Mexico is a higher and postgraduate educational institution, located in the state of Querétaro. His background dates back to the Professional School of Father José María Arizmendiarrieta, founded in 1947 in the Basque Country, from which the cooperative business group Corporación MONDRAGON was formed.
In 2011, the Corporation acquired the UCO University of Querétaro, integrating it into the MONDRAGON International Education Network (MEI), with professional schools also in Colombia and Saudi Arabia. The MEI has 70 years of history in educational services focused on people, the community and solidarity.
The Bureau de Coopération Interuniversitaire (BCI)
More specifically, BCI gives Québec universities the capability to monitor, analyze, collaborate, propose and respond to issues, in addition to representing them in dealings with government authorities, other organizations and the general public. Advocacy, when applicable, includes expressing the reasons for the major and minor positions of BCI’s member universities.
Website: http://www.bci-qc.ca/
Unión Social de Empresarios de México, A.C. (USEM, A.C.)
USEM was born in Mexico on October 4, 1957 with a group of entrepreneurs:
- Committed to achieving a company and a society tailored to the human person.
- Interested in the person always being the center, the end and the agent of economic activity.
- Concerned that enterprise and all socioeconomic life must be put at the service of the person and the family in order to achieve a more just and more humane society.
- Involved with a comprehensive vision of Corporate Social Responsibility
- Concerned and busy in your Environment and that of your Company.
- Eager to form your Social Consciousness and that of your collaborators.
- Willing to work for the Common Good.
Website: https://usem.org/
United Nations Development Programme
Innovation for development is about identifying more effective solutions that add value for the people affected by development challenges – people and their governments, our users and clients. For example, new approaches include setting up innovation labs with governments to re-design public service delivery; embracing data innovation to implement and monitor the SDGs; exploring emerging and alternative sources of financing to deepen and diversify the resourcing and implementation of the SDGs, from social impact bonds to pay-for-success and crowdfunding avenues or using behavioural insights to facilitate policy-making.
Innovation to help achieve SDG 16: Over 40% of our innovation investments are in crisis-affected countries.
Innovation happens in partnership! UNDP offices that embrace innovation have doubled partnerships with the private sector and foundations.
We invest in innovation to empower women and achieve gender equality.

We invest in finding out how robotics and artificial intelligence can help development.
Innovation to help achieve SDG 16: Over 40% of our innovation investments are in crisis-affected countries.
Innovation happens in partnership! UNDP offices that embrace innovation have doubled partnerships with the private sector and foundations.
We invest in innovation to empower women and achieve gender equality.

We invest in finding out how robotics and artificial intelligence can help development.
Innovation to help achieve SDG 16: Over 40% of our innovation investments are in crisis-affected countries.
Innovation happens in partnership! UNDP offices that embrace innovation have doubled partnerships with the private sector and foundations.Next
Red Latinoamericana del Agua Water-Lat Gobacit
WATERLAT-GOBACIT is a network of inter- and transdisciplinary teaching, research and intervention on the subject of water policy and management. It addresses issues such as social conflict around emerging inequalities and injustices of the implementation of hydraulic megaprojects, extractivism, the commodification of essential services, or the impact of major water disasters.
Website: http://waterlat.org/es/
Canadian Centre for Social Entrepreneurship (University of Alberta)
Throughout the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Specialization, students gain the competencies to manage technology innovation, entrepreneurial ventures and commercialization processes in generating business plans and ideas.
The Innovation & Entrepreneurship MBA, supported by the Technology Commercialization Centre (TCC) , provides a valuable tool to jump to the forefront of new venture creation and innovation management.
Focusing on all levels of innovation management, from idea generation, through feasibility studies, and finally to market launch, the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Specialization develops knowledge and skills in the important areas of:
- Identifying opportunities
- Facilitating innovation and development
- Managing intellectual property
- Building new organizations and markets
Website: https://www.ualberta.ca/business/programs/mba/degree-programs/innovation-entrepreneurship
Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo (CYTED)
Cyted is the Ibero-American Science and Technology For Development Program, created by the governments of The Ibero-American countries to promote cooperation in science, technology and innovation issues for the harmonious development of Ibero-America.
Cyted achieves its objectives through different funding instruments that mobilize Ibero-American entrepreneurs, researchers and experts and enable them to train and generate joint research, development and innovation projects. Thus, the countries that are part of the CYTED Programme manage to keep up to date on the latest technological scientific developments and developments.
Website: http://www.cyted.org/en
Movimiento de Agricultura Ecológica Latinoamericana (MAELA)
What is MAELA?
It is a political expression in the face of neoliberalism and the globalization of the economy, as these are exclusionary and discriminatory from the cultures and knowledge of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean.
MAELA is a non-profit civil entity, formed by organizations of peasant, indigenous, family, consumer producers, NGNs, movements and agroecology networks, educational institutions and universities.
It is an open, plural and diverse movement in development, production, marketing, research, training and promotion experiences that brings together more than 150 institutions.
Its purpose is to promote organic agriculture to contribute to sustainable human development based on agroecology and local knowledge.
Website: https://maelac.wordpress.com/
Fundación Konrad Adenauer
As a think-tank and consulting agency, our soundly researched scientific fundamental concepts and current analyses are meant to offer a basis for possible political action. The Berlin Academy is the national forum of dialogue between the spheres of politics, economy, science, and society.
Website: https://www.kas.de/home
Foro Latinoamericano de Ciencias Ambientales (FLACAM)
FLACAM is first and foremost a "wallless school of thought", a Latin American network of institutions and professionals working on regional sustainable development.
The Latin American Forum of Environmental Sciences (FLACAM) is a federation of civil and academic associations strongly committed to the ethics of responsibility and solidarity. He has been in the field of teaching for more than 20 years, training professionals who are experts in sustainable development with a unique methodology.
Website: https://www.redflacam.com/
Festival Internacional de Cine de Guadalajara (FICG)
- The Guadalajara International Film Festival is a cultural event of great relevance to the city and to the country as one of the showcases for the appreciation, dissemination, promotion and distribution of Mexican and Ibero-American cinema.
- It is a festival of all and for everyone, so we work for people to enjoy it through various activities, but above all watching the cinema such as Industry, Entertainment and Art.
- It is the most solid festival in Latin America with an offer for the film industry that has allowed it to position itself nationally and internationally. It is a forum for training, instruction and creative exchange between professionals, critics of international cinematography and students from Ibero-America.
Website: https://ficg.mx/35/public/es/home
Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO)
It is an international non-governmental institution, created in 1967 from an initiative of UNESCO, an institution in which it holds associative status. Currently, it brings together 680 research centers and postgraduate programs (master's and doctoral degrees) in various fields of social sciences and humanities.
British Council
The British Council connects people through learning and creative ideas from the UK. Whether you want to learn or teach English, take an exam, study in the UK or find information about our events, this is the place to start.
Global Social Enterprise programme
The British Council promotes the development of social enterprise as a means of addressing entrenched social and environmental problems and delivering positive change to our communities and societies.
Our work draws on UK and global experience and is delivered across more than 30 countries with local and international partners. Together, we:
- provide social entrepreneurs with access to training, mentoring and funding opportunities
- promote social enterprise education in schools and universities
- convene policy dialogues, conduct research and organise study tours to share knowledge and best practice in creating an enabling environment for social enterprise
- deliver international development actions that focus on social enterprise
It is a systemic approach designed to help foster a more sustainable, inclusive and prosperous future and build collaboration, opportunities and trust between the UK and other countries.
Website: https://www.britishcouncil.org/society/social-enterprise
Research Network for Social Enterprises EMES
EMES is a research network of established university research centres and individual researchers whose goal has been so far to gradually build up an international corpus of theoretical and empirical knowledge, pluralistic in disciplines and methodologies, around our “SE” concepts: social enterprise, social entrepreneurship, social economy, solidarity economy and social innovation.
Website: https://emes.net/
European Network of Living Labs
Living Labs (LLs) are defined as user-centred, open innovation ecosystems based on systematic user co-creation approach, integrating research and innovation processes in real life communities and settings.
LLs are both practice-driven organisations that facilitate and foster open, collaborative innovation, as well as real-life environments or arenas where both open innovation and user innovation processes can be studied and subject to experiments and where new solutions are developed.
LLs operate as intermediaries among citizens, research organisations, companied, cities and regions for joint value co-creation, rapid prototyping or validation to scale up innovation and businesses. LLs have common elements but multiple different implementations.
Website: https://enoll.org/
Red LatinoAmericana de Innovacion Social
Latin American Social Innovation Network, is a network that works to achieve the introduction of a new model of socio-economic commitment of the University based on the combination of curricular and extra-curricular activities, teaching materials and tools, practical training, mentoring in learning, and the creation of specific support units.
Website: http://www.lasin-eu.org/
Red Global de Mexicanos Calificados en el Extranjero
- Identify and organize highly qualified Mexicans residing outside the country to generate cooperation activities and specific projects that promote social, economic, scientific, technological and innovation development in Mexico, which is embodied in the following parameters of action:
- Promote ties between Mexico and highly qualified people residing abroad.
- Promote the insertion of Mexico into the global knowledge economy through the creation of synergies between this talent and its counterpart in Mexico.
- Facilitate the generation of high value-added projects in the areas of business development, education for global innovation and support to Mexican communities abroad.
- To foster a better understanding of Mexicans' contributions abroad to the prosperity of both Mexico and its adopted countries.
- Promote Mexico's prestige abroad.
Website: http://redtalentos.gob.mx/
Nesta is an innovation foundation. For us, innovation means turning bold ideas into reality. It also means changing lives for the better. This is what keeps us awake at night and gets us out of bed in the morning.
Website: https://www.nesta.org.uk/
De-Lab is a group of international professionals whose different technical expertises are required to develop applied research projects, consultancies and initiatives in the field of Inclusive Business, Social Innovation and Ethical Business Communication.
Website: https://www.delab.it/en/
Meta Group
META drives knowledge from idea to market by coaching researchers, entrepreneurs, investing in promising opportunities and advising public and private organisations on innovation strategies.
We have over 25 years' hands-on experience investing in high-growth companies across Europe, and helping Institutions, governments, regions and cities around the world foster more of them.
Built by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs, we have a unique edge in that we have experienced first-hand all stages of the entrepreneurial life-cycle and we have designed and implemented innovation policies at local, national and international level.
BID Innovación Lab
The I-Lab promotes the generation of innovations with social impact when the problem is not defined, the demand is not structured and the – usually complex – solution is not offered by one single discipline but requires the participation of multiple actors. To make this work we promote the use of technology and other collaborative methodologies.
Website: https://www.bidinnovacion.org/es/
Centro de Innovación Anacleto Angelini (Universidad Católica de Chile)
The Centre supports institutions and companies to face productive paradigms at risk of obsolescence, through the incorporation of culture, talent, technology and frontier knowledge around innovation, in order to ensure their competitiveness over time.
Website: https://centrodeinnovacion.uc.cl/
Laboratorio de Innovacion Social (Universidad Católica de Chile)
CoLab UC is the Social Innovation Laboratory of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. He was born in 2011 at the UC School of Management in the face of the need for a space to observe, reflect and execute actions to address socio-environmental and economic problems. We seek to facilitate the co-production of knowledge, stimulate the emergence of agents of change and collaborate with different actors of the ecosystem.
Website: https://colab.uc.cl/es/laboratorio/
Limitless was founded in 2015. After many years as Big 4 and strategy consultants where we had advised multinationals, nonprofits and public sector from around the world, we felt people were becoming fed up with buzzwords and bloated consulting invoices that did not bring actual results. What was lacking was a practical, down-to earth approach to innovation that actually worked and was also fun in the process. It was time for us to put our passion and many years of experience in training in strategy, finance and innovation into a new venture that would make innovation effective again. We soon secured our first clients and were rewarded by the European Commission with a Seal of Excellence. Our offices are based in beautiful Luxembourg, at the heart of Europe between Brussels, Paris and Frankfurt, but we deliver our work internationally. Our team includes different nationalities so that we can serve clients in several languages.
Website: http://www.limitless.lu/
Centro Javeriano de Competitividad Empresarial
Founded by the Society of Jesus in 1623, it is a Catholic University, recognized by the Colombian State, whose objectives are to serve the human community, especially the Colombian, seeking to establish a more civilized, more cultured and more just society, inspired by the values of the Gospel. It promotes the integral formation of people, human values, the development and transmission of science and culture, and contribute to the development, orientation, criticism and constructive transformation of society
Website: https://www.javeriana.edu.co/home
Centro Ithaka de Emprendimiento e Innovación
Our mission is to bring our university community closer to the entrepreneurial ecosystem, to promote innovation and creativity for the development of ventures that contribute to the development of a more prosperous, just and humane society.
Website: https://www.ithaka.ucu.edu.uy/
Centre for Research on Circular economy, Innovation and SMEs
The CEntre for Research on Circular economy, Innovation and SMEs (CERCIS) is part of the Department of Economics and Management at University of Ferrara and, in particular, of the departmental development program funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) on a competitive basis for the period 2018–2022 to promote excellence in education and research (“Dipartimenti di Eccellenza”). The Department of Economics and Management is one of the 18 Departments funded in the Scientific Domain of Economics and Statistics at a national level.
Website: http://eco.unife.it/it/ricerca-imprese-territorio/centri-di-ricerca/cercis
International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR)
Our mission is to develop a global community of scholars, researchers and practitioners who celebrate diversity, non-profit and philanthropic commitment to societyand rigorous interdisciplinary approaches in third sector research.
Website: https://www.istr.org/
International Development Innovation Alliance (IDIA)
For those in the international development community – be they governments, the private sector, civil society, academia and/or development agencies – innovation and scaling therefore require a commitment to doing things differently, and to find new ways of working together that transcend traditional boundaries to deliver greater impact, more quickly attained. This is particularly important given that many agencies working in development are already challenged by the need to achieve more with limited or reduced resources.
In response to this challenge, The Rockefeller Foundation provided leadership and resources to convene some of the world’s leading development innovation funders in early 2015 to form The International Development Innovation Alliance (IDIA) – a collaborative platform with the shared goal of “actively promoting and advancing innovation as a means to help achieve sustainable development”, including through the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.
Website: https://www.idiainnovation.org/
We support over 1,200 Canadian science and tech companies that are tackling some of society’s greatest challenges, providing them with tailored resources at every stage of their growth, from startup to scale-up. We focus on the four sectors — cleantech, health, fintech and enterprise software — where the potential is greatest to build high-impact companies that strengthen the economy.
Website: https://www.marsdd.com/
Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales (CRISES)
The Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales (Center for research on social innovations – CRISES) is an interuniversity and multidisciplinary research centre.
- Produce and disseminate new knowledge on social innovation and social transformation;
- Provide a forum to discuss and coordinate research activities;
- Promote new avenues of basic and applied research;
- Develop new partnerships;
- Organize activities of interest to scholars or involving the transfer of knowledge;
- Train junior researchers.
Website: https://crises.uqam.ca/
Waterloo Institute for Social Innovation and Resilience
Waterloo goes beyond the classroom, to a place where experience is the teacher. Beyond problems to solutions that address social, technical and economic needs. Beyond the laboratory, to the research that propels industries, organizations and society.
Waterloo is at the forefront of innovation and is home to transformational research and inspired learning. Located in the heart of Canada's technology hub, we are growing a network of global partnerships that will shape the future by working beyond disciplines and building bridges with industry, institutions and communities.
Our incredible people and partners take us beyond the lives we're living today, to find solutions to the global challenges that lie ahead. Creating change that goes beyond the status quo and is felt around the world.
Website: https://uwaterloo.ca/waterloo-institute-for-social-innovation-and-resilience/
Social Innovation Academy
Social Innovation has been increasingly perceived as the answer to the rising number of European societal challenges. While the European authorities, leading academics, policy experts, business people and activists agree that social innovation is the key to better future for Europe and the world, it is extremely difficult for professionals to obtain high quality training on what social innovation actually offers and, more importantly, how it can be done in practice.
We aim to change this situation in Europe and beyond. SOCIA brings together five experienced partners from Luxembourg, Greece, Poland, Slovenia and Spain to develop and test the Social Innovation Academy concept.
The Academy aims to be the first European, fully online management training programme focusing exclusively on social innovation.
It targets the managers of companies, NGOs/civil society organisations and intermediaries (hubs, incubators, labs etc.) as well as (aspiring) social entrepreneurs willing to learn how to set up and run social innovation initiatives to solve the most pressing societal challenges of our times.
Center for Social Innovation (Stanford University)
Our mission is to bring social and environmental change to the world. Through research, education, and experiential learning, we strengthen the capacity of individuals and organizations to develop innovative solutions to complex problems.
We envision a networked community of leaders actively working across sectors, frontiers, and disciplines to build a more just, sustainable, and prosperous world.
Website: https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/faculty-research/centers-initiatives/csi
Center for Social Innovation (Boston College)
The Center for Social Innovation fosters effective, sustainable social innovations that enhance social justice by promoting "innovation from within". We strive to build capacity within the social sector by preparing tomorrow’s social service leaders, promoting the capacity of existing social service agencies to respond to current and future social issues, and building the evidence-base for social innovation.
Business for Impact (Georgetown University)
The social, economic, and environmental challenges facing our rapidly-changing world are complex – from climate change and educational inequality, to global health disparities, extreme poverty, and more.
To solve challenges like these, we work with business, government, and nonprofit leaders to co-create solutions and drive positive impact.
Our partners are drawn to Georgetown’s McDonough School of Business because of our deep expertise in creating shared social, environmental, and economic impact. They also value our unique D.C. location, Georgetown’s trusted reputation as a neutral convener, and our Jesuit identity which underscores the importance of educating women and men in service to business and society.
Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium
The Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium (TIPC) is a group of science, technology and innovation researchers, policymakers and funding agencies working together to give substance to a new framing for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policy – Transformative Innovation Policy (TIP). TIP aims to address global societal challenges, as encapsulated in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
Website: http://www.tipconsortium.net/
Social Innovations Journal (SIJ)
SIJ chronicles social innovations and enterprises addressing the nation’s most challenging issues surrounding social policy, leadership, human capital, and systems. In collaboration with government, philanthropy, nonprofits and universities, the Journal bridges formal research and real-life experience. The Journal is inspired by the Stanford Social Innovation Review, an award-winning national magazine covering best strategies for nonprofits, foundations and social businesses.
Bloomsbury Policy Group
BPG is a network of Latin American scholars with policy-related postgraduate degrees in the United Kingdom who met through the Chevening network in 2016. In June 2017, they got together in the Bloomsbury neighborhood of London to discuss the state of affairs concerning democracy and public policy in their countries.
The general feeling was that there was an open space to contribute in the discussion and promotion of rigorous, evidence-based policymaking, so they decided to start working together to transform this idea into action. Then, Bloomsbury Policy Group was created welcoming proactive Latin American professionals with studies in United Kingdom who are passionated to work for the region.
Website: https://bloomsburypolicygroup.org/
Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) was set up in 2012 under the auspices of the UN Secretary-General. SDSN mobilizes global scientific and technological expertise to promote practical solutions for sustainable development, including the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement. SDSN works closely with United Nations agencies, multilateral financing institutions, the private sector, and civil society.
Website: https://www.unsdsn.org/
Innovation for Sustainable Development Network
The Innovation for Sustainable Development Network (inno4sd.net) aims to consolidate the global communities of eco-innovation and social innovation and foster collaboration and knowledge sharing by bringing people together from all sectors related to the green inclusive economy, sustainability and innovation. It is an action-oriented network which will support the practical application of solutions to stimulate transformative change and support sustainable development, worldwide.
Website: https://www.inno4sd.net/
TNO Innovation for Life
TNO innovates in developing and emerging countries. With technical know-how we develop and launch new products and services with a sustainable business model in the field of health, food, construction materials, circular economy and ICT. Our system innovations increase the perspective of vulnerable groups and create business propositions for local and European companies in underserved consumer markets. We frame this impact on the SDG’s.
TNO connects people and knowledge to create innovations that boost the competitive strength of industry and the well-being of society in a sustainable way. This is our mission and it is what drives us, the over 3,400 professionals at TNO, in our work every day. We work in collaboration with partners and focus on nine domains.
TNO is an independent research organisation. We believe in the joint creation of economic and social value. We focus on transitions or changes in nine social themes:
- Buildings, Infrastructure & Maritime : 'Robust constructions, sustainable use'
- The Circular Economy and the Environment: 'Directing and accelerating sustainability'
- Defence, Safety and Security: ‘We’re putting our knowledge and technology to work for safety and security’
- Energy: ‘Faster towards a sustainable energy supply'
- Healthy living: ‘Focussing on participation, not on the disease’
- Industry: ‘Innovating for employment, welfare and well-being’
- Information & Communication Technology: 'Interpreting and accelerating digital transformation'
- Strategic Analysis & Policy: 'Turning complex issues into concrete innovations'
- Traffic and Transport: 'Helping to create liveable, sustainable cities'
- Innovation with purpose is what TNO stands for. We develop knowledge not for its own sake, but for practical application.
Website: https://www.tno.nl/en/about-tno/tno-and-its-social-role/innovation-for-development/
Miller Center (Santa Clara University)
Founded in 1997, Miller Center is one of three Centers of Distinction at Santa Clara University, located in the heart of Silicon Valley. Here we leverage this entrepreneurial spirit with the University’s Jesuit heritage of service to the poor and protection of the planet.
More than half of the world’s people live in poverty. Social entrepreneurship addresses the root problems of poverty through the power of business and innovation to provide sustainable economic and social impact.
Website: https://www.millersocent.org/
Deusto Social Innovation
The University of Deusto is characterized by its clear social commitment, to the struggle for justice in the world and in our most concrete environment, committed to a fairer and more balanced development. Based on this social commitment and from the different fields of knowledge – social, technological and economic – it tries to provide solutions and answers to society, for its improvement and transformation.
Instituto de Innovación Social (ESADE)
The Institute of Social Innovation develops its mission through a program of generation and transfer of knowledge of great importance in the academic field and at the same time makes a very useful contribution for companies, social enterprises, public administration, NGOs and other non-profit organizations.
Centre for Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation (USN)
We work both in permanent and ad-hoc based partnerships, with ministries, directorates, voluntary organizations, financial institutions and social entrepreneurs in the field. We collaborate with international partners and are members of the EMES network.
Social Innovation Knowledge Center - Utrecht University of Applied Sciences
Social professionals work in a complex and challenging professional practice. The Research group Innovative Social Services contributes to the answers to important issues and dilemmas in the social domain, such as the impact of increasing diversity on professional practice and education, or the ethical dimension of social work and (youth) care and mixed housing.
Website: https://www.internationalhu.com/research/innovative-social-services
BoP Global Network
The BoP Global Network is a membership-based organization consisting of a vibrant community of academics and practitioners around the globe who believe that the answers to some of the greatest challenges facing humanity can be found through inclusive and sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship. This network was established to bring these people together to develop knowledge, share experiences and disseminate information regarding the theory and practice of sustainable business at the base of the economic pyramid.
Website: https://www.bopglobalnetwork.org/
The Australian Centre for Social Innovation (TACSI)
Formed in 2009 as an initiative of the South Australian Government, TACSI is now an independent social enterprise working on projects and initiatives across Australia. Bringing together a unique and diverse team of people from all over the world, the staff at TACSI are all united in their commitment to developing new and better ways to build social and economic prosperity for all.
Website: https://www.tacsi.org.au/
The Young Foundation
The Young Foundation’s mission is to develop better connected and more sustainable communities across the UK. As a UKRI accredited Independent Research Organisation, social investor and community development practitioner, we combine all our skills and expertise, to further that mission.
We amplify the stories and lived experiences of people in our communities; using this as a spur to drive locally-led community action and enterprise. And we use what we learn across different communities to spot national patterns of need and opportunity. Then we work with national partners to support new ideas to tackle those shared, national challenges.
Website: https://www.youngfoundation.org/
University of Northampton - Institute for Social Innovation and Impact
As one of the few universities to be ranked Gold in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF), we know that sharing knowledge, supporting creativity and striving to make a positive difference will change the future. What motivates us is the drive to help people make the changes that will transform their lives – people like you.
We are one of the youngest universities in the UK but we are already leading the way in adding value to society, which we call social impact. We have won multiple awards for our work in this area, among others, but what matters the most to us is ensuring that our students and graduates have the opportunity to make their mark on the world too. That’s why we were the first university in the UK to be named as a Changemaker Campus in 2012.
Social Innovation Center at Social Sciences University of Ankara
The Goals of the Social Innovation Center are:
* To establish a common platform for interdisciplinary research, implementation and policy development studies in the field of social innovation,
* To offer innovative solutions to social problems,
* To produce academic research-oriented projects having concrete social outputs in the fields of innovation, change and transformation,
* To conduct interdisciplinary research on economic, social and environmental areas for regional development and to cooperate with institutions and organizations specializing in the field of regional development,
* To collaborate with regional, national and international institutions in the field of social innovation, to establish a functional stakeholder network and to serve as a sustainable interface for social innovation,
* To contribute to the development of Ankara’s and Turkey's rich social and cultural heritage, the provision of equal and qualified life to individuals and the strengthening of social cohesion.
Website: https://sim.asbu.edu.tr/index.php/en/social-entrepreneurship
University of the Cape Town - Bertha Centre
The Bertha Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship is the first academic centre in Africa dedicated to advancing social innovation and entrepreneurship. It was established as a specialised centre at the UCT Graduate School of Business in late 2011, in partnership with the Bertha Foundation, a family foundation that works with inspiring leaders who are catalysts for social and economic change, and human rights. The Centre is now a leading academic centre in Africa.
Erasmus University Rotterdam - Drift
Our core area of expertise lies in sustainability transitions and transition governance. Within these, we have seven focus areas: Resources & Circularity, Welfare & Justice, Social Innovation, Governance & Politics, New Economies, Urban Transitions, Transformative Knowledge.
Website: https://drift.eur.nl/
Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space
The Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space is conducting problem-oriented basic research on development capacity, versatility and adaptability of space and thus the spatial dimension of social action in local, national and international relations. The cooperation of the five research departments of the IRS focuses on the central fields of research on society and space:
- Dynamics of Economic Spaces
- Institutional Change and Regional Public Goods
- Dynamics of Communication, Knowledge and Spatial Development
- Regeneration of Cities and Towns
- Department for Historical Research
Website: https://leibniz-irs.de/en/
TU Dormund
Social Innovation research has become one central area of research at Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund – Central Scientific Institute of the TU Dortmund University. Social innovations in the sense of new social practices have been emerging in recent years as an object of both research and practice. They are exerting an influence on people’s lives in a variety of ways. They change the way we live together, work, handle crises and make the most of opportunities. Likewise, they are driving different societal sectors and cross-sectoral networks and individuals.
Website: http://sfs.tu-dortmund.de/cms/en/social_innovation/index.html
ZSI - Centre for Social Innovation
Acting as independent research institute, ZSI and its staff cover a broad range of use-inspired and use-centred research activities, including trans-disciplinary research, in our core fields of operation. ZSI research projects can be characterised by the following features:
- Collaboration of researchers from different disciplines
- Research projects exhibit different structures and sizes
- For financial support various funding schemes are approached
- Deployment of well-established, innovative methodologies of data collection and analysis
- Thematically, ZSI's research addresses social, ecological, and economic challenges of the 21st century
- Involvement of a wide spectrum of target groups from all societal sectors
Website: https://www.zsi.at/en
Austrian Institute of Technology
AIT provides research and technological development to realize basic innovations for the next generation of infrastructure related technologies in the fields of Energy, Mobility Systems, Low-Emission Transport, Health & Bioresources, Digital Safety & Security, Vision, Automation & Control and Technology Experience. These technological research areas are supplemented by the competence in the area of Innovation Systems & Policy.
Website: https://www.ait.ac.at/en/
Forum MedTech Pharma
Forum MedTech Pharma is a charitable non-profit making association - incorporated society. The network is forming a unique platform for business contacts and knowledge exchange. We successfully facilitate innovation and co-operation in the medical sector. More than 600 members are involved in the Forum MedTech Pharma, i. e. companies, research institutes, clinics, health insurances, regional authorities as well as other actors in the field - from 15 countries out of Europe, America and Asia. |
Website: http://www.medtech-pharma.de
Greek Food Industry Association (SEVT)
SEVT represents the interests of the Greek Food & Drink Industry in national european and international level.
Website: http://www.sevt.gr/?lang=en
Greek Solar Industry Association (EBHE)
The Greek Solar Industry Association (EBHE) was founded in 1979, in order to join the companies of the Solar Thermal Industry, to boost the aspirations of the industry in national and international level and to promote the technological awareness, the research and the penetration of the solar thermal applications. |
Website: http://www.ebhe.gr/
The main task of Bioselena is developing and supporting the sustainable and organic agriculture, biodiversity preservation and environment protection. |
Website: www.bioselena.com
ALETI is the Federation that brings together the ICT industry from 19 countries. Its mission is to integrate all entities (federations, chambers and associations) ICT in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal to promote the use, development, exchange and commercialization of technologies, as well as promote and encourage the generation of positive policies for the development of the Information Society and Knowledge in the region to accelerate the improvement in the quality of life of the people. |
Website: http://www.aleti.org/
LIFIA is a Research Center of the National University of La Plata that offers expertise in technology and products to academic communities and national and international business. |
CADIEEL is a civil society, non-profit organization that brings together industrial companies with operations in the territory of Argentina and which relate to the production of goods containing elements or mechanical, electrical or electronic parts; elements or parts to software; producing and integrating hardware or software systems for plants or networks that use of the above items as well as associated services. |
Fundacion Sadosky
Dr. Manuel Sadosky Foundation is a public-private institution whose goal is to encourage reconciliation between the scientific - technological and productive structure in everything related to the topic of information and communications technology (ICT). |
Website: www.fundacionsadosky.org.ar
CICOMRA - Cámara de Informática y Comunicaciones de la República Argentina
Founded in 1985, brings together a hundred different profile companies; small, medium and large; domestic and foreign origin; with a view of the sector as a whole and the problems of all the different segments that compose it. |
Website: www.cicomra.org.ar
CESSI - Cámara de Software y Servicios Informáticos
The Chamber of Software and Services (CESSI) is a nonprofit organization that brings companies and regional entities engaged in development, production, marketing and implementation of software and all variants of services throughout the area of Argentinian republic. |
Website: www.cessi.org.ar
CARBIO - Cámara Argentina de Biocombustibles
It is composed of prestigious companies in Argentina that produce biofuel on an industrial scale. According to the Statute, CARBIO is constituted as follows: AGD, Bunge, Cargill, Explore, Louis Dreyfus, Molinos Río de la Plata, Noble Argentina, Renova, Unitec Bio, Vicentin. |
Website: www.carbio.com.ar
COOPERALA-Cámara industrial-empresaria de laboratorios farmacéuticos de especialidades medicinales
Industrial-camera businesswoman pharmaceutical laboratories of medical specialties, Argentine capital, founded in 1959. The aim of its creation has been coordinating the actions of partners in order to contribute to the management of their companies and provide advice and represent their interests before national and international bodies. |
Website: http://www.cooperala.com.ar/
FAB - Foro Argentino de Biotecnología
The Argentine Forum on Biotechnology (FAB) is a private non-profit that brings together companies, institutions and specialists linked to the field of biotechnology in Argentina.
Website: www.foarbi.org.ar
CAB - Cámara Argentina de Biotecnología
Members of the Argentina Chamber of Biotechnology leading business areas of multiple and varied biotechnology industry. Its aim is to secure a public-private model that synergistically incorporate the strategic needs of the country, businesses and society as a whole. For that reason, one of the main strategies of the CAB is cooperation with agencies and national and international institutions that proactively support the development and strengthening of biotechnology. |
Website: www.cabiotec.com.ar
INTI - Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Biotecnología
Its mission install the INTI as a reference of industrial biological production, facilitating own or third productive development institutions. Incorporate new technologies and basic molecular processes in the productive sector especially in small and medium enterprises. Facilitate interaction between biology and industry through development projects and technology transfer. Promote the transfer of research results, both to the private area |
CADIEEL – Cámara Argentina de Industrias Electrónicas, Electromecánicas y Luminotécnicas
The industries represented by CADIEEL are the main drivers of technological progress in the country. Its products are crosscutting technologies that determine the pace of innovation and growth of all branches of the economy, and create solutions that serve to improve the quality of life of people. Its mission is to help the development of a competitive domestic industry technologically updated, with sense of corporate solidarity and social responsibility. Its objectives include the development of the competitiveness of the sector, the implementation of policies of rational and efficient use of energy, promoting electrical safety, coordination with academia and compliance regime Buy Argentine Act. It also organizes the BIEL ligth + building international biennial of electrical, electronics, and most prestigious Latin American Lighting. |
Website: www.cadieel.org.ar
CIPIBIC - Cámara de Industriales de Proyectos e Ingeniería de Bienes de Capital de la República Argentina
Represents manufacturers of capital goods, the vast majority of manufacturers producing goods seriada not long manufacturing process. The market consists of the industries of food and beverages, chemicals and petrochemicals, oil and gas, agro-chemical, steel, mining, plastics, graphic, automotive, paper, shipbuilding, electrical, thermal and hydraulic power plants, and in general to all industrial activities requiring heavy equipment and light heavyweight. |
Website: www.cipibicargentina.org.ar
FARN-Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
We are a non-governmental organization nonprofit and nonpartisan, was founded in 1985. Our main objective is to promote sustainable development through policy, law and institutional organization of society. The recipients of the work of FARN are mainly public and private decision-makers. |
Website: http://farn.org.ar/
Fundacion Avina
A Latin American foundation focused on producing the large-scale changes necessary for sustainable development by fostering collaborative processes among leaders from different sectors. |
Website: http://www.avina.net/avina/
Centro Regional de Eolica
The Regional Centre for Wind Energy aims to promote wind power from different fields: knowledge management and exchange of information between technical and scientific institutions, vocational training, implementation and technical advice. CREE activities include: project management; technical, economic, financial and environmental studies; quality certification; design of wind power plants of low, medium and high power; software development for determining component location of wind farms; Design and training courses; professional training and internships systems; wind resource assessment through monitoring (micrositing); implementation of rural electrification programs; and design of wind-diesel hybrid systems and wind-solar-diesel. |
Website: http://organismos.chubut.gov.ar/cree
EEAOC-Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres (Biomasa)
Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres Station is an autonomous body of the Ministry of Productive area Development of the Government of Tucuman, whose mission has been, since its inception in 1909, technologically underpin agricultural production early leadership of the province. |
Website: http://www.eeaoc.org.ar/
IRAM(Solar)-Instituto Argentino de Normalizacion y Certificacion
Non profit civil association. It includes representatives of various sectors of the economy, government and scientific and technical institutions. It impelled the interest of our country had a technical, independent and representative institution, an ideal organization to develop standards that required a growing nation. |
Website: http://www.iram.org.ar/
UNCUYO - Instituto de Energía
The Energy Institute aims to be a multidisciplinary node composed of undergraduates, graduates, researchers, teachers and professionals from various fields of knowledge or disciplines together to address energy issues. The Institute aims to be a university space reference in the study, implementation of joint projects and referred to the use of renewable energy and the responsible use of energy shares. |
Website: http://www.uncuyo.edu.ar/
CEARE - Centro de Estudios de la Actividad Regulatoria Energética
The Center for Studies of Energy Regulatory Activity (CEARE) is the result of an agreement between the Faculties of Law and Economics at the University of Buenos Aires and the National Regulators Gas (ENARGAS) and Electricity (ENRE) after the March 28, 2007 joined as a full member of the Board of Directors, the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Buenos Aires. This Institute has as main purpose to train human resources in the energy regulatory area of Argentina and Latin America Republic and promote integration between the entities, regulated companies and academic institutions, in regard to transfer of knowledge, research and technical assistance to the Government Agencies and Regulators |
Website: http://www.ceare.org/
Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero
Specialization career in Renewable Energy is one of the specialties of Research and Development gives the National University of Santiago del Estero. |
Website: http://www.unse.edu.ar/
UCAR-Unidad para el cambio rural (Bioenergia)
UCAR's mission is the coordination of all programs and projects co-financed wholly or partly with external resources executed under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agro Industry. The objectives of these programs and projects cover extensive profiles of public investment for development, from infrastructure and services needed for production to improving the living conditions of rural people of both sexes, through strengthening public or private rural institutions and increasing the competitiveness of the agro-industrial sector. |
Website: http://www.ucar.gob.ar/
INVAP-Investigacion Aplicada(Eolica)
INVAP is a company dedicated to the design and construction of complex technological systems, with a history of forty years in the national market and thirty on the international scene. Its mission is the development of advanced technology in various fields of industry, science and applied research, creating "technological packages" high added value both to meet national needs and to attach external markets through exports. |
Website: http://www.invap.com.ar
INTA-Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Bioenergia)
The National Agricultural Technology Institute (INTA) is a state agency decentralized operational and financial autarky under the Ministry of Agro Industry of the Nation. It was created in 1956 and since then develops research activities and technological innovation in value chains, regions and territories to improve the competitiveness and sustainable rural development. |
Website: http://inta.gob.ar/bioenergia
CNEA-Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (Fotovoltaica)
On 31 May 1950, the government of Juan Domingo Peron created by Decree No. 10,936, the National Atomic Energy Commission. Since then, the organization dedicated to the study, development and applications in all aspects related to the peaceful use of nuclear energy, becoming today the promoter body in our country area. |
Website: http://www.cnea.gov.ar
The Institute of Energy of the Province of SANTA CRUZ, was created by provincial Law No. 3067, published in the official gazette of the province on 01 September 2009. It is an autonomous entity of public law with legal personality and capacity act publicly and privately. Its purpose is to achieve harmonious and balanced development of the energy resources of the Province, satisfying the general interest in the subject, regulating investments, proposing the executive branch guidelines of energy policy and exercise control and supervision of existing energy resources in the territory provincial.- |
Website: http://www.iesc.gov.ar
Instituto de Energía Eléctrica (CONICET-UNSJ).
Electric Power Institute is part of the Faculty of Engineering and is a Double Unit Unit National University of San Juan (UNSJ) -National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET). It is composed of highly skilled professionals in Argentina and research centers of excellence abroad in the fields of engineering and economics of energy systems. |
Website: http://www.iee-unsj.org
FCEN/Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales UNCA Universidad Nacional de Catamarca (Biomasa)
The Faculty of Natural Sciences is a faculty emerged from the aspiration of the catamarqueña community development vision; committed to continuous improvement of quality and efficiency of public service provided to society in the fields of scientific knowledge, humanistic, social and technological; committed to their community and flexible to adapt to the training needs of competent, educated, responsible and caring people and to the generation, application and dissemination of knowledge; outstanding teaching and research in the differential aspects of Catamarca and the region; regional reference in new technologies and teaching innovation; committed to the development of society; creator of culture, with social projection and promoter of relations and solidarity between peoples in the national and international levels. In short, a faculty that encourages and helps orienting the environment, the development of society through training, research and innovative extension and quality. |
Website: http://www.exactas.unca.edu.ar/
AAERA - Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Ambiente
The "Argentina Association of Renewable Energy and Environment" was created on June 3, 1974 under the name Association Argentina Solar-ASADES Energy, in the city of San Miguel, province of Buenos Aires, on the occasion of the UNESCO school made - IAU and CNEGH for young astronomers and Latin American scientists in the field of solar physics at the Solar Observatory of Cosmic physics. A group of professionals attending the school decided its creation from total conviction that "the study and application of solar energy, is a prerequisite for economic and social progress of the country case" and understanding "the need to create an entity nationwide that will bring all those involved in the field of education, research and application of solar energy " |
Website: http://www.asades.org.ar
CTS-UTN - Centro Tecnológico de Sustentabilidad de la UTN
It is created in order to perform design activities and project development, consulting, training and transfer and facilitate the coordination of actions of different groups that perform tasks oriented towards sustainability. |
Website: http://www.cts.fra.utn.edu.ar/
ASADES - Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Ambiente
The Argentina Association of Renewable Energy and Environment encourages the study and development of science and technology related to the environment and the application of renewable energy. |
Website: www.asades.org.ar
AAEE - Asociación Argentina de Energía Eólica
The Argentina Wind Energy Association was created in 1996 as a non-profit organization, non-governmental, for R & D group FIUBA. |
Website: www.argentinaeolica.org.ar
CADER - Cámara Argentina de Energías Renovables
The Argentina Chamber of Renewable Energy is a commercial sector multi camera nonprofit organization representing all sectors and actors of Renewable energy: Bioenergy, wind, solar, biomass, hydro, tidal, and all forms of Renewable energy Argentina. It is the main coordinating body that interacts with a wide range of stakeholders in the public and private sectors as well as academia. CADER gathers a network of businesses and professionals and one of its key strategies is to convene major players in the industry and facilitate dialogue and business for current and future development projects for the renewable energy industry. |
Website: www.cader.org.ar
The Interdisciplinary Center for Studies in Science, Technology and Innovation (CIECTI) helps to build and bolster national capacities to design, implement, monitor and evaluate active policies in science, technology and innovation aimed at adding value to the production of goods and services, stimulate a culture of innovation, promote social inclusion, protecting the natural foundations of development and to build socially applicable knowledge. |
Website: www.ciecti.org.ar
FUNDESCO is a foundation designed to develop knowledge in innovative technologies, created to train and disseminate technology. |
Website: http://www.fundesco.org.ar/
FUNINTEC is the technology link office of UNSAM. It has three business areas:- Support the development of technological enterprises,- Provides services and consulting,- Facilitates the transfer of knowledge and technologies. |
Website: http://www.funintec.org.ar/
Polo Tecnológico Rosario
The Rosario Technological Pole is a civil non-profit private public character; that brings together 90 technology companies in software, biotechnology, telecommunications, engineering and automation. |
Website: http://www.polotecnologico.net/
Secretaría de Emprendedore y PYMES
The National Secretary of Venture Capital develops policies and instruments for market development (venture capital) in Argentina, including schemes of public-private co-investment through incubators, accelerators and funds. |
Website: http://www.produccion.gob.ar/institucional/secretarias/secretaria-de-emprendedores-y-pymes/
Polenta Ventures
Polenta Ventures is a Pre Accelerator focused on Industrial and AgTech startups using Electronics, IoT, Robotics, Nanotech, Biotech, Web and Mobile technologies. |
Website: http://www.polenta.co/
CIN - Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional
The (CIN) National Inter-University Council was created by Decree of the President of Argentina, Dr. Raul Alfonsin, on December 20, 1985. |
Website: http://www.cin.edu.ar/
CONICET - Dirección de Vinculación Tecnológica
It is the most important organism dedicated to the Science and Technology promotion in Argentina. Currently, more than 10,000 researchers, more than 10,000 PhD and postdoctoral fellows, more than 2,700 research support technicians and professionals and approximately 1,300 administrative professionals, are employed in the body. They work distributed throughout the country - from Antarctica to Puna and from the Andes Range to the Argentine Sea - in its 16 Scientific Technological Centres (CCT), 11 Research and Transfer Centres (CIT), a Multidisciplinary Research Center and more than 300 exclusive INSTITUTEs and Centres of CONICET and double and triple dependence with national universities and other institutions. |
Website: http://www.conicet.gov.ar/conicet/
The Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation mission is to guide science, technology and innovation towards strengthening a new production model that generates greater social inclusion and improves the competitiveness of Argentinian economy, under the paradigm of knowledge as the heart of the development. |
Website: http://www.mincyt.gob.ar/
INTI (National Institute of Industrial Technology) is a decentralized organization of the Argentine Government, established in 1957. It is within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economy and Production being the Secretariat of Industry, Commerce and Small and Medium Size Enterprises the institution in charge of coordinating its relationship with the National Executive. INTI is one of the main institutes of the National Science and Technology system, together with CONICET, INTA, CNEA and national universities. |
Website: www.inti.gob.ar/e-renova/
ADIMRA - Association of Metallurgical Industries of Argentina
The Association of Metallurgical Industries of Argentina (ADIMRA) was founded on June 5, 1904. It is the only second level business association representative of the metallurgical industry at the national level. It maintains permanent contact with various agencies and entities -ministries public and private sectors, trade associations, universities, foundations, etc., representing entrepreneurs and metallurgical efforts with the competent authorities. |
Website: www.adimra.org.ar
CAME - Argentinian Confederation of Medium Enterprises
CAME is the reference institution in the Argentinian Republic for SMEs due its trade-union business representation and for its services in all its branches: Trade and Services, Industry, Industrial Parks, Regional Economies, Tourism, Women Entrepreneurs and Young Entrepreneurs. Capacity Secretary has the vision to be the refernce institution in Argentina for training and developming of human resources. |
Website: www.redcame.org.ar
Cluster Eolico Argentino
Collaborate with the executive in the development of energy policies and an adequate regulatory framework, seeking to meet the objectives of the Cluster.
Website: http://www.clustereolico.com.ar/
Argentine Chamber of Electronic, Electro mechanic, Lighting,Industries.
Create solutions which help to improve people’s lives. The industries represented by CADIEEL are the main engines of the technological progress of the country. Our products constitute transversal technologies which determine the innovation and growth rhythm of all the branches of the economy. |
Website: http://www.cadieel.org.ar/
Chamber of Petroleum, Gas and Related
Assumes responsibility for internalized about the concerns and problems of retailers and owners of service stations, adopting objective unity and representation of all, in order to obtain better results in the negotiations to be carried forward. |
Website: http://capega.com.ar/
WRI Open Climate Network
The OCN brings together independent research institutes and civil society groups from key countries to track and report on their countries’ progress toward addressing climate change. OCN operates with a view toward identifying and removing barriers to effective policy implementation, and is committed to developing a robust analytical framework that can be applied consistently across countries, while respecting unique national circumstances.
Website: http://www.wri.org/our-work/project/open-climate-network
World Resources Institute’s Measurement and Performance Tracking (MAPT)
Developing countries face the challenge of meeting development goals while at the same time reducing their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in order to address climate change. For these efforts to succeed, effective systems are needed to manage greenhouse gases and related emissions reduction activities.
To that end WRI worked through the Measurement and Performance Tracking (MAPT) project to build national capacities in developing countries to measure GHG emissions and track performance toward low-carbon development goals. Lessons learned were shared with international audiences in order to replicate successes and inform the design of relevant rules within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Website: http://www.wri.org/our-work/project/measurement-and-performance-tracking-developing-countries
World Bank Green Growth Knowledge Platform
Green growth is the pursuit of economic development in an environmentally sustainable manner. Explore how green growth can transform the world.
Website: http://www.greengrowthknowledge.org/publisher/world-bank
World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal
The CCKP provides a web-based platform to assist in capacity building and knowledge development. The portal aims to provide development practitioners with a resource to explore, evaluate, synthesize, and learn about climate-related vulnerabilities and risks at multiple levels of details. Using climate science research results to inform the decision making process concerning policies or specific measures needed to tackle climate impacts, or even to understand low carbon development processes, is often a difficult, yet crucial, undertaking.
weADAPT aims to bring together practitioners, researchers and policy makers to actively share knowledge and learn from each other on issues relating to climate change adaptation, so that adaptation activities across the world can be as well-informed as possible.
While pursuing this objective we have learned a number of things about the knowledge management needs and opportunities of the climate change adaptation (and related issues!) community. These have informed the development of our services, which you can find details of below.
Website: https://www.weadapt.org/
Verified Carbon Standards - REDD Methodology Modules
Verra catalyzes measurable climate action and sustainable development outcomes by driving large-scale investment to activities that reduce emissions, improve livelihoods, and protect nature.
Verra’s standards and programs:
- Are trusted by a broad range of stakeholders, including NGOs, the private sector and governments, and are widely recognized and used in voluntary and compliance markets because they deliver credible and transparent assessments of project performance.
- Provide innovative solutions to environmental and social problems by identifying opportunities where clear and robust measurement and reporting of on-the-ground interventions can help tackle at scale the world’s most pressing challenges.
- Work for people and the planet by supporting projects and activities that deliver a range of benefits to communities and the environment.
The standards and programs Verra develops and manages are globally applicable and advance action across a wide range of sectors and activities. All of our programs undergo extensive stakeholder consultation and expert review, and draw from four key components: standard, independent assessment, accounting methodologies, and registry.
Website: http://www.v-c-s.org/
USAID-Knowledge-Driven International Development
Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) is a framework and a set of practices for strengthening organizational learning and the conditions that enable it throughout the Program Cycle to improve our development effectiveness, and support countries on their Journey to Self-Reliance.
Website: https://usaidlearninglab.org/
United Nations Energy Knowledge Network
Established in 2004 as a subsidiary of the Chief Executive Board it reports to the High-Level Committee on Programmes, to help ensure coherence in the United Nations system’s multidisciplinary response to the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), and to support countries in their transition to sustainable energy.
Website: http://www.un-energy.org/about/
UNFCCC-REDD Web Platform
The Conference of the Parties (COP) invited Parties, relevant organizations and stakeholders to share outcomes, experiences and lessons learned from their efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD+). The REDD+ Web Platform, mandated by the COP in decision 2/CP.13, was established with the purpose of making available such information on the outcomes of activities relating to REDD+, including activities on capacity building, demonstration activities, addressing drivers of deforestation and mobilization of resources.
Since the launch of the REDD+ Web Platform after COP 13, both the COP and the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) have recognized the Platform as a useful tool and have mandated additional functions to be developed.
Website: https://redd.unfccc.int/
U4E is a global effort supporting developing countries and emerging economies to move their markets to energy-efficient appliances and equipment.
Under the leadership of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), U4E brings together all key stakeholders active in the area of product efficiency. U4E:
- Informs policy makers of the potential environmental, financial and economic savings of a transition to high-efficiency products;
- Identifies and promotes global best practices in transforming markets;
- Offers tailored assistance to governments to develop and implement national and regional strategies and projects to achieve a fast and sustainable market transformation.
U4E builds on the success of the en.lighten initiative, which accelerates the transition to efficient lighting worldwide. It broadens the scope to six other high-efficiency product categories, such as commercial, industrial and outdoor lighting, residential refrigerators, room air conditioners, electric motors, distribution transformers, and information and communication technologies.
Reducing global electricity demand and mitigating climate change
U4E focuses primarily on developing countries and emerging economies, where electricity demand is set to more than double by 2030. An increasingly urbanized and growing middle class will require modern conveniences such as lighting, appliances and equipment. This will ultimately boost greenhouse gas emissions. A global transition to high-efficiency products will make it possible for people to enjoy the benefits of their increased incomes while minimizing their impact on climate change.
Website: https://united4efficiency.org/
UNEP Regional Gateway for Technology Transfer and Climate Change Action in Latin America and the Caribbean (REGATTA)
With financial support from the Government of Spain, UNEP pioneer an innovative and dynamic support mechanism: the Regional Getaway for Technology Transfer and Climate Change Action for Latin America and the Caribbean – REGATTA.
REGATTA´s objective is to strengthen capacity and knowledge sharing of climate change technologies and experiences for adaptation and mitigation in Latin America and the Caribbean.
This regional Network is also contributing to the implementation of the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) in the region, through the organization of joint virtual seminars and the provision of technical support to the development of countries ‘proposals.
The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP)
The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership develops innovative, efficient financing mechanisms to strengthen markets for clean energy services in low- and middle-income countries, for the benefit of vulnerable populations.
Website: https://www.reeep.org/
Sustainable Development Policy and Practice - Forests and REDD
Deforestation and forest degradation account for approximately 11 percent of carbon emissions, more than the entire global transportation sector and second only to the energy sector. It is now clear that in order to constrain the impacts of climate change within limits that society will reasonably be able to tolerate, global average temperatures must be stabilized within two degrees Celsius. This will be practically impossible to achieve without reducing emissions from the forest sector, in addition to other mitigation actions.
Website: https://www.un-redd.org/
Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)
SATREPS is a Japanese government program that promotes international joint research. The program is structured as a collaboration between the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), which provides competitive research funds for science and technology projects , and the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED), which provides competitive research funds for medical research and development , and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which provides development assistance (ODA). Based on the needs of developing countries, the program aims to address global issues and lead to research outcomes of practical benefit to both local and global society.
Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 20th Century (REN21)
REN21 is the only global renewable energy community of actors from science, governments, NGOs and industry. We provide up-to-date and peer-reviewed facts, figures and analysis of global developments in technology, policies and markets. Our goal: enable decision-makers to make the shift to renewable energy happen – now.
Website: https://www.ren21.net/
OAS-Renewable Energy in the Americas (REIA)
The Department of Sustainable Development of the Organization of American States (DSD/OAS) considers efficient, renewable, and environmentally friendly energy generation and use a key component of sustainable development. The DSD/OAS serves as the Technical Secretariat for the Renewable Energy in the Americas (REIA) Initiative. |
Website: http://www.oas.org/usde/reia/
Mitigation Action Implementation Network (MAIN)
CCAP is working to support the design and implementation of nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) and Low-Emissions Development Strategies (LEDS) in developing countries through regionally-based dialogues, web-based exchanges, and practitioner networks. Recent UNFCCC negotiations have made it clear that climate protection will depend on actions on the ground in both developing and developed countries. In recent years, developing countries have shown a significant commitment to reducing emissions unilaterally and being involved in the ultimate climate solution. The MAIN initiative works to identify and highlight the most successful developing country mitigation policies and uses these lessons to assist other countries in refining their policies and implementation frameworks in order to achieve ambitious mitigation actions.
Website: http://ccap.org/programs/mitigation-action-implementation-network-main/
Leonardo Energy
Society continues to become ever more digital and interconnected. To respond to this trend, Leonardo ENERGY's digital environment has become more distributed, social and interactive! This evolution will enable us to collaborate, coordinate and communicate more effectively than ever before. Rather than a single, fixed website, we have adopted a highly modular approach, with our different types of content now on various social publishing platforms to maximize their exposure.
Website: http://www.leonardo-energy.org/
LEDS Gateway
Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) enable countries to transition to low-carbon economic development. LEDS result in sustained growth in employment, investment, financial flows through carbon markets, reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and other social, economic, and environmental benefits. This website provides an introductory course and reference materials designed to equip policymakers and low emission development practitioners with an understanding of the LEDS process and its benefits, and support the creation and implementation of country-driven, analytically rigorous LEDS.
Website: https://openei.org/wiki/Gateway:Low_Emission_Development_Strategies
Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE)
As part of the project “Improving, increasing and facilitating access to education and training in renewable energy in Latin America-ETRELA”, the Latin American Energy Organization has developed a high-quality modular training plan, aimed at the energy community of the region.
The program is made up of curricula that starts with a basic training to raise awareness of the issues, continue with a more advanced module with the use of tools aimed at energy statistics, sector indicators, models and prospective studies; and end with a webinar cycle aimed at decision makers.
Website: http://www.olade.org/?lang=en
Joint Implementation Network (JIN)
JIN Climate and Sustainability was established in 1995 as Joint Implementation Network (JIN), with the objective to enhance international information exchange about climate change policies and measures. The initial focus of JIN’s activities was on GHG emissions trading mechanisms to increase cost-effectiveness of climate change mitigation (JI, CDM). As GHG emissions trading expended towards energy security and sustainable development, JIN’s project portfolio was extended to low emission technology transfer within sustainable growth contexts. These projects are carried out for national governments, European Commission, UNDP, UNFCCC, UNEP and REEEP. As a tool for information exchange on its projects and international policy developments JIN publishes the Joint Implementation Quarterly (JIQ Magazine). JIN is officially accredited as observer during UNFCCC negotiation sessions.
Website: http://jin.ngo/
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Climate Finance Impact Tool (Climate-FIT)
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is advancing its activities around the pillars of a field-oriented approach, human security, and enhanced effectiveness, efficiency, and speed.
International Research Network for Low Carbon Societies (LCS-RNet)
LCS-RNet is a practical platform of researchers/research organisations that are making close contributions to individual countries’ low-carbon policy-making processes.
The basic nature of LCS-RNet is a platform to support and encourage information sharing and voluntary cooperation among research institutions, specifically in the field of LCS research. LCS-RNet also facilitates interactions between researchers and various stakeholders and delivers its findings to policy-makers to assist in science-based policy making during transitions to low-carbon societies.
Website: https://lcs-rnet.org/about_lcsrnet
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organisation that supports countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future, and serves as the principal platform for international cooperation, a centre of excellence, and a repository of policy, technology, resource and financial knowledge on renewable energy. IRENA promotes the widespread adoption and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy, including bioenergy, geothermal, hydropower, ocean, solar and wind energy in the pursuit of sustainable development, energy access, energy security and low-carbon economic growth and prosperity.
Website: http://www.irena.org/
International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV
As a service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work, we are dedicated to shaping a future worth living around the world. GIZ has over 50 years of experience in a wide variety of areas, including economic development and employment promotion, energy and the environment, and peace and security. The diverse expertise of our federal enterprise is in demand around the globe – from the German Government, European Union institutions, the United Nations, the private sector and governments of other countries. We work with businesses, civil society actors and research institutions, fostering successful interaction between development policy and other policy fields and areas of activity. Our main commissioning party is the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC)
IPEEC is an autonomous partnership of nations founded in 2009 by the Group of 8 (G8) to promote collaboration on energy efficiency. Its membership now includes 17 of the Group of 20 (G20) economies, which represent over 80% of global energy use and over 80% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
IPEEC provides information to decision-makers in major economies, facilitating candid discussions for exchanging ideas and experiences and helping countries undertake joint projects to develop and implement energy efficiency policies and measures at a global scale. It is also a forum for member and non-member economies to share information about various bilateral and multilateral initiatives.
IPEEC is managed by a secretariat hosted by the International Energy Agency in Paris, France. The IPEEC Secretariat organises meetings of the Policy Committee and Executive Committee, provides support to existing task groups, and maintains communication among IPEEC members and the broader energy policy community.
Website: https://ipeec.org/
IGES-Successful Practices and Policies Databases
The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) was established in March 1998 under an initiative of the Japanese government and with the support of Kanagawa Prefecture based on the “Charter for the Establishment of the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies”. The aim of the Institute is to achieve a new paradigm for civilization and conduct innovative policy development and strategic research for environmental measures, reflecting the results of research into political decisions for realising sustainable development both in the Asia-Pacific region and globally. IGES made the transition to a Public Interest Incorporated Foundation in April 2012.
IEA-International Low-Carbon Energy Technology Platform
The IEA is at the heart of global dialogue on energy, providing authoritative analysis, data, policy recommendations, and real-world solutions to help countries provide secure and sustainable energy for all. The IEA was created in 1974 to help co-ordinate a collective response to major disruptions in the supply of oil. While oil security this remains a key aspect of our work, the IEA has evolved and expanded significantly since its foundation.
Taking an all-fuels, all-technology approach, the IEA advocates policies that enhance the reliability, affordability and sustainability of energy. It examines the full spectrum issues including renewables, oil, gas and coal supply and demand, energy efficiency, clean energy technologies, electricity systems and markets, access to energy, demand-side management, and much more. Since 2015, the IEA has opened its doors to major emerging countries to expand its global impact, and deepen cooperation in energy security, data and statistics, energy policy analysis, energy efficiency, and the growing use of clean energy technologies.
Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP)
The Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP) is a global network of experts and organizations dedicated to providing the policy, business, and finance communities with knowledge, guidance, data, and tools to transition to an inclusive green economy.
Website: http://www.greengrowthknowledge.org/
Global Village Energy Partnership (GVEP)
We believe that businesses can offer the best solutions to lack of access to energy – one of the most pervasively debilitating aspects of poverty that holds back sub-Saharan Africa’s development.
For businesses to grow and markets to expand, certain resources need to be in place, and in much of the developing world they are hard to come by: technology, skills, delivery networks and capital.
Our activities are designed to help businesses overcome these gaps, and so to flourish, build markets and expand energy access in the form of energy-efficient cookstoves, briquettes, solar lighting and home systems, biogas and mini-grid electrification.
Website: http://www.energy4impact.org/
Global Network on Energy for Sustainable Development (GNESD)
The Global Network on Energy for Sustainable Development (GNESD) is a UNEP facilitated knowledge network of Member Centres and network partners worldwide, renowned for their work on energy, development, and environment issues.
Website: http://www.gnesd.org/about
Global Methane Initiative (GMI)
The Global Methane Initiative (GMI) is an international public-private partnership focused on reducing barriers to the recovery and use of methane as a clean energy source. GMI’s 45 Partner Countries and more than 700 Project Network members exchange information and technical resources to advance methane mitigation in three key sectors: Oil and Gas, Biogas, and Coal Mines.
Website: http://www.globalmethane.org/
Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) was formed to support developing countries and emerging economies to achieve sustainable inclusive economic growth. Since this initial founding, the organization has made significant progress and transformed into one of the leading international organizations supporting green growth policy and investments.
Website: http://gggi.org/
Global Climate Network
The Global Climate Network is a prestigious grouping of independent, influential and progressive think-tanks in countries key to tackling climate change.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Global-Climate-Network-104623618281/
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Climate Impact on Agriculture (CLIMPAG)
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger.
Our goal is to achieve food security for all and make sure that people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives. With over 194 member states, FAO works in over 130 countries worldwide. We believe that everyone can play a part in ending hunger.
GEF Knowledge Management Initiative
The GEF Partnership recently agreed to a new direction in its work to achieve greater results and help to meet rising challenges. This agreement is set out in the Summary of the Negotiations of the Seventh Replenishment of the GEF. In combination with its traditional investments under the Conventions, the GEF is:
- Strategically focusing its investments to catalyze transformational change in key systems that are driving major environmental loss, in particular energy, cities and food;
- Prioritizing integrated projects and programs that address more than one global environmental problem at a time, building on the GEF's unique position and mandate to act on a wide range of global environmental issues; and
- Implementing new strategies and policies to enhance results, including stronger engagement with the private sector, indigenous peoples, and civil society, and an increased focus on gender equality.
Website: https://www.thegef.org/
Environment and Development Action in the Third World (ENDA-TM)
Born in the South, to serve the peoples of the South, Enda has always waged its fight, mainly against the socio-economic marginalization of the less fortunate and for sustainable development, on two levels. First, by acting at the base in favor of improving the living conditions of the vulnerable groups which are the inhabitants of the underprivileged urban areas and the rural populations of the countries of the South. Then, by taking an active part in the battle of ideas, even in the management of knowledge, which implies a flawless commitment in the fight against the hegemony of neoliberal single thought, action research for development, strengthening of capacities of actors, lobbying and advocacy at international conferences (on fair trade, WTO negotiations, debt cancellation.
Website: http://endatiersmonde.org/instit/
European Sustainable Development Network
The European Sustainable Development Network (ESDN) is an informal network of public administrators and other experts dealing with sustainable development (SD) strategies in Europe.
Website: http://www.sd-network.eu/
ESMAP (Energy Sector Management Assistance Program at the World Bank)
ESMAP is a partnership between the World Bank and 18 partners to help low and middle-income countries reduce poverty and boost growth through sustainable energy solutions. ESMAP’s analytical and advisory services are fully integrated within the World Bank’s country financing and policy dialogue in the energy sector. Through the World Bank Group (WBG), ESMAP works to accelerate the energy transition required to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7) to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. It helps to shape WBG strategies and programs to achieve the WBG Climate Change Action Plan targets.
Website: http://www.esmap.org/
Energy, Environment and Development Network for Africa (AFREPREN)
AFREPREN/FWD is a registered Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) based in Nairobi, Kenya, with vast expertise on energy in East and Southern Africa and some experience in West and North Africa. AFREPREN/FWD brings together African energy practitioners, professionals, researchers, investors and policy makers from Africa who have a long-term interest in the development of cleaner energy services for Africa as well as energy research/capacity building and the attendant policy-making process.
Website: http://www.afrepren.org/
Recognizing that development in the 21st century requires that all actors have access to information, energypedia is working towards removing the knowledge barriers and expanding the diffusion of information addressing the topics renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable energy access for all. Through this platform we strive to create an enabling environment and provide the right tools for stakeholders engaged in the energy sector to collaborate, create and share knowledge and practical experience.
Energy Development in Island Nations (EDIN)
The EDIN partnership was formed by Iceland, New Zealand, and the United States in 2008, and a steering committee comprising representatives of the three countries holds bimonthly teleconferences and meets annually to set priorities, review progress, and plan future activities. EDIN takes a comprehensive approach, bringing together policy, technical, and financial experts to guide clean energy development and deployment in specific regions and island communities.
ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE)
In recent years, the ECOWAS Commission has gradually taken steps to mainstream RE&EE into its regional activities and policies. The experience of the European Union (EU) has shown that regional integration can be a useful tool to facilitate the adoption and implementation of RE&EE policies and incentive schemes on national levels (e.g. EU Directive with binding renewable energy targets).
The Ouagadougou Declaration, adopted at the ECOWAS Conference for Peace and Security on 12 November 2007 in Burkina Faso, articulated the need to establish a regional centre to promote RE&EE. At the conference, the Austrian Minister for European and International Affairs and UNIDO pledged support for the creation of such an agency. In 2008 the 61st Session of ECOWAS Council of Ministers adopted the regulation C/REG.23/11/08 and gave the ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) a legal basis.
Website: http://www.ecreee.org/
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)
We work to advance agricultural science and innovation to enable poor people, especially women, to better nourish their families, and improve productivity and resilience so they can share in economic growth and manage natural resources in the face of climate change and other challenges.
Website: http://www.cgiar.org/
Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas
At the April 2009 Summit of the Americas in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, leaders of the Western Hemisphere reaffirmed their commitment to work together towards a clean energy future.
Since its inception, ECPA has focused on energy efficiency, renewable energy, cleaner and more efficient use of fossil fuels, energy poverty, and infrastructure. In the first year, nearly a dozen initiatives and projects began under ECPA in these areas, led by the United States, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, and Trinidad and Tobago. Inter-American and regional institutions such as the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), multilateral development banks such as the World Bank, private sector, civil society, and academia are supporting ECPA.
Website: http://www.ecpamericas.org/
Coalition of Rainforest Nations
The Coalition for Rainforest Nations (CfRN or the ‘Coalition) assists tropical governments, communities and peoples responsibly manage their rainforests. Healthy rainforests protect against a changing climate, generate needed biodiversity and provide safe habitats.
Launched by Coalition members in 2005, the United Nation’s REDD+ Mechanism, designed to incentivize conservation and contribute to the battle against climate change, now includes around 90% of the world’s remaining rainforests. A first in human history!
Website: http://www.rainforestcoalition.org/
ClimateWorks-Best Practice Networks
We’re a pack of researchers, strategists, collaborators, and grantmakers. The ClimateWorks team is on a mission to end the climate crisis by amplifying the power of philanthropy.Over the past decade, we’ve built a global platform for philanthropy to innovate and accelerate climate solutions that scale. Our global programs and services equip philanthropy with knowledge, networks, and solutions to drive climate progress. Since 2008, ClimateWorks has granted over $1 billion to more than 500 grantees in over 40 countries.
Website: http://www.climateworks.org/
Climate Technology Center and Network
The CTCN is the operational arm of the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism, hosted by the UN Environment Programme and the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). The Centre promotes the accelerated transfer of environmentally sound technologies for low carbon and climate resilient development at the request of developing countries. We provide technology solutions, capacity building and advice on policy, legal and regulatory frameworks tailored to the needs of individual countries by harnessing the expertise of a global network of technology companies and institutions.
Website: https://www.ctc-n.org/
Climate Knowledge Brokers
The Climate Knowledge Brokers (CKB) Group is a growing alliance of currently around 150 leading global, regional and national knowledge brokers specialising in climate and development information. It brings together a diverse set of information players, from international organisations to research institutes, NGOs and good practice networks, and covers the full breadth of climate related themes.
Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN)
The Climate and Development Knowledge Network works to enhance the quality of life for the poorest and most vulnerable to climate change. We support decision-makers in designing and delivering climate compatible development.
We do this by combining knowledge, research and technical advisory in support of locally owned and managed policy processes. We work in partnership with decision-makers in the public, private and non-governmental sectors nationally, regionally and globally.
Website: https://cdkn.org/?loclang=en_gb
Climate Action Network
The Climate Action Network (CAN) is a worldwide network of over 1300 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in more than 130 countries, working to promote government and individual action to limit human-induced climate change to ecologically sustainable levels.
CAN members work to achieve this goal through information exchange and the coordinated development of NGO strategy on international, regional, and national climate issues. CAN has regional network hubs that coordinate these efforts around the world.
Website: http://www.climatenetwork.org/
Clean Energy Solutions Center
The Solutions Center offers no-cost expert policy assistance, webinars and training forums, clean energy policy reports, data, and tools provided in partnership with more than 35 leading international and regional clean energy organizations.
Website: https://cleanenergysolutions.org/
Climate 1-Stop
The Climate 1-Stop provides a single location to access proven climate change tools, resources and information. With a primary focus on adaptation, with clear linkages to mitigation and finance, the Climate 1-Stop facilitates those working with the world's most vulnerable to achieve robust decision making. We are a neutral group of southern and northern organizations, working at all levels, from grass roots to global. We envision a just and equitable world, where learning and collaboration overcome climate change barriers to development. To that end, we seek to build climate resilience in all sectors. We are open to all and driven by user needs.
CLEAN (Coordinated Low Emissions Assistance Network)
The Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP) was founded in 2011 to facilitate peer learning, technical cooperation and information exchange to support the formation and implementation of low emission development strategies. It has a focus on support to developing countries and regions.
Through networking of peers and a bringing-together of support programs with live policy processes, LEDS GP helps to build the capability of practitioners and progress low emission development in a practical way.
LEDS GP engages leaders from over 300 institutions across government agencies, technical institutes, international agencies, and NGOs. It operates through regional platforms in Africa, Asia, Europe and Eurasia, and Latin America and the Caribbean and has six technical global working groups and a global secretariat. Developing country leaders in each region set priorities for learning, collaboration, and advisory support delivered collectively through the Partnership.
Low emission development strategies (LEDS), simultaneously
- reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- increase resilience to climate change impacts
- achieve social, economic and environmental development goals.
These strategies include national climate change laws, green growth strategies and plans, sectoral plans for low emission development, Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the 2015 Paris Agreement under the UNFCCC. The Partnership does not adopt any particular definition of low emission development or low emission development strategies.
Website: https://ledsgp.org/?loclang=en_gb
Clean Energy Ministerial
The Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) is a high-level global forum to promote policies and programs that advance clean energy technology, to share lessons learned and best practices, and to encourage the transition to a global clean energy economy. Initiatives are based on areas of common interest among participating governments and other stakeholders. The Framework for the Clean Energy Ministerial, adopted at the seventh Clean Energy Ministerial in 2016, defines the CEM governance structure and outlines the mission statement, objectives, membership, and guiding principles.
Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre
The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre coordinates the Caribbean region’s response to climate change. Officially opened in August 2005, the Centre is the key node for information on climate change issues and on the region’s response to managing and adapting to climate change in the Caribbean.
It is a repository and clearing house for regional climate change information and data and provides climate change-related policy advice and guidelines to the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Member States through the CARICOM Secretariat. In this role, the Centre is recognised by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and other international agencies as the focal point for climate change issues in the Caribbean. It has also been recognised by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) as a Centre of Excellence, one of an elite few. This reputation is a major honour for the Centre, and it should be a great source of pride for the people of the Caribbean as well.
Website: http://www.caribbeanclimate.bz/
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, was established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, with the signing of the ASEAN Declaration (Bangkok Declaration) by the Founding Fathers of ASEAN, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.
Aims and purposes of ASEAN are:
- To accelerate the economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region through joint endeavours in the spirit of equality and partnership in order to strengthen the foundation for a prosperous and peaceful community of Southeast Asian Nations;
- To promote regional peace and stability through abiding respect for justice and the rule of law in the relationship among countries of the region and adherence to the principles of the United Nations Charter;
- To promote active collaboration and mutual assistance on matters of common interest in the economic, social, cultural, technical, scientific and administrative fields;
- To provide assistance to each other in the form of training and research facilities in the educational, professional, technical and administrative spheres;
- To collaborate more effectively for the greater utilisation of their agriculture and industries, the expansion of their trade, including the study of the problems of international commodity trade, the improvement of their transportation and communications facilities and the raising of the living standards of their peoples;
- To promote Southeast Asian studies; and
- To maintain close and beneficial cooperation with existing international and regional organisations with similar aims and purposes, and explore all avenues for even closer cooperation among themselves.
Website: http://asean.org/
Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN)
The mission of APAN is to build climate change resilient and sustainable human systems, ecosystems and economies through the mobilisation of knowledge, enhanced institutional capacity and informed decision making‐processes, and facilitated access to finance and technologies. The purpose is to equip key actors in Asia and the Pacific Region with adequate knowledge for designing and implementing climate change adaptation measures, building capacity to access technologies and finance in support of climate change adaptation, and integrating climate change adaptation into policies, strategies and plans.
Website: http://www.asiapacificadapt.net/
Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP)
Energy is at the heart of development and a prerequisite for reaching the Millennium Development Goal of halving the number of world’s hungry and poor until 2015. Finding a reliable and sustainable energy supply to meet our energy needs will be the main challenge both for Africa and Europe in the 21st century.
In Lisbon in December 2007, all African and European Heads of State and their governments agreed to launch the Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP), as one of the eight strategic partnerships comprising the Africa-EU Joint Strategy. Under this partnership of equals, the two continents share their knowhow and resources, tune their complementary interests and closely link their policies to meet the energy challenge hand in hand.
Website: http://www.aeep-forum.org/
AfricaAdapt is an independent bilingual network (French/English) focused exclusively on Africa. The Network’s aim is to facilitate the flow of climate change adaptation knowledge for sustainable livelihoods between researchers, policy makers, civil society organisations and communities who are vulnerable to climate variability and change across the continent.
Website: http://www.africa-adapt.net/en-us/
Africa Biofuel Network
Once a continent far behind, Africa has been showing high economic growth rates and sustainable development for more than a decade, tTraditionally many international companies have had little or no operations on the continent. With an accelerating economy, a population of over 1 billion people and a fast expanding middle class, many companies see Africa as the last frontier.
Africa Business Communities is servicing companies and organisations operating on the continent, the social networks of Africa Business Communities are connecting over 100,000 business professionals worldwide with an interest in the continent.
Website: http://sustainableenergyinafrica.ning.com/group/africabiofuelnetwork
Africa Adaptation Programme
The Africa Adaptation Programme was launched in 2008 by the United Nations Development Programme in partnership with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Food Programme (WFP) and with US$92.1 million support from the Government of Japan. The AAP was established under the Japan-UNDP Joint Framework for Building Partnership to Address Climate Change in Africa, which was founded at the Fourth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) in May 2008.
Over a 3 year period, concluding at the end of 2012, AAP instituted transformational changes in the 20 African countries in the areas of 1) long-term planning; 2) leadership and institutional capacity; 3) climate-resilient policies and measures; 4) innovative finance; and 5) knowledge generation and sharing. AAP’s support helped enhance the adaptive capacity of the AAP countries, promote early adaptation action and lay the foundation for long-term investment to increase resilience to climate change across the African continent. The 20 AAP countries were: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Morocco, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome Principe, Senegal, Tanzania, and Tunisia.
Website: https://www.adaptation-undp.org/projects/africa-adaptation-programme
Adaptation Learning Mechanism
The Adaptation Learning Mechanism (ALM) represents a collaborative, global learning process, with leadership, facilitation and strong participation by Southern institutions. Seeking to provide stakeholders with a common platform for sharing and learning, the ALM bridges knowledge gaps by bringing relevant knowledge and stakeholders together to exchange information, experiences, and expertise. Additionally, the ALM complements the wide range of adaptation knowledge networks and initiatives already underway. ALM will develop tools and resources supporting adaptation practices, integration of climate risks and adaptation into development policy, planning and operations, and capacity building.
Website: https://ndcpartnership.org/toolbox/adaptation-learning-mechanism-alm
Adaptation and Mitigation Knowledge Network (AMKN)
The AMKN is a platform for accessing and sharing current agricultural adaptation and mitigation knowledge from the CGIAR and its partners. It provides a visual display of farmers’ on-the-ground climate realities and transforms hard research data into interactive multimedia that can be easily understood by all users. The AMKN map allows users to explore various forms of agro-climatic information from diverse sources, in a user friendly way that meets the needs of different users regardless of their technical background.
Website: http://amkn.org/
World Business Council for Sustainable Development
The Natural Infrastructure for Business platform developed by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), CH2M (with support from The Nature Conservancy), and other member companies is designed to introduce business leaders and practitioners to natural infrastructure. As an alternative to gray infrastructure, natural infrastructure has various benefits to business, society and nature that can be harnessed by companies. The platform is the first step towards achieving the WBCSD’s vision that by 2020, investing in ecosystems – or natural infrastructure – will no longer be just a good idea; it will be common practice across industry sectors worldwide. This platform is a first-time effort to raise business awareness, understanding and action towards increased investments in natural infrastructure solutions, by providing concrete guidance and tools. It is the first output of the WBCSD’s Natural Infrastructure work program, chaired by Shell and Dow and involving a group of over 30 WBCSD members. |
Sustainable Pittsburgh
Because of Southwestern Pennsylvania’s emergence as a worldwide hotspot for advancements and innovations in sustainability policy and practice, Sustainable Pittsburgh has launched Champions for Sustainability (C4S). C4S brings together a new network of companies large and small from many different industries, entrepreneurs, community leaders, university researchers, educators, and other social ventures.Champions for Sustainability brings together companies large and small, from many different industries, entrepreneurs, community leaders, university researchers, educators, and other social ventures to put sustainability into practice.
C4S aspires to be the most effective region-based collaboration of leaders accelerating the practice and policy of sustainability in business and civic circles. Champions for Sustainability provides value to firms and organizations that seek sustainable solutions to operational practices through convening, networking, and direct consulting through a number of programs tailored to meet the increasing needs of businesses. |
Website: http://www.c4spgh.org/
Sustainable Development Business Group
The SBF Sustainable Development Business Group (SDBG) is a platform for companies interested in pursuing sustainable business practices and commercialising clean, efficient and green solutions to further their interests. The Group’s principal activities include:
- Connecting companies to other like-minded companies, technology partners, industry verticals and local and international business leads. Companies are also provided with assistance on overseas expansion; Helping companies upgrade their capabilities through various programmes and courses. This includes helping companies tap on available schemes, incentives, and sources of funding; Serving as a voice for the business community in raising issues relevant to the sector both locally and overseas.
SDBG connects companies with various industry verticals and technology partners, providing them opportunities for collaboration in the clean energy and sustainable development sub-sectors such as: Energy Efficiency, Green Building and Facilities Management, Waste Management, Water Management, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Manufacturing, Sustainable Business Practices. |
Website: http://www.sbf.org.sg/capability-building/sustainable-development-business-group
Western New York Sustainable Business Roundtable
This initiative is a “business-driven” organization that relies on its member businesses to drive its mission and organize its events. Members are businesses that have employees in the Western New York (WNY) region and have signed a pledge to create and implement a sustainability plan. The organization has currently over 50 member businesses that are working together to create a more economically and environmental resilient WNY. |
Sustainable Business Network
The Sustainable Business Network is for businesses from all sectors that are keen to learn how they can improve their environmental performance and cut their business costs, as well as those with an interest or who work in the low carbon or environmental sector. Members included hotels, care homes, renewable energy installers, solicitors, retailers, insulation fitters, manufacturers. The Sustainable Business Network links like-minded, environmentally committed businesses to share ideas and build working relationships. The Network runs an exciting events programme in partnership with the University of Brighton’s Green Growth Platform, supporting a thriving, innovative and innovative low-carbon economy in Sussex. |
Network for Sustainable Business Development
The aim of Network for Sustainable Business Development (NBE in Danish) is to strengthen the participating companies' competitiveness through targeted efforts towards enviromental sustainability. The network is a private-public cooperation between Aalborg Municipality, Hjørring Municipality, business centers, energy company Energi Nord A/S, Aalborg University and a number of companies from Northern Denmark. In the network companies have the possibility to share knowledge across industries about environment, sustainability and climate. The companies get the chance to conduct a sustainability screening of their production and products to see where they could reduce ressources and act more environmentally friendly." [Accessed: 14.03.2016]. |
Website: http://baeredygtigterhverv.hjoerring.dk/Baeredygtigt-Erhverv/NBE-in-English.aspx
Italian Green Group
Italian Green Group is an organisation founded in 2010 by a team of experts in the field of energy and environmental sectors. The founders are some companies. The organisation is active in all sectors for the reduction of CO2. It works to fight towards the climate change. |
Website: http://www.icasco.it/beta/italiangreengroup/gruppo/
Green Business Network
Green America’s Green Business Network® is the first, largest, and most diverse network of socially and environmentally responsible businesses in the country. The Green Business Network® is a program of Green America, the nation’s leading non-profit organization working to build a green and just economy. Comprised of 3,000 businesses, the Green Business Network® is home to both rising social and eco-enterprises and the most established green businesses around. We provide the tools, the information, and the consumer base to help you thrive in today’s competitive green marketplace. |
Website: http://www.greenbusinessnetwork.org
Green Economic Forum
The Green Economic Forum is the main Central European event that gathers organizations and companies discussing the challenges of sustainability. Pushing businesses to react to environmental issues by sharing their strategies and expertise is a priority of this event. The Forum will focus on opportunities and emerging trends for Shaping a greener future, discussing the benefits, as well as the obstacles, associated with the shift towards more sustainable lifestyles and ways of doing business.
The necessity to pursue environmentally viable approaches is a pressing need for our society. The ability to cope with recent changes in the environment, the economy and consumer behavior is the key to uncover opportunities in order to improve businesses and to raise interest on sustainable attitudes. High-profile representatives of several organizations and businesses will share their knowledge, experiences and ideas on how to achieve and promote a greener future. |
GreenLane Sustainable Business Network
GreenLane Sustainable Business Network (GLSBN) is a membership organization providing education, resources, networking and marketing ideas for Lane County businesses committed to sustainable business practices. We are a nonprofit, connecting triple-bottom-line businesses, farms, government organizations, nonprofits and social entrepreneurs. We are local business people, professionals, investors, not-for-profit leaders, and government representatives committed to building a more socially, environmentally and financially sustainable local economy. GreenLane’s Mission is to help organizations be more sustainable. The Network hold twelve lunch hour educational events a year, four evening networking events, and a variety of other events, including sponsoring local events that support sustainable causes, and volunteering for local non-profits. These events provide great opportunities to learn from others, network and let members know about business; members are committed to building a business network that supports sustainability in the community. |
Website: http://www.greenlane-sbn.org
Fourum Innovazione Sostenibile
The forum include top managers, insitutions, coomunication leaders. The forum enable all these persons to meet together to discuss, share and promote a sustainable development starting from corporate social responsibility. |
Climate Group
RE100 is a collaborative, global initiative of influential businesses committed to 100% renewable electricity, working to massively increase corporate demand for renewable energy.RE100 shares the compelling business case for renewables and showcases business action, while working with others to address barriers and develop transparent reporting mechanisms. RE100 is led by The Climate Group in partnership with CDP, as part of the We Mean Business coalition. Companies joining RE100 make a global, public commitment to 100% renewable electricity. To achieve this goal, they must match 100% of the electricity used across their global operations with electricity produced from renewable sources – biomass (including biogas), geothermal, solar, water and wind – either sourced from the market or self-produced. RE100 companies can achieve 100% renewable electricity through:procurement of renewable electricity sourced from generators and suppliers in the market; production of renewable electricity from their own on-site and off-site facilities. |
Website: http://there100.org/re100
Global Investor Coalition on Climate Change
The Low Carbon Investment (LCI) Registry is a global public online database of low carbon and emissions reducing investments made by institutional investors. Policy maker, beneficial member and investment sector interest is growing rapidly in the nature of low carbon investments which have been made by institutional investors (“Investors”) and the rationale for such investments. The Low Carbon Investment Registry (“LCI Registry”) provides: A voluntary opportunity for Investors to communicate their low carbon investments publicly; A base of evidence in the form of examples of low carbon investments made by Investors globally; and a better understanding for Investors and their stakeholders of flows of private capital into low carbon investments. The objectives of publishing data from LCI Registry include: providing momentum to international negotiations on emissions reductions leading up to 2015, by demonstrating to national governments that Investors are making low carbon investments; demonstrating to beneficial members that pension funds are making low carbon investments and are also seeking to better understand future low carbon investment opportunities. |
Roundtable on Responsible Soy (RTRS)
The Round Table on Responsible Soy is a civil organization that promotes responsible production, processing and trading of soy on a global level. Our members include the main representatives of the soy value chain and members of civil society from around the world. According to the Round Table philosophy, players from different areas and with diverse interests obtain equal rights and get together with a common purpose, thus assuring dialogue and decision-making by consensus. Thanks to this dynamics, we created the RTRS Standard for Responsible Soy Production applicable on a worldwide level that assures soy production that is socially equitable, economically feasible and environmentally sound. RTRS Certification assures that soy, either as a raw material or as a by-product, was originated from a process that is environmentally correct, socially adequate and economically viable. Hence, there is evidence that products derive from responsible soy production management. Certification has a 5-year validity, and it is based upon the RTRS Standard for Responsible Soy Production, a scheme that includes requirements that must be met by any producer wishing to be certified under this standard. |
Website: http://www.responsiblesoy.org/certification/nuestra-certificacion/?lang=en
We Mean Business
We Mean Business is a coalition of organizations working with thousands of the world’s most influential businesses and investors. These businesses recognize that the transition to a low carbon economy is the only way to secure sustainable economic growth and prosperity for all. To accelerate this transition, we have formed a common platform to amplify the business voice, catalyze bold climate action by all, and promote smart policy frameworks. We Mean Business encourage companies to commit to one or more of the following initiatives: adopt a science-based emissions reduction target; put a price on carbon; procure 100% of electricity from renewable sources; responsible corporate engagement in climate policy; report climate change information in mainstream report as a fiducary duty; remove commodity-driven deforestation from all supply chains by 2020; reduce short-lived climate pollutant emissions. Investors can also sign up to a series of commitments. We Mean Business gives companies and investors a common platform to act and be recognized for bold leadership on climate change. Companies can commit to one—or all—of a set of innovative and practical climate initiatives, and they can work to scale low-carbon solutions to meet specific technology challenges to tackle climate change. |
Clean Energy States Alliance
CLEAN ENERGY STATES ALLIANCE (CESA) is a national nonprofit coalition of state and municipal clean energy funds working with federal, regional, industry, and other stakeholders to promote clean energy markets and technologies. CESA members—mostly state agencies— include many of the most innovative, successful, and influential public funders of clean energy initiatives in the country. CESA works with state leaders, federal agencies, industry representatives, and other stakeholders to develop and promote clean energy technologies and markets. It supports effective state and local policies, programs, and innovation in the clean energy generation sector, with an emphasis on renewable energy, financing strategies, and economic development. CESA facilitates information sharing, provides technical assistance, coordinates multi-state collaborative projects, and communicates the views and achievements of its members. It achieves this through: information exchange and analysis; partnership development; joint projects; client services. States policies and programs are now clearly the main driving force for renewable energy progress in the U.S. CESA is dedicated to supporting this state leadership, activity, and innovation in the clean energy sector. |
Website: http://www.cesa.org
Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)
Founded in 2010 by WWF and IDH (Dutch Sustainable Trade Initiative) the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) is an independent not for profit organisation with global influence. ASC aims to be the world's leading certification and labelling programme for responsibly farmed seafood. The ASC's primary role is to manage the global standards for responsible aquaculture, which were developed by the WWF Aquaculture Dialogues. ASC works with aquaculture producers, seafood processors, retail and foodservice companies, scientists, conservation groups and consumers to: Recognise and reward responsible aquaculture through the ASC aquaculture certification programme and seafood label; Promote best environmental and social choice when buying seafood; Contribute to transforming seafood markets towards sustainability. As a member of the International Social and Environmental Accreditation and Labelling (ISEAL) organisation, ASC's operations meet the requirements for credible standard setting. The ASC standards were developed in line with ISEAL's Codes of Good Practice, meeting the requirements for inclusive and transparent standard setting. The ASC certification process reflects the organisation's values of openness, inclusiveness and transparency. Here's how the certification process work: 1. The farm agrees a contract with an independent certifier; 2. The certifier works with the farm to prepare for the audit; 3. The audit is publicly announced on the ASC website at least 30 days in advance to allow stakeholders to provide relevant input; 4. The audit will assess both technical and social compliance, which require different skill sets. The audit team typically uses two auditors to meet the skill requirements; 5. The audit assesses the farm's administration (logbooks, invoices, delivery receipts, etc.); 6. The auditor verifies the operation is well run in practice through visual assessments and interviews with management and staff. |
Website: http://www.asc-aqua.org
Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)
Website: https://www.msc.org
Climate Savers (WWF)
Climate Savers is a climate leadership programme that seeks to transform businesses into leaders of the low-carbon economy. The intention of the programme is to inspire a change in thinking about climate solutions in companies and as agents of change within their sphere of influence. This leaves member companies better placed to avoid carbon-related risks while realising opportunities within their long-term business strategies. Climate Savers’ objective is to recognise corporate leadership on climate solutions: develop low, zero or carbon positive business models and demonstrate that reductions in greenhouse gas emissions can go hand-in-hand with economic growth. At the moment, WWF collaborates with 28 global companies worldwide through the Climate Savers programme. The Climate Savers programme rates corporate climate performance by means of two dimensions, or two leadership pillars: to become the best in class in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in line with climate science, and to influence market or policy developments by promoting their vision, solutions and achievements. Climate leaders are defined as companies performing best in class across these two leadership pillars. |
Website: http://climatesavers.org/about-us/
Global Agenda Council on Climate Change (WEF)
The Global Agenda Council on Climate Change is developing innovative ways to get more and more people involved in climate change mitigation to ensure that 2014 really is the year where everyone plays their part in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Climate Change’s report, Climate Adaptation: Seizing the Challenge, captures some of the latest thinking in the field of climate adaptation and financing, with the goal of assisting decision-makers in the public and private sectors gain a better understanding of the issue. |
Website: http://www.weforum.org/communities/global-agenda-council-on-climate-change
New Sustainability Champions (WEF)
This project set out to identify companies originating in the emerging markets for the purpose of researching and understanding the most effective innovative practices for driving sustainable growth. Sixteen proactive innovators were selected from an initial pool of more than 1,000 companies based on the criteria of sustainability, innovation and scalability: these companies clearly stand out as the New Sustainability Champions. The New Sustainability Champions share characteristics that enable them to balance environmental and societal contributions with steady profitability. They tend to grow faster and have higher-than- average margins for their industries. Not only do they have a business impact – doing well by conventional financial measures – but they also have a positive effect on society around them. The New Sustainability Champions report showcases these emerging market companies, which provide inspiring examples on how to tackle challenges of performance, innovation, sustainability and growth. The mindset, practices and business models of these Champions offer critical insights for emerging market businesses, established multinationals and governments. They also serve as a starting point for redefining the future of growth: a robust growth that efficiently binds all elements of sustainability together – economic, environmental, and social. |
Website: http://reports.weforum.org/new-sustainability-champions/
Deploying CCS, with an early focus on large-scale demonstration of the technology in high-carbon economies, can be game-changing in the context of managing and eventually limiting cumulative global emissions. The IEA CCS Roadmap describes a clear and ambitious path to deploying this mitigation lever. More recently, the IPCC 5th Assessment Report describes the much higher cost of reaching a net zero emissions society without CCS by the end of the century. The report also makes it clear that CCS is a necessity if the world overshoots the trillion tonne threshold and requires a drawdown on the cumulative stock. The IPPC suggests a combination of bio-energy and CCS to achieve this (BECCS). CCS is a technology that has been developed solely to reduce emissions. Successful deployment will require both push and pull policies within a mature regulatory and permit framework, requiring coordinated action from both the public and private sectors. The LCTPi (Low Carbon Technology Partnerships Initiative) on CCS will design joint implementation plans for a set of solutions to accelerate the deployment of CCS. |
Website: http://lctpi.wbcsdservers.org/portfolio-item/carbon-capture-and-storage/
LCTPi - Renewables (WBCSD)
Renewable energy is reliable and becoming increasingly competitive . The renewables business solution aims to improve the bankability of renewable energy projects through: policy recommendations – for both developed and developing countries, to support the adoption of regulatory frameworks that help to scale up renewables. These involve market creation, access to the grid, policy stability, pricing carbon emissions and capital mobilization and; multi-stakeholder action plans – to increase renewable energy in the grid. Potential action plans include the improvement of renewable technology efficiency, new trans-national grid assessment, or standardization of financing contracts and fast tracking permitting processes. In 2012, renewable electricity made up around 20% of our global energy supply. Approximately half of this was generated by solar and wind. Energy demand is forecast to grow significantly as we approach 2030. In order to achieve the 30% target for renewables in the energy mix, we need to scale up the deployment of mature technologies to achieve 1TW of renewable energy capacity by 2020. |
Website: http://lctpi.wbcsdservers.org/portfolio-item/renewables/
LCTPi - Climate Smart Agriculture (WBCSD)
Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) is a relatively new approach to developing the technical, political and financial conditions for the achievement of sustainable development goals. It helps address food security and climate challenges through three pillars: Sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and incomes; Adapting and building resilience to climate change; Reducing and/or eliminating GHG emissions. CSA is a harmonized way of addressing the multiple challenges faced by agricultural systems. Often based on existing practices, policies and institutions, it focuses on achieving the desired outcomes without being prescriptive about practices or technologies. CSA involves making site-specific assessments to identify the best agricultural production technologies and practices for the situation. |
Website: http://lctpi.wbcsdservers.org/portfolio-item/climate-smart-agriculture/
LCTPi - Forests (WBCSD)
WBCSD works with member companies in the forest products value chain, from pulp and plantation businesses to the users of forest products and suppliers to the sector. These companies are committed to ending deforestation and eliminating illegal wood from supply chains. By protecting forests we prevent millions of tonnes of greenhouse gas from entering the atmosphere and by expanding the area of forested land we create new carbon sinks and provide other valuable ecosystem services. A range of solutions are being developed and tested in different regions. The solutions are focused on three areas: sustainable forest management - mechanisms to reduce the rate of deforestation and improve degraded forest landscapes; innovation and technological development in pulp processing - exploring technologies that are currently in the pre-commercialisation stage, with the potential to reduce emissions intensity by up to 70%; forest products - exploring innovations such as wood composite materials, biofuels and the application of forest products into industrial processes such as steel-making.
Website: http://lctpi.wbcsdservers.org/portfolio-item/forests/
LCTPi Energy Efficiency in Buildings (WBCSD)
Through the Energy Efficiency In Buildings (EEB 2.0) project, the WBCSD is developing action plans to address the primary market barriers in several metropolitan markets around the world: Warsaw / Poland; Houston / US; Rio de Janeiro / Brazil; Bangalore and Jaipur / India; Singapore / Indonesia / Malaysia and; Benelux. The Low Carbon Technology Partnerships initiative (LCTPi) on energy efficiency in buildings is an opportunity for the WBCSD and its partners to share and discuss the significant outcomes from the WBCSD EEB pilot market engagements (EEB Laboratories), and to announce commitments to drive further market transformation. Energy efficiency in buildings is a cost-effective way to improve balance sheets while contributing to the climate challenge, by: producing economic and social benefits; anticipating regulatory requirements; reducing and/or eliminating GHG emissions. |
Website: http://lctpi.wbcsdservers.org/portfolio-item/energy-efficiency-in-buildings/
LCTPi - Low-Carbon Transport Fuels (WBCSD)
After years of R&D, new fuel-production technologies are now beginning deployed in new production facilities around the globe, but there is considerable potential to accelerate and scale up this deployment. The Low Carbon Transport Fuels LCTPi (Low Carbon Technology Partnerships initiative) consists of companies from across the technology spectrum and value chains that are collaborating to scale up carbon sparing technologies to help meet global energy demand in a climate sensitive way. The Low Carbon Transport Fuels LCTPi will: Demonstrate that alternative fuels can reduce emissions while helping to meet increasing demand for global transportation; Ensure that the production of low carbon transport fuels is made in a sustainable manner, with a low or negative footprint on the ecosystems; Identify and activate appropriate national and international policies to support sustainable growth of the new sector; Demonstrate novel partnerships and models that will attract new investment and; Provide scalable project opportunities for rapid execution through public-private-partnership initiatives.
Website: http://lctpi.wbcsdservers.org/portfolio-item/low-carbon-transport-fuels/
LCTPi - Chemicals (WBCSD)
The Low Carbon Technology Partnerships initiative (LCTPi) for Chemicals will focus on identifying how the chemical industry can scale up reductions to its operational “footprint”, and deliver increasing GHG savings to society through its “handprint”. Specifically, the LCTPi Chemicals is focused on identifying how “game-changer” technologies for using non-fossil carbon sources can be scaled up to enable the industry to reduce its GHG emissions footprint and transition towards a circular economy. These technologies are: use of biomass; hydrogen/ CO2 conversion and waste-to-chemicals. Chemicals, being the buildings blocks of 95% of all manufactured products, have a huge handprint across value chains and products globally. And, because chemical solutions can enable significant savings of GHG emissions, the LCTPi Chemicals is also focused on identifying what collaborative actions in the Buildings, Automotive, and Food Packaging value chains, will create scale to enable these GHG savings faster. The LCTPi for chemicals aims to foster the deployment of game changer technologies in the chemical sector, to contribute savings in chemical industry’s direct and indirect emissions by 2030 compared to BAU. And, engage with value chain partners to leverage the potential GHG savings of chemical products in key sectors like buildings and mobility. |
Website: http://lctpi.wbcsdservers.org/portfolio-item/chemicals/
LCTPi - Low-Carbon Freight (WBCSD)
WBCSD and its member companies have identified Low Carbon Freight as a key area for collective action on climate. In the run-up to COP21, the LCFT work program will be developed within the context of the Low Carbon Technology Partnerships initiative (LCTPi). The Low Carbon Freight solution area aims to bring together global manufacturers, logistics service providers, energy companies and transport users with a view to create an ambitious long-term set of solutions as well as a business-driven realistic transformation roadmap. To address the challenges of climate change, freight transport systems need to be transformed globally. The solutions will fall into four main categories: avoiding journeys where possible; modal shift to lower-carbon transport systems; lowering energy intensity; reducing carbon intensity of fuels. |
Website: http://lctpi.wbcsdservers.org/portfolio-item/low-carbon-freight/
WBC for Sustainable Development
The WBCSD is a CEO-led organization of forward-thinking companies that galvanizes the global business community to create a sustainable future for business, society and the environment. Together with its members, the council applies its respected thought leadership and effective advocacy to generate constructive solutions and take shared action. The Council plays the leading advocacy role for business. Leveraging strong relationships with stakeholders, it helps drive debate and policy change in favor of sustainable development solutions. The Council provides a forum for its 200 member companies - who represent all business sectors, all continents and combined revenue of over $US 7 trillion - to share best practices on sustainable development issues and to develop innovative tools that change the status quo. The Council also benefits from a network of 60 national and regional business councils and partner organizations, a majority of which are based in developing countries. The WBCSD takes a unique approach to developing publications and tools that are created with extensive input from and road tested by member organizations, demonstrating that they deliver proven results. Output is developed via work programs that were set up to ensure all aspects of sustainable development in business are dealt with effectively. It is clearly divided in to: focus areas, sector projects, systems solutions and capacity building.
Website: http://www.wbcsd.org/home.aspx
LCTPi Cement Sustainability Initiative (WBCSD)
Member companies of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI) have pledged to reduce CO2 emissions by 20 – 25% by 2030 – a reduction of 1 Gt compared to business as usual. The Cement Action Plan is part of WBCSD’s Low Carbon Technology Partnerships initiative (LCTPi). The Low Carbon Technology Partnerships initiative (LCTPi) led by the WBCSD is an unprecedented business collaboration to scale up the development and deployment of low carbon technologies. Among the member companies, 86 have made 94 endorsements and are ready to move to implementation.On 8 December 2015, at the side event hosted by the CSI at COP21 in Paris, the cement industry released a set of action plans aimed at reducing carbon emissions and identifying the barriers the industry faces, what needs to be done, by whom and when. To help achieve the goals outlined in the Action Plan, companies will expand the use of tools developed and pioneered by the CSI on CO2 and energy measurement, reporting and benchmarking across the sector. The CSI and its members are working to break down barriers and take decisive steps around the world in addition to the development of technology roadmaps on a global scope. Customized national roadmaps have been or are being launched in India, Brazil, Egypt and potentially in China to allow for the sharing of learnings and know-how. |
Verified Carbon Standard (formerly the Voluntary Carbon Standard)
Website: http://www.v-c-s.org/
Ultra-Low CO2 Steelmaking (ULCOS)
Website: http://www.ulcos.org/en/index.php
UTZ Certified
Website: https://utzcertified.org
The Climate Registry
We designed and operate the pre-eminent voluntary GHG registry in North America. It’s the only carbon management program that is supported by states and provinces and renowned for its high quality. Hundreds of organizations report their emissions to our program, including leading corporations, universities, and local and state government agencies. Membership with The Climate Registry empowers organizations to build high quality, cost effective emissions inventories by accessing our GHG reporting tools, expertise, and leadership community. As a member of The Climate Registry, your organization will receive the following benefits:introductory call & orientation; CRIS emissions calculator & reporting software; online trainings and reporting toolkit; up to 6 hours of personal reporting support; networking; e-newsletter; use of the climate registry logo. |
Website: https://www.theclimateregistry.org/programs-services/voluntary-reporting/membership-benefits/
The 4C Association
Website: www.4c-coffeeassociation.org
Tanzania Green Building Council
Website: http://tzgbc.com/
Global Reporting Initiative
Website: https://www.globalreporting.org/information/sustainability-reporting/Pages/default.aspx
Website: http://www.springwise.com/about/
Website: sourcemap.com
Sustainable Business Network
The Sustainable Business Network is a membership-based social enterprise, made up of businesses, governmental agencies and organisations located across New Zealand. It was established by founder and CEO Rachel Brown in 2002 with the vision to make New Zealand the model sustainable nation for the world. SBN has grown to become a leading voice in New Zealand business and media, trusted and respected by corporate CEOs, trailblazing innovators, NGOs and political leaders alike. We work with members, helping them to succeed sustainably and to progress their role towards contributing to New Zealand being a model sustainable nation. Our core projects focus on creating demand for more sustainable products and services. SBN work across four areas: renewables - enabling the use of renewable energy; community - building thriving communities; mega efficiency - maximising the use of resources; restorative - enhancing NZ's natural capital.
Sound and Fair
This website represents the chain of custody for FSC 100% African from community-managed forests and charts the evolution of Sound and Fair from a donor-funded campaign to financially and environmentally sustainable and ethic-driven timber trading company committed to delivering maximum social impact for forest-dependent people in Africa. |
Website: http://soundandfair.org/
SE4All - Sustainable Energy For All
The Sustainable Energy for All initiative brings together top-level leadership from all sectors of society – governments, business and civil society. Working together, we can achieve a broad-based transformation of the world’s energy systems and build a more prosperous, healthier, cleaner and safer world for this and future generations. In September 2011, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon shared his vision for making sustainable energy for all a reality by 2030. He launched Sustainable Energy for All as a global initiative that would mobilize action from all sectors of society in support of three interlinked objectives: 1.providing universal access to modern energy services; 2. doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency; and 3. doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. Sustainable Energy for All has generated significant momentum since its launch. Governments from 106 countries and the European Union have partnered with SE4All to advance the three objectives on the country level. Over 50 High Impact Opportunities (HIOs) have been identified, with a wide range of stakeholders undertaking actions that will have significant potential to advance Sustainable Energy for All. Governments, the private sector, and multilateral institutions alike are mobilizing resources in support of the initiative’s three objectives. |
Website: http://www.se4all.org/about-us
Round-table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)
Website: http://www.rspo.org/about
Responsible Business Summit Asia 2016
Red Nacional de Apoyo Empresarial a la Protección Ambiental
Website: http://www.ecored.org.do/
Website: http://regions20.org
Philippine Green Building Council
Website: http://philgbc.org/about/
Rainforest Alliance
Website: http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/
Network of Sustainable Companies
Website: http://www.redescar.org/escar/libreria/php/03.0106.html
Network for Business Sustainability
Website: http://nbs.net/
The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC)
NATRUE - The International Natural and Organic Cosmetics Association
Website: http://www.natrue.org/
Website: http://www.lead.org/
National Business Initiative (NBI)
The Energy Efficiency Leadership Network (EELN) is a partnership, which consists of more than 40 businesses, government departments/ agencies and business associations who make up the signatory network. The EELN fora lets government and business speak openly about energy efficiency as well as energy strategy and policy implementation. The activities of the EELN are geared to upskill its members on shared energy efficiency experiences and keeps members/signatories abreast with energy efficiency technology best practices. Needless to say that the sharing of experience and challenges in the EELN has had a significant impact on South African businesses to date. The National Business Initiative (NBI) acts as secretariat for the EELN, which works with companies, government departments / agencies and business associations. NBI plays the role of convenor for open dialogue on various strategic and policy matters related to energy efficiency as well as organises capacity building and technical site visit opportunities for EELN members. This provides members a framework within which to collaborate on projects as well as develop a common roadmap which informs clear strategies and a proactive approach to energy efficiency for both business and government. Due to the NBI’s track record in hosting the EELN the organisation managed to attract FDI in the form of donor funding (8.6 million pounds sterling) from the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) in 2014. This funding was used to establish the Private Sector Energy Efficiency Programme (PSEE), as an implementation arm, which offers subsidised assistance for SMEs and large businesses to help organisations identify potential energy savings (via energy audits) and also assisted large companies to design and implement their own energy efficiency initiatives, policies objectives and strategic alignment activities. More than 700 medium sized businesses and more that 35 large businesses respectively, have been assisted by the PSEE to date.
Las Páginas Verdes Foundation
Website: http://laspaginasverdes.com/
Kenya Green Building Society
Website: http://koopera.org/
Japan Business Initiative for Biodiversity
Website: http://jbib.org/english/introduction
International Union for Conservation of Nature
Since its creation in 1948, The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has been engaging business to help conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable. The Global Business and Biodiversity Programme was established in 2003 to influence and support private partners in addressing environmental and social issues. The Programme's key priority, based on a strategy approved by the IUCN Council, is to engage the business sectors that have a significant impact on natural resources and livelihoods. These include: large 'footprint' industries such as mining and oil and gas; biodiversity-dependent industries including fishing, agriculture and forestry; and, financial services and “green” enterprises such as organic farming, renewable energy and nature-based tourism. IUCN - together with key actors from policymakers to industry leaders – is promoting new solutions, standards and safeguards for businesses to consider as they develop sustainability plans and activities. IUCN seeks to build an action-based relationship with business that goes beyond Corporate Social Responsibility obligations, addressing the root causes of environmental degradation. The Global Business and Biodiversity Programme provides a wide range of expertise. It builds bridges between stakeholders, carries out independent scientific assessments, and develops conservation policy standards and tools. |
Website: http://www.iucn.org/about/work/programmes/business/
Indian Leaders for Nature
Leaders for Nature offer: Individual partnerships - following a company's value chain down to the landscape level, where they explore options to have less impact on the landscape and make your operations contribute to healthier ecosystems, ensuring the longterm delivery of the resources on which the business depends; Sectoral summit tables - full-day work sessions prepared with the organisation in advance, wokring in a multi-sector setting on preserving and benefiting from the natural capital in the landscape where the sector operates; Heart in business sessions - reviewing the connectedness of the company with nature, brining nature back into the heart of the business with reflective, professionally moderated sessions and outdoor experiences on areas of natural beauty. Leaders for Nature interact with companies in the agriculture, infrastructure, extractives and finance sectors. |
Website: https://www.iucn.org/asia/countries/india/leaders-nature-india
International Chamber of Commerce - Green Economy Roadmap
ICC’s flagship green economy guide assists business, policy makers and society in the development and implementation of policies and actions towards a “green economy”. This first ICC Green Economy Roadmap – containing contributions from experts from around the globe brought together in a two year process – is widely read by business, policy and other stakeholder groups worldwide, both within and outside ICC’s international membership. The Roadmap represents a comprehensive and multidisciplinary effort to clarify and frame the concept of “green economy” and promote a more common understanding.It highlights the essential role of business in bringing solutions to common global challenges and sets out 10 conditions needed for a “green economy” in which “economic growth and environmental responsibility work together in a mutually reinforcing fashion while supporting progress on social development.” These 10 conditions are: Open and competitive markets; Metrics, accounting, and reporting; Finance and investment; Awareness; Life cycle approach; Resource efficiency and decoupling; Employment; Education and skills; Governance and partnership; Integrated policy and decision-making. |
Website: https://iccwbo.org/publication/icc-green-economy-roadmap-executive-summary-2012/
International Integrated Reporting Council
The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) is a global coalition of regulators, investors, companies, standard setters, the accounting profession and NGOs. The coalition is promoting communication about value creation as the next step in the evolution of corporate reporting. The IIRC’s mission is to establish integrated reporting and thinking within mainstream business practice as the norm in the public and private sectors. The IIRC’s vision is to align capital allocation and corporate behaviour to wider goals of financial stability and sustainable development through the cycle of integrated reporting and thinking.
Website: www.theiirc.org
GRI is an international independent organization that helps businesses, governments and other organizations understand and communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues such as climate change, human rights, corruption and many others. We have pioneered sustainability reporting since the late 1990s, transforming it from a niche practice to one now adopted by a growing majority of organizations. GRI’s Sustainability Reporting Standards are foundational to this success. With thousands of reporters in over 90 countries, GRI provides the world’s most widely used standards on sustainability reporting and disclosure, enabling businesses, governments, civil society and citizens to make better decisions based on information that matters. In fact, 93% of the world’s largest 250 corporations report on their sustainability performance. A sustainability report is a report published by a company or organization about the economic, environmental and social impacts caused by its everyday activities. A sustainability report also presents the organization's values and governance model, and demonstrates the link between its strategy and its commitment to a sustainable global economy. By using the GRI Guidelines, reporting organizations disclose their most critical impacts – be they positive or negative – on the environment, society and the economy. They can generate reliable, relevant and standardized information with which to assess opportunities and risks, and enable more informed decision-making – both within the business and among its stakeholders. G4 (the guideline used) is designed to be universally applicable to all organizations of all types and sectors, large and small, across the world. |
Haga Initiative
The Haga Initiative is a network of companies that works to reduce carbon emissions from the business sector and highlight the climate issue by showing that ambitious climate strategies create business advantages and improve profitability. The network includes: AkzoNobel, Axfood, Coca-Cola Enterprises Sweden, Folksam, Fortum Värme, Green Cargo, JM, Lantmännen, Löfbergs, McDonald’s, HKScan Sweden, Stena Recycling and Sveaskog. The Haga Initiative wants to reduce the carbon emissions of the business sector, highlight the climate issue as one of the most important future issues, and act as a role model for companies that take active responsibility for the climate. The companies in the network have set their own climate goals to reduce emissions by at least 40 percent by 2020. By showing that ambitious climate strategies create business advantages and improve profitability, the Haga Initiative wants to drive the business sector in the direction needed to meet the overall climate goals and achieve a long-term sustainable society. As role models for companies that take active climate responsibility, the network also wants to launch climate-positive initiatives that lie beyond the traditional responsibility of the member companies and that lead to changes in behaviour of customers, suppliers, employees, competitors and politicians. |
Website: http://hagainitiativet.se/en/
Green Momentum - Cleantech Challenge Mexico
Cleantech Challenge Mexico is the competition's leading green companies in Mexico. GreenMomentum Inc., main organizer and promoter of Cleantech Challenge Mexico (CTCM) was founded in 2008 by a group of Mexicans in Silicon Valley, California, who came to Mexico in 2009 with its first branch (GreenMomentum). In 2010, they launched the Cleantech Challenge Mexico subsidiary, with the first edition of the competition, the results exceeded expectations. In 2019 celebrated its tenth annual edition. It aims at promoting the identification, coaching and development of start up companies/entrepreneurs with potential to drive economic development through sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship in clean technology. Cleantech Challenge Mexico (CTCM) recruits academics, researchers, entrepreneurs, startups or anyone who has manufactured, used or promoted clean technology to help minimize the impact on the environment. The seventh edition of CTCM has 2 categories: Cleantech Innovation Challenge: Aimed at projects that are in early stages, creating prototypes, yet market their technologies or with less than one year billing. It takes place from April to June in 12 regional headquarters and consists of assessment phases 1, 2 and 3. Cleantech Startups Challenge: can participate startups that have been billed for at least one year. To this the best projects of the previous category they will be added. It takes place from July to September and is made up of phases 4, 5 and 6 (final). Phase 4 is performed in 6 regional headquarters, 5th in the City of Mexico and 6 in Merida, Yucatan. Cleantech Challenge Mexico is distinguished by strengthening all projects selected through multiple benefits such as ongoing training for 5 months and valued at more than $ 100,000 MXN on issues such as sustainability, business model, marketing, finance and investment; while the 40 semifinalists will receive counseling and specialized follow-up mentoring and / or consultants.Finally, the finalists have the chance to win several awards among which is a cash prize of $ 250,000 MXN for first place and more than 1 million pesos in prizes, and the opportunity for investment by fund private equity joint venture with a capacity of up to $ 30 million. |
GreenBiz advances the opportunities at the intersection of business, technology and sustainability. Through its websites, events, peer-to-peer network and research, GreenBiz promotes the potential to drive transformation and accelerate progress — within companies, industries and in the very nature of business. Through its media strategy, GreenBiz provides intelligent, focused content on business, technology and sustainability for people from every industry and discipline. Since 1991, GreenBiz has chronicled and been a catalyst for thought leadership in aligning environmental responsibility with profitable business practices. Their events convene the brightest minds in sustainability, technology and business from the world's largest companies, technology startups, utilities and cities. Around the world, GreenBiz events combine strong, forward-looking content with high-wattage stage presentations, hands-on workshops and unsurpassed networking opportunities. They also have an Executive Network, whose membership-based, peer-to-peer learning forum for sustainability executives from the world’s largest companies. Its unique combination of expertly facilitated meetings and resource sharing enables members to benefit from the insights of their peers across a range of topics and sectors. Finally, GreenBiz produces research on a wide range of topics related to business, technology and sustainability, including the annual State of Green Business and NGO reports. It also produces custom research reports for corporate clients and conducts monthly surveys of the 3,000-member GreenBiz Intelligence Panel. |
Website: http://www.greenbiz.com/
Greenhouse Gas Protocol
The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, developed by World Resources Institute (WRI) and World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD), sets the global standard for how to measure, manage, and report greenhouse gas emissions. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) is the most widely used international accounting tool for government and business leaders to understand, quantify, and manage greenhouse gas emissions. A decade-long partnership between the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), the GHG Protocol is working with businesses, governments, and environmental groups around the world to build a new generation of credible and effective programs for tackling climate change. The GHG Protocol also offers developing countries an internationally accepted management tool to help their businesses to compete in the global marketplace and their governments to make informed decisions about climate change. The GHG Protocol supplies the world's most widely used greenhouse gas accounting standards. These include: the corporate accounting and reporting standard; the corporate value chain (Scope 3) standard; the product life cycle standard; the project protocol; the GHG protocol for cities; the mitigation goal standard; policy and action standard. |
Website: http://www.ghgprotocol.org/
Green Truck Partnership (GTP)
The Green Truck Partnership is an alliance between Roads and Maritime Services and the road transport industry. Its purpose is to commission agreed independent testing of products that claim to improve the environmental performance of heavy vehicles. Roads and Maritime Services is a NSW statutory authority established on 1 November 2011 under the Transport Legislation Amendment Act 2011. Roads and Maritime is a multi-modal transport agency within the broader Transport Cluster, known as Transport for NSW. Transport for NSW has responsibility for transport policy, planning and coordination functions, and the oversight of infrastructure delivery and asset management. Roads and Maritime implements initiatives to improve movement of people by various transport modes, including public transport (bus and ferry), cycling and walking, as well as motor vehicles. We also deliver initiatives to improve the movement of goods on the freight network, by improving accessibility and infrastructure, with a focus on reliability, productivity and safety initiatives. |
Website: http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/about/environment/air/green-truck-partnership/index.html
Green Industry Platform
The Green Industry Platform is a global, high-level, multi-stakeholder partnership and forum to catalyze, mobilize and mainstream action on Green Industry around the world. It provides a framework to bring governmental, business and civil society leaders together to secure concrete commitments and action in support of the Green Industry agenda, i.e. greening the manufacturing process and creating green industries for production of goods and services for domestic use or export. By encouraging the more efficient use of energy and raw materials in manufacturing processes and services, the GIP contributes to both cleaner and more competitive industrial development, and helps reduce pollution and reliance on unsustainable use of natural resources. Membership to the GIP is free and always will be, but also shows your support for Green Industry, Corporate Social Responsibility and the future of our planet. The Platform has a number of unique features. These include: Mandate – The Platform is the first and largest purpose-built multi-stakeholder framework with a focus on promoting Green Industry; further consolidating and supporting the mandates of UNIDO and UNEP; Membership Model – The Platform is built on a public/private partnership model bringing together leaders from government, the private sector and civil society. Supporting this, it has a multistakeholder governance and membership model to promote diverse, innovative and effective approaches; Materials – The Platform helps link existing data resource bases and develop its own materials and communication mechanisms, including a web-based portal to share information on relevant policies, technologies and developments. The Plaform’s tools, include convening meetings with key stakeholders, commissioning research, and developing project partnerships. |
Green Freight Asia
Green Freight Asiav (GFA) is an industry led program. GFA is incorporated in Singapore as a non-profit organisation. Green Freight Asia is a member driven organisation, mainly of shippers (Companies that buy road freight transport services) and carriers (Campanies that own commercial vehicles for the transport of goods). Their key objective is to help lower fuel consumption across Asia-Pacific sourced road freight movements, reduce CO2e emissions from these movements and lower shipping costs across the entire supply chain. GFA provides a simple/ clear definition and recognition of Green Road Freight Transport; aligns the definition and recognition of Green Road Freight Transport across countries in Asia-Pacific and other regions; provies a level playing field for industry to adopt green freight practices; facilitates information sharing about Green Technologies; proves a positive impact of Green practices on fuel consumption and CO2e emissions in a measurable way for its members. |
Website: https://www.greenfreightasia.org/
Green Economy Coalition
The Green Economy Coalition (GEC) is a diverse set of organisations and sectors from NGOs, research institutes, UN organisations, business to trade unions. We have come together because we recognise that our economy is failing to deliver either environmental sustainability or social equity. In short, our economic system is failing people and the planet. Our vision is one of a resilient economy that provides a better quality of life for all within the ecological limits of the planet. Our mission is to accelerate the transition to a new green economy. The GEC is governed by a Steering Group who meets every two months to discuss strategy and management, and is coordinated by a small secretariat based at IIED's offices. The race for greener economies is now on and gathering pace. The GEC, the world’s largest multi-stakeholder network working on green economy, is committed to accelerating the transition to a green and fair economy. We are mobilising activity amongst stakeholders; sharing experiences and policy practices across our global network; and influencing key decision makers at the local, national and international levels. We believe the transition to a green economy requires five interrelated action areas (that we call our big picture): measuring what matters; influencing financial systems; greening high impact sectors; investing in people and managing natural capital. We are working across all of these action areas and drawing the connections between them. Our activities include: coordinating multi-stakeholder national dialogues on a green economy; researching and identifying policies necessary for the transition; representing the voices of stakeholders in national and international processes; engaging new target audiences in the opportunities offered by a transition and; lobbying key decision makers.
Green e (Climate Standards)
Green-e® Climate is the first and only independent, third-party certification program for retail carbon offsets sold in the voluntary market. Green-e Climate Certified offsets are GHG emissions reductions 1) that have been certified and issued under an endorsed GHG project standard, 2) the sale and marketing of which has met our marketing and disclosure requirements, and 3) the exclusive and accurate delivery of which has been verified in accordance with our audit process to prohibit double selling. As such, Green-e Climate certification provides quality assurances covering the entire chain of custody of the emissions reduction, complimenting GHG project standards and streamlining all of the vital elements of a credible carbon offset into a single certification mark. The Program is intended to strengthen credibility in the voluntary carbon market and thereby promote use of carbon offsets by individuals and companies to reduce their greenhouse gas footprints. |
Green Cross Australia
Green Cross Australia introduces the Business Adaptation Network as a place where best adaptation practice can be shared to mainstream responses and lift our nation's resilience to the impacts of climate change. Business Adaptation Network involving companies and research organisations that share an interest in advancing good climate adaptatation practice. Green Cross Australia's proven capacity to convene business networks across sectors, and its nimble, transparent governance model positions our organisation uniquely in relation to hosting a network that mainstreams climate adaptation for commercial and community benefit. To kick-start development of the Business Adaptation Network, Green Cross Australia is using an entrepreneurial shared interest model by reaching out to Governments and business adaptation leaders to offer a financial and expert contribution towards network development, supported by the adaptation research community. As part of Green Cross Australia, the Business Adaptation Network (BAN) represents Australia’s only climate change adaptation and resilience network focussed on business. Offering member organisations a rare opportunity to collaborate with like-minded organisations and professionals, our members include some of Australia‘s leading organisations from corporate, government and research sectors. By being part of BAN your organisation is privy to an exclusive, dynamic and growing network working at the forefront of climate adaptation and resilience to develop real world business and community solutions and responses. |
Website: http://www.greencrossaustralia.org/our-work/climate-adaptation/business-adaptation-network.aspx
GreenCape was established to promote the development of the green economy in the Western Cape Province. We assist viable green businesses and potential investors in the green economy to remove barriers to their establishment and growth. Our aim is to help unlock the investment and employment potential of green business, technologies and manufacturing and put the province on course to become the green economy hub for Sub-Saharan Africa. This business support work, in turn, contributes to improving the resource efficiency, carbon intensity and resilience of the regional economy. Our programmatic focus areas include energy (renewable energy, energy efficiency and green building), waste and resources. Within each programme, GreenCape’s sector desks are an interface between industry, government and academia. The underlying task of the sector desks is to understand the sector – and how the sector could be leveraged to create broad economic opportunity, but with a special focus on manufacturing opportunity.
Website: http://greencape.co.za
Green Africa Directory
The Green Africa Directory is an online pan-African network that aims to connect and promote sustainability organisations across Africa and is a green hub for news and information. The Green Africa Directory aims to inspire and accelerate sustainability across all sectors in Africa – raising awareness, facilitating knowledge-sharing, enabling collaboration and igniting innovation. Launched in 2012, the Green Africa Directory is a central online sustainability hub - listing green events, green jobs & tenders, green specials & competitions and featuring green news. Africa has a wealth of green organizations and initiatives. The Green Africa Directory aims to bring all of these together in one central green hub to help mainstream sustainable options and enable easy access to sustainability information. In so doing, we hope to also raise collective awareness about environmental issues, promote and gain additional support for green organizations, products and services and to profile green solutions that have potential to be replicated and scaled up. |
Gold Standard
We are a standard and certification body that works to ensure every dollar of climate and development funding goes as far as it can. To do this, we design the strongest processes that maxmise the impact of efforts to deliver clean energy and water, responsibly manage land and forests, and transform the lives of the world’s poor. We then verify those outcomes, inspiring greater confidence that drives investment to accomplish even more. Established in 2003 by WWF and other international NGOs as a best practice benchmark for energy projects developed under the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Gold Standard was set up to ensure that projects delivered genuine emission reductions and long-term sustainable development. Now endorsed by 80+ NGOs and with more than 1,100+ projects in 70 countries undergoing certification. The Gold Standard has become the global benchmark for the highest integrity and greatest impact in climate and development initiatives. |
Global institute for sustainability
Green Business is an initiative of Tecnológico de Monterrey, which began in 2010 and aims to promote sustainable entrepreneurial culture needed to support the transition to a low carbon economy and efficient use of natural resources. The initiative consists in carrying out various forums for dialogue, workshops and meetings to share successful experiences in business competitiveness and sustainability. The initiative is led by the Global Institute for Sustainability EGADE Business School of the Tecnológico de Monterrey. To date there have been six editions of the Green Business Summit, coordinated by the Dra. Isabel Studer, Director Founder of the Global Institute of Sustainability. Each forum has different themes such as:. Green business and innovation, sustainable consumption and production, the challenges and opportunities of the green economy and sustainability for SMEs. The sixth edition of the Global Green Business Summit 2015, the initiative of the Global Institute of Sustainability EGADE Business School of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, was held on 27 and 28 April in Mexico City Campus. The Summit is the leading event in corporate sustainability in Latin America it brings together national and multinational leader in the development of products, technologies or innovative systems to take advantage of the transition to low carbon economies as an opportunity to build competitive advantage. This edition focused on the topic of " Corporate Sustainability and innovation: business growth and competitiveness." |
Website: https://sustainability.asu.edu/
GLOBE Vancouver
GLOBALG.A.P. (formerly known as EUREPGAP) is a private sector body that sets voluntary standards for the certification of agricultural products around the globe. The aim is to establish ONE standard for Good Agricultural Practice (G.A.P.) with different product applications capable of fitting to the whole of global agriculture. GLOBALG.A.P. is a pre-farm-gate standard, which means that the certificate covers the process of the certified product from farm inputs like feed or seedlings and all the farming activities until the product leaves the farm. GLOBALG.A.P. is a business-to-business label and is therefore not directly visible to consumers. GLOBALG.A.P. Certification is carried out by more than 100 independent and accredited certification bodies in more than 100 countries. It is open to all producers worldwide. GLOBALG.A.P. offer 3 main certification products named localg.a.p, GLOBALG.A.P. and GLOBALG.A.P.+ Add-on: GLOBALG.A.P. offers 16 standards for 3 scopes: Crops, Livestock, and Aquaculture; localg.a.p. and GLOBALG.A.P.+ Add-on offer programs for developing customized solutions for our members. |
Global Initiatives
Responsible Business presents practical ways to accelerate solutions for a more sustainable world while increasing business and industry growth. Through our website, television and international event series we look at the commitments of leading global companies and explore deeper integration of sustainability and social responsibility to deliver longer-term business success. We enable our clients to participate in global forums across the world, where they engage with various stakeholders to share knowledge and discuss the most effective practices. Our events and community strive to create and maintain strategic partnerships, which will inspire change and help build our vision of a sustainable future. The 3rd Responsible Business Forum on Food & Agriculture will bring together more than 350 global leaders from business, government, media and NGOs to discuss how greater collaboration between ASEAN countries can create more equitable growth for farmers and all stakeholders in the regions food, beverage and agriculture sector. Delegates will produce recommendations for increasing productivity across six key commodities in the ASEAN region’ with a focus on improving the livelihoods of smallholder farmers while reducing environmental impacts. |
Website: https://www.responsiblebusiness.com/
Global e-Sustainability Initiative
Website: http://gesi.org/platforms
Forest Stewardship Council
The Forest Stewardship Council sets standards for responsible forest management. A voluntary program, FSC uses the power of the marketplace to protect forests for future generations. Some people feel the best way to prevent deforestation is to stop using forest products. In reality, people use forest products every day. For example, the average American uses nearly six trees worth of paper each year. So FSC harnesses market demand to ensure forests are responsibly managed. Because FSC is the gold standard in forest certification, it is the only system supported by groups such as WWF, Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Natural Resources Defense Council and National Wildlife Federation. Today, more than 380 million acres of forest are certified under FSC’s system, including more than 150 million acres in the US and Canada. FSC certification ensures that products come from responsibly managed forests that provide environmental, social and economic benefits. The FSC Principles and Criteria provide a foundation for all forest management standards globally, including the FSC US National Standard (v1.0) that guides forest management certification in the U.S. |
Website: https://us.fsc.org/en-us
Gemi México
The Equator Principles
Website: https://equator-principles.com/
Fairtrade Africa
Established in 2005, Fairtrade Africa is the independent non-profit umbrella organisation representing all Fairtrade certified producers in Africa. Fairtrade Africa is owned by its members, who are African producer organisations certified against international Fairtrade standards producing traditional export commodities such as coffee, cocoa, tea, cotton, bananas, mango and non-traditional commodities including shea butter and rooibos tea. Currently, the organisation represents over 932,000 producers across 32 countries in Africa.Fairtrade Africa seeks a world in which producers in developing countries can enjoy secure and sustainable livelihoods, fulfil their potential and decide on their future. They support members to strengthen their organisations in line with Fairtrade standards, improve and increase members' ability to access Fairtrade markets, and empower members to advocate for their interests and take active ownership of the global fair-trade system. They do this through: delivering relvant valued services to Fairtrade smallholders and workers; building, securing and sustaining access to market for their members; advocacy and; building a strong, settled producer network as part of a global system. |
Website: https://fairtradeafrica.net/
Website: http://ecosummit.net/participants
Ecopyme is a website to support SMEs to be sustainable and eco-efficient in their use of waste and energy. It provides a tools through which SMEs can record and monitor energy consumption and water over time, and discover opportunities to do so more efficiently. It also presents recommendations technology or standard practices to reduce consumption of these resources. The initiative is backed by WWF, Backus, and CCL (Camara de Comercio Lima). |
Website: http://ecopyme.pe/
Eco Mark Africa
Eco Mark Africa (EMA)’s overall aim is to contribute to a global shift towards sustainable consumption and production and thus enhance Africa’s ability to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. The EMA will establish a certifiable sustainability standard as well as a recognition system for other sustainability standards, functioning as a quality assurance mechanism. A set of threshold criteria are currently being defined, including ecological, social and climate-relevant requirements as well as credible governance and implementation mechanisms. The producers fulfilling these requirements or those of EMA recognized standards systems will be able to use the EMA label to be built as an African brand. The EMA standard will be developed for the agriculture, fisheries, forestry and tourism sectors. To include the large number of African smallholders, the EMA will take into account the conditions of certification in Africa and meet the needs of small businesses. In particular, incentives and support for small producers and service providers will be offered in order to prepare them for the certification process.Through its benchmarking and recognition process the EMA shall also support already certified producers. Minimizing certification and marketing expenditure, it will foster the cooperation of different voluntary ecological and social standards. It will also encourage them to apply tools of climate change adaptation and mitigation. The use of one common label awarded on the basis of clear threshold criteria will combine high credibility with the value of African brand recognition. The EMA will establish a certifiable sustainability standard as well as a recognition system for other sustainability standards, functioning as a quality assurance mechanism. A set of threshold criteria are currently being defined, including ecological, social and climate-relevant requirements as well as credible governance and implementation mechanisms. The producers fulfilling these requirements or those of EMA recognized standards systems will be able to use the EMA label to be built as an African brand. The EMA standard will be developed for the agriculture, fisheries, forestry and tourism sectors. At a later stage, the scope of the EMA can be expanded. To include the large number of African smallholders, the EMA will take into account the conditions of certification in Africa and meet the needs of small businesses. In particular, incentives and support for small producers and service providers will be offered in order to prepare them for the certification process. Through its benchmarking and recognition process, the EMA shall also support already certified producers. Minimizing certification and marketing expenditure, it will foster the cooperation of different voluntary ecological and social standards. It will also encourage them to apply tools of climate change adaptation and mitigation. The use of one common label awarded on the basis of clear threshold criteria will combine high credibility with the value of African brand recognition. This will improve the image of sustainable African products and thereby foster their trading and marketing opportunities. For the consumer, the approach will enhance transparency while at the same time maintaining the benefits of competition among standard initiatives.
Website: http://www.ecomarkafrica.com/
Council for Business Sustainability
Business Sustainability is an approach for business to improve profitability, competitiveness, and market share without compromising resources for future generations. It entails governing and operating in a manner which addresses social and environmental concerns thereby, effectively managing the specific agendas of the business, communities, stakeholders and the government. TERI Council for Business Sustainability (CBS) is an independent and credible platform for corporate leaders to address issues related to sustainable development and promote leadership in environmental management, social responsibility, and economic performance (the triple bottom line). Presently, the network has more than 100 corporate members across India representing a varied section of Indian industry. Workshops, trainings, seminars, events and publications are the other outreach activities of the business network. We connect companies, partners, stakeholders and government organizations to address issues and opportunities among sectors and in supply chains. We emphasis on responsible and profitable solutions for corporates with our expertise and experience at TERI Council for Business Sustainability. |
Website: http://cbs.teriin.org/aboutus.php
As an initiative, ClimateWise is run on a not-for-profit basis by the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) alongside the many other work streams that CISL delivers to transfer knowledge about sustainability to the business sector. Key governance functions are performed by the ClimateWise Managing Committee, comprising representatives from across the membership base as well as an independent member, Dr Jake Reynolds from CISL. Our international membership covers Europe, North America and Southern Africa and all members commit to action, individually and collectively, against the ClimateWise Principles: 1. Lead in risk analysis; 2. Inform public policy making; 3. Support climate awareness amongst our customers; 4.Incorporate climate change into our investment strategies; 5. Reduce the environmental impact of our business; 6. Report and be accountable. |
Website: http://www.climatewise.org.uk/
Corporate Leaders’ Group
Commission for Environmental Co-operation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (CEC-NAFTA)
China Business Council for Sustainable Development
Website: http://english.cbcsd.org.cn/aboutcbcsd/20130807/58912.shtml
Climate Disclosure Standards Board Statement
Website: http://www.cdsb.net
Center for Cleaner Production
The Center for Cleaner Production of Nicaragua (CPmL-N), promotes sustainable development. It is established at the National University of Engineering (UNI) in 1998, on the initiative of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as part of the "Center for Cleaner Production" program. We provide technical solutions to businesses to improve their competitiveness as well as the impacts on the environment are reduced. The Center for Cleaner Production of Nicaragua promotes the application of concepts and methodologies that promote competitiveness and productivity in companies of goods and services efficiently, raising awareness of prevention and generating environmental benefits to society. The CPmL-N provides technical solutions to efficiently meet the needs related to productivity, competitiveness and improved environmental performance, meeting the requirements of our customers, while continuously improving the effectiveness of the Quality Management System. The CPmL-N is committed to compliance with national and applicable to the environmental aspects of our business legal requirements, as well as the prevention of pollution, while continually improving the effectiveness of the Environmental Management System. Ensure fair and equitable development by allowing women and men to participate equally in decision-making and the development of the organization. Ensure equality and employment equity countering discrimination against women. |
Website: http://www.pml.org.ni/
Carbon Trust
The Carbon Trust helps businesses and the public sector adopt more sustainable, low-carbon operational models by measuring and certifying the resource footprints of organisations, their supply-chains, products and services to recognised international standards.The Carbon Trust provides independent verification and certification services that recognise real achievements in sustainability, identify improvement opportunities, enhance your reputation and build trust with customers, investors and stakeholders. Having developed the world’s first certification for organisational CO2e and product carbon footprints, the Carbon Trust is the leading footprint certification body for carbon, water & waste, and is accredited by the UK Accreditation Service (UKAS) to ISO 14065:2013 to provide greenhouse gas verification against PAS 2050 and the Code of Good Practice. Our core methodology, based on a process of working through four key stages: Measure, Manage, Reduce & Certify, helps your organisation identify and capture opportunities to reduce resource use and thereby reduce cost. |
Website: https://www.carbontrust.com/
Carbon Protocol of South Africa
The Carbon Protocol of South Africa is a non-profit collaboration of concerned and interested parties in South Africa that sets consistent and transparent standards to calculate, verify and publicly report greenhouse gas emissions into a single registry. The Registry supports both voluntary and mandatory reporting programs and provides comprehensive, accurate data to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. They also have The Carbon Neutral Logo for their members to benefit from this credible way of portraying carbon footprint and offset for products and / or part of processes (i.e. annual business report, fleet process, etc.) |
Website: http://carbonprotocol.org/
Natural Resources Defence Council (NRDC)
CLEAN BY DESIGN: An innovative program to use the buying power of multinational corporations as a lever to reduce the environmental impacts of their suppliers abroad. From the design board to the tumble dryer, fashion's footprint on the environment is large. As much as 200 tons of water is used to produce 1 ton of fabric. The industry uses a suite of harmful chemicals and it consumes tremendous amounts of energy for steam and hot water needed in dyeing and finishing processes. Clean By Design help industry to make decisions in four key areas - raw materials, manufacturing, consumer care and the movement of goods. |
Website: http://www.cleanbydesign.org
Ceres is a non-profit organization advocating for sustainability leadership. We mobilize a powerful network of investors, companies and public interest groups to accelerate and expand the adoption of sustainable business practices and solutions to build a healthy global economy. Mobilizing investor and business leadership to build a thriving, sustainable global economy. Founded by a small group of investors in 1989 in response to the Exxon Valdez oil spill, Ceres has been working for more than 20 years to weave sustainable strategies and practices into the fabric and decision-making of companies, investors and other key economic players. Ceres is uniquely positioned at the nexus of the business, investment and advocacy communities. To advance our mission and vision, we leverage the power of our partners—leading investors, Fortune 500 companies, thought leaders and policymakers—to positively influence change. Ceres seek to advance corporate sustainability through drawing on the expertise of the Ceres Coalition. They convene and direct stakeholder engagements with Ceres network companies to find smart strategies and meaningful performance improvements on key environmental and social issues. This unique engagement model features diverse teams of credible, external stakeholders that provide ongoing input to companies on policies, strategies, disclosure and bottom-line performance. The group also produce cutting-edge reports on wide-ranging sustainability topics, including global water scarcity risks, challenges from unconventional oil extraction, corporate climate change strategies, and regulatory/policy-related analyses. |
Website: http://www.ceres.org/
The CDP system has helped move climate change and energy efficiency onto the business radar and into mainstream business thinking. Companies are better able to understand how to protect themselves from the impacts of climate change and become more energy efficient. CDP's approach has also helped the investment community to become more aware of the risk to their portfolios and act to achieve more sustainable and strong shareholder returns. This includes requesing information on greenhouse gas emissions, energy use and the risks and opportunities from climate change from thousands of the world’s largest companies. They do this on behalf of 822 institutional investors with US$95 trillion in assets. Through measurement and transparency companies are better placed to manage carbon and protect themselves from climate change risk. Disclosed information is made available by CDP for integration in business, investment and policy decision making. Companies that disclose to CDP are able to demonstrate: Increased awareness of greenhouse gas emissions hot spots so that they can begin to reduce them. Business leadership in understanding the risks from climate change, deforestation and water scarcity. How they are creating opportunities to innovate and generate revenue from sustainable products and services. How they are future-proofing their business from climate change and water impacts. |
The Climate Development Knowledge Network is managed by an alliance of organisations led by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC), and including Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano, LEAD International, LEAD Pakistan, the Overseas Development Institute, and SouthSouthNorth. The Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) aims to help decision-makers in developing countries design and deliver climate compatible development. We do this by combining research, advisory services and knowledge management in support of locally owned and managed policy processes. We work in partnership with decision-makers in the public, private and non-governmental sectors nationally, regionally and globally. We hold strongly to the ideals of human development and environmental sustainability. Within the broad scope of climate compatible development, we work across four strategic themes: Climate compatible development strategies and plans; Improving developing countries’ access to climate finance; Strengthening resilience through climate-related disaster risk management; Supporting climate negotiators from the least developed and most vulnerable countries. The network contributes to these themes by: providing tailored and demand-driven technical assitance to support developing country decision-makers; wokring with leaders and negotiators of developing countries to help them become better informed and more skilled at negotiating; supporting a wide range of demand-led, policy-relevant, applied research projects, led and implemented by a wide range of universities, private sector partners, NGOs and international agencies. |
Website: http://cdkn.org/?loclang=en_gb
CCCLR Scientific Committee
The concept of “Latinoamérica Renovable” (Renewable Latin America) was coined in mid 2011. The idea of creating a website in Spanish with resources and information regarding renewable energy was conceived by Dora de Alonzo after participating in various Latin-American and International conferences. Realizing the need of disseminating information regarding the development of renewable energy in our language, she and her team have task themselves to sharing on the topic. Our mission is to promote renewable energy in Latin-America. Our aspiration is to become a center of reference for Latin America to serve the private sector, academics, students, government agencies and any entity interested in renewable energy. In our site we will facilitate news, maps, conferences and events information, educative material, technical support, and the exchange of ideas. |
Website: http://latinoamericarenovable.com/nosotros/origen-mision-y-vision/#Origin
CANACINTRA - Green Economy Sector
Website: https://canacintra.org.mx/camara/sectores/sector-industrial-de-economia-verde/
Caux Round Table Japan
Caux Round Table (CRT) is a global network of business leaders working to realize a fair, free and transparent society through sustainable and socially responsible business. Since its establishment in 1986, at Caux in Switzerland, the members of CRT has been working to promote corporate social responsibility (CSR) and responsible business behavior based on CRT Principles for Business. As a founding member of CRT, CRT Japan has been providing a unique service that helps companies implement CSR. Guided by the belief “…putting one’s own house in order and on seeking to establish what is right rather than who is right.“, CRT Japan is expanding its activities while bridging between companies and various stakeholders. For the effective and efficient deployment of CSR activities under limited budget and human resources, CRT Japan developed “Sustainable Navigation”, a comprehensive framework of CSR activity, and provides service corresponding to each step specified in the framework. |
CCBA - The Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance
Business school INSEAD, Centrum for development OCDE, Telefonica Foundation
InnovaLatino: Driving innovation in Latin America is a report that is the result of collaboration between the business school INSEAD and the Development Centre of the OECD, supported by Fundación Telefónica. The aim of this publication is to investigate how innovation works in the business world. |
Website: https://www.insead.edu/
C2ES - Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
Website: http://www.c2es.org/business/belc
Business for Social Responsibility
Website: http://www.bsr.org
B4E Summit
B4E, the Business for Environment Global Summit, is the world's leading international conference for dialogue and business-driven action for the environment. The summit addresses the most urgent environmental challenges facing the world today. Important topics on the agenda include resource efficiency, renewable energies, new business models and climate policy and strategies. CEOs and senior executives join leaders from government, international agencies, NGOs and media to discuss environmental issues, forge partnerships and explore innovative solutions for a greener future. Past B4E Summits were convened for the last five years in Singapore, Paris, Copenhagen, Seoul, Mexico City, Cancun and Jakarta by the United Nations, WWF, Global Initiatives and host Governments. |
Website: http://b4esummit.com
Australian Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform
The Australian Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) Platform came together in 1997 from across food and beverage value-chain to provide practical and commercial perspectives on issues and policies that impact Australia’s agricultural sector. SAI is a unique member-based organisation committed to supporting the development of sustainable agriculture. The SAI aims to inform and advise on the key issues that impact sustainable food and beverage production in Australia. It undertakes activities and actions that could benefit the sector, including trialing approaches, implementing specific sustainability practices and encouraging R&D involving supply chain participants, and it partners with business, government and other networks to drive improved sustainability. The SAI Platform draws its strength from these different corporations and sectors, coming together to solve problems. The SAI’s focus is connecting the farm-gate, manufacturers, buyers, policy makers, retailers, academics and investors to solve problems in the best interests of the industry, our farmers and productivity. SAI members are actively undertaking sustainability actions within their own businesses and organisations. Members also share knowledge and information in areas of common interest (at the pre-competitive stage). Members have developed and are committed to a suite of sustainability guidelines covering environmental, social and economic aspects. |
AVINA Foundation
Foundation Avina is a Latin American foundation focused on producing large-scale changes for sustainable development by building collaborative processes between actors from different sectors. The Avina Foundation still receives substantial support from VIVA Trust - trust established in 2003 by its founder to promote sustainable development through alliances between private companies committed to the new economy and social impacts and philanthropic organizations that promote sustainable development through leadership and innovation. The foundation seeks a prosperous, integrated, caring, democratic Latin America, inspired in its diversity and solidarity by its citizens that globally for its own model of inclusive and sustainable development. It is a platform that supports projects for sustainable development, related to: access to water, climate change, sustainable cities, energy and extracting industry, sustainable management of Amazonia and Gran Chaco, innovative politics, migrations, recycling and technologies. The group promotes new models of collaboration to accelerate social impact combining social innovation, technological innovation and innovation in business between different actors and around shared objectives. |
Website: https://www.avina.net/
Asia LEDS Partnership
Low emission development strategies (LEDS) are country-led and country-specific strategic plans to promote economic growth while simultaneously reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (in absolute and/or relative terms) over the long term. Asia LEDS Partnership is a voluntary regional network comprised of individuals and organizations from the public, private, and non-governmental sectors active in designing, promoting, and/or implementing LEDS in Asia. It is one of three regional platforms of the LEDS Global Partnership,1 an initiative of more than 120 countries and international programs launched in 2011. LEDS carries the same meaning as low carbon development strategies, low emission climate resilient development strategies, and provide a framework to support broader green growth strategies. The Asia LEDS Partnership vision is an Asia and Pacific region with robust economic progress and low greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, with countries adopting and implementing LEDS and green growth practices. The Asia LEDS Partnership goal is to advance the development of country-led and country-specific strategic plans to promote economic growth while reducing GHG emissions—without causing trade-offs to other environmental pressures—in the Asia region. |
Website: http://www.asialeds.org/
Asia Business Council
The Asia Business Council was formed by a group of prominent business people and is the first pan-Asian CEO organization. Our primary goal is to understand and work toward the continued economic growth and competitiveness of Asia as a region. Our mission is to: foster dialogue and understanding among Asian and international business leaders; improve the efficacy of the private sector in promoting continued economic growth and development in the region; be a collective voice to influence other corporations, governments, multilateral organizations and members of civil society. We accomplish our goals by holding two member-only Forums in the spring and autumn of each year, facilitating subject specific task forces, and by conducting research in areas that impact on the Council's aims. Findings and recommendations for action are made public when appropriate. The Council conducts research on issues that are important to Asia’s future and, where appropriate, takes needed action. The Council is funded by its members and has no government affiliation.The Council is committed to guiding Asia as it increasingly influences the global marketplace. It has created a unique peer group whose members are shaping the agenda on key issues from trade to energy to development, with a goal of ensuring long-term, sustainable growth in the region. |
Website: http://www.asiabusinesscouncil.org/
Aldersgate Group
The Aldersgate Group is an alliance of leaders from business, politics and civil society that drives action for a sustainable economy. Their members include some of the largest businesses in the UK with a collective global turnover of over £300bn, leading NGOs, professional institutes, public sector bodies, trade bodies and politicians from across the political spectrum. We are politically impartial and champion the important role of the business sector in moving the UK and the EU towards a sustainable economy. We develop independent policy solutions based on the expertise and diversity of all members. Through our membership, we aim to represent every sector of the economy, allowing us to advocate change that benefits all parts of the economy. We engage with key decision makers, holding private roundtables with thought leaders to agree new approaches, member roundtables to brainstorm new ideas and public events to publicise important topics. |
Website: http://www.aldersgategroup.org.uk/
Airport Carbon Accreditation
Airport Carbon Accreditation is an independent, voluntary programme administered by WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff, an international consultancy appointed by ACI EUROPE to enforce the accreditation criteria for airports on an annual basis. The administration of the programme is overseen by anAdvisory Board. As of November 2011, Airport Carbon Accreditation has been extended to airports in the Asia-Pacific region, in cooperation with ACI Asia-Pacific. Airports applying to become accredited must have their carbon footprints independently verified in accordance with ISO14064 (Greenhouse Gas Accounting). Evidence of this must be provided to the programme administrator (WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff) together with all claims regarding carbon management processes which must also be independently verified.
The definitions of emissions footprints used by Airport Carbon Accreditation follow the principles of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the World Resources Institute (WRI) “Greenhouse Gas Protocol” Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. When considering the emissions from aircraft within the airport perimeter and on final approach and initial departure, Airport Carbon Accreditation uses the International Civil Aviation Organisation’s (ICAO) definition of the Landing-Take Off cycle and requires airports to comply with these definitions.” |
Website: http://www.airportcarbonaccreditation.org/about.html
Association that promotes the sustainability in the plastics production chain. It supports research and education initiatives and promotes the development of innovative technologies to reduce the environmental impact of the production chain. These initiatives include: a biennial conference "PVC and Sustainable Development"; research, courses and other academic activites; publications, including a dedicated website, newsletters and thematic papers. The organisation also manage the dissemination of knowledge required by the chain of PVC in the region for the introduction of improved production and management practices in companies in the region, in order to ensure the protection of the environment and health in the product life-cycle management. This includes: strategic management of sustainable development (Framework The Natural Step); ISO 14001 management systems - OHSAS 18000; climate neutrality in the chain of PVC; waste recovery/ recycling. |
Website: http://www.acoplasticos.org/
AccountAbility AA1000 series
AccountAbility's AA1000 series are principles-based standards to help organisations become more accountable, responsible and sustainable. They address issues affecting governance, business models and organizational strategy, as well as providing operational guidance on sustainability assurance and stakeholder engagement. The AA1000 standards are designed for the integrated thinking required by the low carbon and green economy, and support integrated reporting and assurance. The AA1000 AccountAbility Principles Standard (AA1000APS) provides a framework for an organisation to identify, prioritise and respond to its sustainability challenges. The AA1000 Assurance Standard (AA1000AS) provides a methodology for assurance practitioners to evaluate the nature and extent to which an organisation adheres to the AccountAbility Principles. The AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard (AA1000SES) provides a framework to help organisations ensure stakeholder engagement processes are purpose driven, robust and deliver results. |
Website: https://www.accountability.org/